(DH 21) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year HISTORY Paper – I : History of India (1526 TO 1761 A.D.) Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions All questions carry equal marks 1) Critically examine the political conditions of India at the time of Babur’s Invasion. ³ ²¾Þ ( Þ †|Þ ¼! .~” § v · ¾Þ ” Ì! ß«' ¾AiP!"¼! ( ß«¿$ÔŸ” (ç" ( ÉÈ" (¾Þ Ч ” »PÞ"†YA ß«¿Îņa (È" #2 2) “Babur was a great conquerer but not empire builder” – Explain. “³ ²¾Þ ( Y3ß«− Éj6 ” PA© Õ9~È" .i½ ¨¾A»” PA Þ (”– ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 3) Discuss the religions policy of Shersha. <ѾAÓ ¼? #PÞ"S È" (” ɤ §" È" #§" ( a ¿d†a (È" #2 4) Describe the Rajput policy of Akbar. DPÞ"¶¾Þ ( ¼? #PÞ"S ¾Aiß«'~” ɤ §" È" #§" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 5) Explain the role of Nurjahan in Mughal History. ÈE #YÞ"Ã(à a ¿~” Ä] §" .¾Þ mاJ ¬9~” §" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 6) How far Aurangazeb was responsible for the decline of Mughal Empire. ÈE #YÞ"ÄJ Õ9~È" .i½ ß«” § ¨P" O¾Þ †YÞ"j6 ²( J†” È" ¾Þ PÞ"( ºé¤ Þ (½|Þ (2 7) Write an essay on the Revenue administration under the Mughal. ÈE #YÞ"Ã(à PAƧ v ¾E ɧ" .½ ¬9ç ɤ §" È" # YÞ".¿d È ½ßÔ† ~È ¼! #È" #2 8) Describe the greatness of Shivaji. ÍÏèk Y3ß«−” ®è¨ª YÞ".¿d È" ¿Q†ß«'È" #2 9) Explain the Maratha Revenue and Military administration. È" (¾AxAà ¾E ÈE §" .½ È" (¿¼! # RTÔ¨PÞ" ß«¿¬9ç" YÞ".¿d ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 10) Write a brief note on the history of Peshwar. <«Ò9Ëà a ¿~” §" ( YÞ".¿d PÞ"(Çß«›†YA ~Ïè¼! #È" #2 (DH22) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year HISTORY Paper – II : Social and Economic History of Modern India (1757 To 1947) Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions All questions carry equal marks. 1) Give an account of Indian economic conditions during the British period in the 17th century. 5;È" Ì! ◊è²£†Ä] ~´v! ÑŒ F†| ¼! . Ä]¨ E¿¦PÞ" $ÔŸ‡YÞ"” (à YÞ".¿d ”E Ã(ß«'È" #2 2) Explain the effects of western education on Indian society. ¾é¾Þ š¼! (ßÔÈ" .iÈ" # RT« ¬9ÌAd” ½ ɦè½~ß«¾éÈ" È" #§" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 3) Assess the role of Christian missionaries to social reforms in British India. ^RPE"ßÔ›È" È" (” Ôß †ßÔŸÃ( ~´v! ŒÑ F†| ¼! .Ä] Õ9†$—(PÞ" ßÔ†ßÔS¾Þ Ï ÃPÞ"( a $Ô§" ¬9~” §" ( D†a ®è È ¼! #È" #2 4) Write a brief account of the British land and revenue reforms in the 18th century. 5<È" Ì! ◊è´£Ä] ~´v! ÑŒ Ïè¾Þ ( ~ß«È Ì! T«v w§" ·! .É( ÍßÔ(› ßÔ†ßÔS¾Þ Ï Ã YÞ"(¿†b PÞ"(Çß«›†YA ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 5) Explain the impact of Industrial revolution in England on ruining the village industries is India. F†YAdž|Þ (Ä]¨ ¬9¿®ÌAÉ(PÞ" Éß«ÇÈ" †0 ¾é¾Þ š¼! (®YAÊ(Ï ß«¿®Ì! È" (à ߫” §" † RT« Kɤ Þ RÈE (§" ~ß«¾éÈ" † a .