Group Analysis: Tensions of ICT Use in Secondary School System Group 1 Tools Modules, Group Projects, Online Assessment, Budget, Computer Labs Tools needed Classroom computers, projectors (a) (d) (f) (c) Subject Teacher B: Subject Liaison Teacher Object Support teachers and students in developing ICT literacy skills (h) (g) (b) (e) Rules School Plan School Timetable National Curriculum and Examinations Partner Curriculum and Accreditation Community Students Teachers Management Community Partner Division of Labour Teach ICT skills to pupils and teachers Liaise with partner Identified Tensions Teacher–tools: The insufficiency of ICT training and inadequacy of lab resources hampers the teacher’s efforts to implement ICT in the teaching-learning process. b) Teacher–rules: Tight time-tables and bureaucratic planning inhibit opportunities for the teacher to research, to direct self-learning to communicate with other teachers on ICT use. Teachers tend to be excluded from school policy and planning on ICT use in the school environment. c) Teacher-objective: The teachers are not involved in defining objectives for their training needs for ICT integration. There are many constraints and no incentives for teachers to apply ICT in their daily practice. d) Tools-community: The insufficiency of ICT resources available to teachers inhibits inter-disciplinary collaboration internally between teachers and ICT liaison/ coordinators, and between teachers and other teachers from other schools. e) Rules-community: The merging community of ICT teacher practitioners are not familiar with rules for ICT use in classroom practice and are not involved in planning policy or contributing to curriculum for ICT use. f) Tools-objective: There is a contradiction between implementing TPD course objectives for ICT use in school environments where there is the challenge of insufficient tools. g) Rules-objective: The inflexibility of rules inherent in school plans, timetables, national examinations causes a contradiction with objectives for ICT integration where teachers must comply with traditional assessment regulations. There is a lack of alignment between educational policy for assessment and emerging policies for ICT integration. h) Teachers-community: The lack of adequate communication between teachers and parents in the community brings about tensions in understanding as to the purpose of ICT integration and teachers encounter a lack of support from the community for experimentation. The extended school community is not consulted or involved in the formulation of objectives. a) Group 2 Tools Modules, Group Projects, Online Assessment, Budget, Computer Labs Tools needed Classroom computers, projectors (a) Subject Teacher B: Subject Liaison Teacher (e) Object Support teachers and students in developing ICT literacy skills (c) (d) Rules School Plan School Timetable National Curriculum and Examinations Partner Curriculum and Accreditation (b) Community Students Teachers Management Community Partner Division of Labour Teach ICT skills to pupils and teachers Liaise with partner Identified Tensions Teacher–tools: The inadequacy of the teacher’s knowledge of and comfort with ICT tools results in a lack of understanding as to how to use tools in practice. b) Teacher–community: The lack of communication between the teacher and other teachers in the school community of practitioners inhibits collective participation of all units of the school. The efforts of only one teacher to use ICT in practice will not ensure institutionalization of the process and the initiative will remain at individual level. c) Teacher-role: The teacher has not acquired sufficient competencies through her training course to use ICT in practice. There is a lack of support from the school administration for the teacher’s new liaison role between the school community and the technology partner. d) Teacher-rules: The use of alternative ICT tools and approaches in practice would jeopardize the teacher’s ability to fulfill rules and regulations in the traditional marking system. This contradiction reduces the opportunity of the teacher to explore the affordances of ICT tools in her practice. e) Teacher-objective: The teacher is anxious over her inability to achieve the ICT literacy objective for all staff within the constraints of the school regulatory environment. The requirement of accountability in top-down systems creates tension and contradictions that are counterproductive to the development of staff capability. a) Group 3 Tools Modules, Group Projects, Online Assessment, Budget, Computer Labs Tools needed Classroom computers, projectors a Subject Teacher B: Subject Liaison Teacher b Object Support teachers and students in developing ICT literacy skills c d Rules School Plan School Timetable National Curriculum and Examinations Partner Curriculum and Accreditation Community Students Teachers Management Community Partner Division of Labour Teach ICT skills to pupils and teachers Liaise with partner Identified Tensions Teacher–tools: The teacher lacks understanding on the use of the ICT tools for her professional practice and displays a lack of willingness to embrace tools and a reluctance to change. b) Teacher–role: The teacher has been asked to take on the role of other specialists - an ICT coordinator’s which creates contradictions and tensions within her school and her normal role of subject teacher. There is a lack of understanding as to the parameters of her new liaison role with the external and where it fits in the school regulatory framework. c) Teacher-rules: The overemphasis on examinations in the school system results in the teacher’s unwillingness to use ICT. Regulations to integrate ICT into the curriculum in the field of assessment would be required to create a more conducive environment for technology oriented change across all curriculum areas. d) Teacher-community: The complementary role of the teacher as liaison between school management and the partner, between the school community and the partner has not been fully understood or developed. There seems to be a lack of commitment that makes partnership responsibilities difficult to accomplish. a) Tensions of ICT Use in Teachers’ Secondary School Environment Group 1: Tension A: Teachers & tools Lack of training Labs not well equipped Lack of books, maths Tension B; Teachers & Rules Tight timetables No time for research, own learning, communication Bureaucracy Not involved in formulation of rules Tension C: Teachers & Objectives No discussion with teachers Many constraints No incentives Tension D: Tools and community Inadequate tools in schools Tension E: Tools and objectives Objectives formulated without tools available Tension F: Rules and Community Community not aware of rules Not involved in rule formulation Tension G: Rules and objective Rules not aligned to objectives Tension H: Teachers and Community Misunderstood by community – lack of support Tension I: Community and objective Community not involved in formulation of objectives Group 2: Teachers & tools Teachers don’t know how to use tools Teachers & Community Expectation to use tool Teachers & Role Competence Teachers & Rules Inability to fulfill rules Teachers & objective Anxiety over inability Group 3 Teachers & tools Lack of understanding of tools Willingness to embrace tools/ reluctance to change Teachers & object Asked to play other people’s rols Not understanding of new role Teachers & Curriculum/ rules Overemphasis on examinations Teachers Community & Role Complementary roles not understood Support to initiatives – Emerging aspect: Support to teachers needed Anxiety of accountability in top-down systems Balance accountability with capability