$«§" m ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 6) Examine the role of Arya Samaj to the social reforms in India. ¾é¾Þ ”J Ä] ßԆߗ(ßÔ†ßÔS¾Þ Ï ÃPÞ"( E¾Þ ½ßÔÈ" .i† a $Ô§" <ÔÈ" ç" ( ß«¿Îņ߫'È" #2 7) Write a note on the eradication of untouchability movements in the British India. ~´v! ŒÑ F†| ¼! .Ä] D†u¾A¨” §" † ¨¾Þ .»Ã§" PÞ"( ¬9u(ß«| §" H Þ ½È" .à YÞ".¿d ~Ïè¼! #È" #2 8) Describe the importance of Vandemataram Movement. È" † È" .” ¾Þ † H Þ ½È" ( ~¬9È" #R齨ª È" ¿Q†ß«'È" #2 9) Examine the effects of Salt Satyagraha of 1930 on the Indian National Movement. ¾é¾Þ ” Õ9Ë” †~”m Þ ½È" († RT« 5=74 Hß«• ßÔ◊è½®YÞ"ß× ~ß«¾éÈ" È" #§" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 10) Explain the part played by the revolutionary patriots for the Indian independence. ¾é¾Þ ” Õ9Ë” †~” ½È" #§" PÞ"( Ì! ·! P"› Éß«ß ÇÈ" PA¾Þ (Ã( ¬u$цb§" ¬9~” §" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 (DH23) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year HISTORY Paper – III : Historical Method with Special Reference to Indian History Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions All questions carry equal marks. 1) Explain various definitions of history. a ¿~” PÞ"( YÞ"à Éɤ Þ ¾Þ PAà ¨¾Þ Ëa ®èç" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a †| 2 2) Write an essay on history as a science. a ¿~” §" ( MPÞ" ÌAßÔ‰†YA «ß ¿YÞ"Ï †b MPÞ" Ïè½ßÔ† ¾A¼! (†| 2 3) Discuss the importance of External criticism in history. a ¿~” Ä] ºéß× ½ÉÈ" (¾Þ » ~¬9È" #T ½” §" ( a ¿d†a †| 2 4) Examine the role of Exposition in historical method. a ¿~” ¾Þ a ®è ß« Þ ¦‡Ä] ~ß«‡¬9 Þ §" ¬9~” §" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a †| 2 5) Write a note on the salient features of European historiography. L¾m¬9 a ¿~” ¾Þ a §" ¼? #PÞ"S ~ß«¤¦è§" Ã…Þ"ÖéÃRT« MPÞ" Ïè½TS ¾A¼! (†| 2 6) Discuss the ideas of Arnold Toynbee. E¾AªÄJ } sé¼! (§J µ ¾éÏèç" ( YÞ"(¿†b a ¿d†a †| 2 7) Explain the important sources for writing the Medieval Indian history. È" (¤ Þ ½¼! #YÞ" ¾é¾Þ ” Ì! a ¿~” ¾A¼! (yè¨P" PAÈ" Ã$Ô§" È" #T½RÈE (§" Eª¦è¾Aç" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a †| 2 8) Examine the importance of Itihasa and puranas as historical works. ^è¿~” PÞ" PAÏè½Ã(YA F‡ß× ßÔ0 ß«'¾AÖéÃPÞ"(§" ª ~¬9È" #T½” §" ( ß«¿Îņa †| 2 9) Describe the Marxist interpretation of history. È" .¿S "ÖßÔ(w a ¿~” Ïè½R齮訪 ÉÈ" ¿†a †| 2 10) Discuss the historical approach of subaltern historians. Duw|Þ (YÞ"( È" ¾A\à a ¿~” PA¾Þ (à ^è¿~” PÞ" ßÔÊ(ß« È" .¾A\ç" ( a ¿d†a †| 2 (DH 24) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year HISTORY Paper – IV : History of Contemporary World Since 1919 Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions All questions carry equal marks 1) Explain the role of Britain, France and Italy in the Paris Peace Conference, 1919. 5=5= ¬9¿ŒÔ ÌA†‡ ßÔÈ" .È Ì! È" #Ä] ~´u§J 0 ~°9§J Ö0 FuÆ Ã ¬9~” §" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 2) Describe the post-world war – I political re-arrangements in Europe. ÈE # Þ v ~ß«ß«†a ¼! # Þ ¦† ” ¾AË” ¼! $¾Þ Œ«Ä] ¾AiP!"¼! ( ß«'§" ¾Þ Ë"½È" ‚ÔŸPÞ"¾Þ Ï YÞ"(¿†b È" ¿Q†ß«'È" #2 3) Write an essay on the significance of the Geneva Protocol and the Locarno Pact. j? ©Ïè ~¬uv]PAÄJ 0 Ä]PÞ"¾mª Mß«−†¦èà ~¬9È" #T½” §" ( YÞ"(¿†b ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 4) Examine the role of the League of Nations is promoting peace during the two world wars. ¾E †|Þ ( ~ß«ß«†a ¼! #¦è−à §" |Þ (È" ( ®è®ègé‡ ßÔÉ(‡ i¿$«§" ÌA†‡ ~ß«®P"¼! (ç" ( ß«¿Îņ߫'È" #2 5) Give an account of Germany’s aggression on Poland and Czechoslovakia. ¬uÄ? †|‹ 0 aE PmÕuÇÉP"¼! .à RT« i¾Þ »© Þ (¾A®PÞ"È" (Ï §" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 6) Explain the causes and effects of the Spanish civil war. TÔ−¾ #§J D†” ¾Þ (½¦è¦¨P" YÞ"à PA¾Þ ÖéÃ(0 ß—Å◊èç" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 7) Write a critical note on Manchurian crisis. È" (†a .¿¼! . ßÔÈ" (ßÔ½§" ( ÉÌ Ç$цa (È" #2 8) What was the role of USA in the second world war? ¾E †|Þ È" ~ß«ß«†a ¼! # Þ ¦†Ä] DÈE (¿PA ¬9~” KÉ(v B 9) Analyse the importance of Truman Doctrine. ~u.È" (§J ßÔ.~” † ¼? #PÞ"S ~¬9È" #T½” §" ( ÉÌ Ç$цa (È" #2 10) Explain the Globalization of economy and its effects. E¿¦PÞ" ~ß«ß«†cPÞ"¾Þ Ï 0 ¦è¨ ß—Å◊èà YÞ".¿d ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 T (DH 24) M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE - 2014 (Examination at the end of Second Year) HISTORY Paper - IV : History of Contemporary World Since 1919 Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1) Write a note on Fourteen points of President Wilson. ~T«$Ô|E †vJ ÉÃÖ§J ¼? #PÞ"S 58 ßÔ.~◊èà YÞ".¿d ~Ïè¼! #È" #2 2) Examine the emergence of Turkey under the leadership of Kamal Pasha. PÞ"È" (ÄJ ¬9Ò9 ®è¼! (PÞ"” ˆÄ] u¿S ¼? #PÞ"S H§" ª‡¨ ß«¿Îņ߫'È" #2 3) Discuss the successes and failures of the League of Nations. ®è®ègé‡ ßÔÉ(‡ ¼? #PÞ"S Éi¼! .Ã(0 RÈE ß—Ëé½Ã YÞ".¿d a ¿d†ß«'È" #2 4) Explain the principles of Fascism and its growth in Italy. °9$Ôi† ¼? #PÞ"S Ã…Þ"ÖéÃ(0 FuÆÄ] ¦è¨ T«¾Þ (YÞ"( Þ Ã§" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 5) Trace the salient features of the history of Great Britain from 1919 to 1939. 5=5=*5=7= ßÔ†ˆˆ à È" (¤ Þ ½ ®Y"vJ ~´u§J a ¿~” Ä] ßÔ†·! Ɇb§" È" #T½ ß—(séwç" ( ”E ż! (j6 ¼! #È" #2 6) Examine the political developments which resulted in the establishment of communist government in China. RaE ®èÄ] PÞ"È" $½¨ŒÔw ~ß«·! (” Ë K¾A−u(PÞ"( ¦è¿ š$Ô§" ¾AiP!"¼! ( ß«¿ÖéÈ" .ç" ( ß«¿Îņ߫'È" #2 7) Narrate the functions of the United Nations Organization. LPÞ"½¾Ai½ ßÔÉ(‡ ¨¾Þ Ë$× †a ( ɤ Þ (ç" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 8) Write briefly about the military pacts signed by the USA after the Second World War. ¾E †|Þ È" ~ß«ß«†a ¼! # Þ ¦† ” ¾AË” DÈE (¿PA a ßÔ(PÞ"(§" ª RTÔ¨PÞ" Mß«−†¦èà YÞ".¿d ßÔ†®YÞ"ß× †YA ~Ïè¼! #È" #2 9) Examine the factors which gave rise to the Cold War. ~ß«a h§" ª ¼! #¦è¦¨Mëû ¦è¿ š$Ô§" PA¾Þ Öéç" ( ß«¿Îņ߫'È" #2 10) Critically evaluate the developments that led to the collapse of USSR. Õuɼ! (vJ ¾Þ Ò9½ ß«” ®è¨Mëû ¦è¿ š$Ô§" ß«¿$ÔŸ” (ç" ( ßÔ(¨Í” †YA D†a ®è È ¼! #È" #2 ● ● ● ● ● (DH25) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year HISTORY Paper – V : History of Modern Andhra (1765 TO 1956) Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer all Questions All questions carry equal marks. 1) a) What is meant by ceded districts? How the British acquired them? Þ ” ›È" (†|Þ ËéÃ( D§" YA§ É(B DÉ F†[ÇßÑ( Ïè¾Þ ( JËé ¬u†¦è¾m ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 OR b) Examine the revolts against British in Andhra and how they suppressed them. E†~¤ Þ Ä] ~´v! ŒÑ Ïè¿RT« ‡¾Þ (YÞ"(ºéu(Ç0 Ïèsëü¨ JËé DÏ bÈ ÌA¾m ß«¿Îņa (È" #2 2) a) Discuss the Zamindariand Ryotwari settlement in Andhra under the East India Company. E†~¤ Þ Ä] GŒÔw F†yëý¼! . PÞ"†T«© ~ß«È Ì! T«sëüt§" iÉ(†¦èÀ È" (¿¼! # R¾E ◊èË¿ ÍßÔ(›¨¾Þ Q¼! ( ß« Þ £” (à YÞ"(¿†b a ¿d†a (È" #2 OR b) Describe the social and cultural conditions in Telangana under the Asafjahis. ”E ÆYAÏ Ä] DßÔŒ—gé‚× Ã PAÆ®èsëü Õ9†$—(PÞ" È" (¿¼! # Õ9†ßÔS ’‡PÞ" ß«¿$Ô¦” (ç" ( ÉÈ" ¿†ß«'È" #2 3) a) Write an essay on Brahma Samaj Movement in Andhra. E†~¤ Þ Ä] ~²ß× »ßÔÈ" .i H Þ ½È" .¨ª YÞ".¿d Ïè½ßÔ† ~Ïè¼! #È" #2 OR b) Discuss the contribution of Gurajada Apparao to the social reform Movement. Õ9†$—(PÞ" ßÔ†ßÔS¾Þ Ï H Þ ½È" .¨Mëû YÞ"(¾Þ gé|Þ D¬9−¾AÈ" ' a $Ô§" <ÔÈ" ç" ( a ¿d†a (È" #2 4) a) Examine the factors for the growth of Nationalism in Andhra. E†~¤ Þ Ä] géš¼! (¾éÈ" È" ’¡¦Mëû mß× Þ † a $Ô§" D†ÌAç" ( ß«¿Îņa (È" #2 OR b) Discuss the importance of Home Rule Movement in Andhra. E†~¤ Þ Ä] ß×]ÈJ (¾Þ .ÄJ H Þ ½È" ( ~¬9È" #R齨ª a ¿d†a (È" #2 5) a) Write about the salt satyagraha Movement in Andhra and role of Gandhiji. E†~¤ Þ Ä] Hß«• ßÔ◊è½®YÞ"ß× H Þ ½È" (È" #0 YA†¤¢k ¬9~” §" ( YÞ".¿d ~Ïè¼! #È" #2 OR b) Write an essay on the Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1956. 5=9: T« Þ £ È" (§" (ßÑ(à Mß«−† Þ † RT« Ïè½ßÔ† ~Ïè¼! #È" #2