MINUTES of the Monthly Meeting of Dinas Powys Community Council held in the Lee Hall, Dinas Powys, on Thursday, 9 th January 2014.
PRESENT: Cllrs. V. Driscoll (Chairman), J. R. Fanshaw, C. P. Franks, R. A. Foxwell, M. Hartrey,
Mrs. V. M. Hartrey, K. Hatton, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. M. Randall, Mrs. R. Reeves, A. R. Robertson,
S. T. Thomas and J. H. Williams.
85. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - Cllrs. Mrs. C. Mirza-Davies, Mrs. M. R. Hayley and C. J. Williams.
86. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.
87. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 5 th December 2013 having been previously circulated were taken as read, and on the Motion of Cllr. K. Hatton and seconded by Cllr. J. R. Fanshaw it was RESOLVED - THAT such Minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
Proposed New Medical Centre in Dinas Powys
The Developers are proposing to hold an Open Session in the near future. No details have been received to date. It is anticipated that plans will be submitted to the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s
Planning Department during April/May 2014.
Sycamore Trees - Side of Parish Hall
Both sycamore trees have been removed by Acorn Tree Services and, as agreed, half of the costs incurred have been paid to the Community Council by the owners of the neighbouring property.
Battery Recycling Containers
Cllr. Mrs. Hartrey is to obtain a cardboard battery recycling container which will be held in the Council’s
Dinas Powys Voluntary Concern Minibus
The infra-red lights have been adjusted to include the area where the minibus is parked. The purchase of the part which stops the catalytic converter from being removed is being looked into.
Christmas Best Dressed Window Competition
The two winners of the competition were Care in the Community at The Murch (who donated the prize to Marie Currie) and The Crafty Art Box in Station Road. Both businesses received a cheque of £50.00 each.
St. Andrew’s Major Footpath Project and the Bridleway, Cross Common Project
Both projects are to commence in the near future.
St. Andrew’s Cemetery and The Westra
Second quotations are in hand for removal of the trees at the front of St. Andrew’s Cemetery and crown lifting the trees at The Westra.
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St. Cyres School – Improvements
A Meeting took place today (Thursday, 9 th January 2014). The Vale of Glamorgan Council was sending senior officers to talk about shortcomings.
The Vale of Glamorgan Council Corporate Plan and Budgetary Priorities 2014/2015
Amendment: “Councillors were recommended to look at the Corporate Plan” not Fund as previously stated.
The Vale of Glamorgan Deposit Local Development Plan
Invoices have now been received from the Town Planner and Traffic and Highway Consultant who assisted Council with the response to the Vale of Glamorgan Local Development Plan. Costs incurred were slightly lower than the Budget set aside.
Cllr. K. Hatton proposed, Cllr. J. H. Williams seconded, and Council APPROVED the payments of accounts as submitted to the Meeting.
On the Motion of Cllr. R. A. Foxwell and seconded by Cllr. V. Driscoll it was RESOLVED - THAT the report of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 7 th January 2014 be accepted subject to the following matters subsequently raised:
Projector and Screen – Lee Hall
Council AGREED the purchase of a projector and screen for the Lee Hall up to a maximum spend of
£1,500.00 and the rules stipulated regarding hiring of the equipment.
Cross Common – Verges
Council AGREED to a site meeting with the Chairman of Finance and a reputable Contractor taking place to discuss trimming back the verges. Details and costs will be discussed at the next Finance and
General Purposes Committee Meeting in April.
Financial Position of Council and Cash Flow Forecast 2013/2014
The Chairman of Finance informed Council of the Financial Position of Council to date, the Cash Flow
Forecast and monies invested in the NatWest Investment Bond. Also the Budget Forecast for
2014/2015, proposed Capital Expenditure and the need to set aside a substantial amount for both halls’ roofs in case of damage.
Town/Community Council Tax Precept - 2014/2015
Details of the Precept for 2014/2015 were fully explained and Council AGREED - THAT the Band D
Precept remains the same as 2013/20154 = £25.52p on a basis that a levy of £1.00 will produce
£3,539.00 (Precept £90,315.26p).
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Applications for Financial Assistance
Council APPROVED the requests for Financial Assistance and AGREED - THAT
Penarth and District Stroke Support Association apply for financial funding. Council also AGREED -
THAT letters are sent to Miss. Ceri Edwards and Miss. Rebekah West inviting them to give a report of their trips, at a suitable Monthly Meeting of Council, after they have returned from their ventures.
Revised Model Standing Orders
Council AGREED the adaption of One Voice Wales’s Model Standing Orders and the Community
Council’s which is being actioned by Cllr. Mrs. J. Jones and the Clerk, prior to the next Finance Meeting in
April 2014.
Commemoration of the First World War – 1914-1918
The Vale of Glamorgan Council is asking local Community Groups and Community Councils to use the
Council’s website to publish details of the events they have planned to mark the anniversary. Details of the Community Council’s contribution of £300.00 towards the costs of constructing a Welsh Garden of
Remembrance in Flanders could be placed on this site.
Council AGREED to the proposals for the Chairman of Finance to pursue costs for illuminating The
War Memorial on the Twyn, a booklet containing details of those listed on The War Memorial and commemorative mugs for local school children. Details will be discussed at the next Finance Meeting in
April 2014.
The Clerk is to write to the Dinas Powys Branch of The Royal British Legion and the Dinas Powys
History Society seeking their ideas/comments.
Cllr. Mrs V. M. Hartrey informed Council that she had approached the Acting Chairman of the former
Dinas Powys Civic Society who had agreed to the possibility of a donation from the Society towards the lighting around The War Memorial.
Cllr. J. R. Fanshaw stated that the Murchfield Community Centre is proposing to contact local schools with a view to inviting school children to the Murchfield Community Centre, to include use of the cinema equipment, enabling the school children to be shown suitable programmes of the First World
War and the possibility of speakers attending.
Section 137 Expenditure – Limit for 2014/2015
Council AGREED to the increase of £7.20p as received from the Welsh Government.
Lone Worker Policy
Due to the Clerk occasionally working alone in the office, and possibly requiring assistance due to being ill or having a fall, it was proposed that a Lone Worker Policy should be in place. Cllrs. S. T. Thomas and J. R. Fanshaw have agreed to produce a suitable document.
Cllr. R. A. Foxwell proposed that a chain/bell for the door or panic button security should be installed as soon as possible. Council AGREED and the Clerk was to action.
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Lights – The Twyn
The Chair of Finance agreed to investigate the costs for installing permanent lights in the larger Trees on The Twyn and outside the Parish Hall. Details will be raised at the next Finance Meeting in
April 2014. Council was informed that the lights will be on a timer and not on permanently.
Dinas Powys Athletic Club – Unadopted Road Leading to the Club
Council was informed of the recent letter received from the Chairman of the Athletic Club. The
Chairman of Council was to respond to the points raised and also include copies of official correspondence dating back to 1969 which outlined that Dinas Powys Athletic Club was responsible for the repairs to to the unadopted road leading to the Club.
Cllr. C. P. Franks verbally presented to Council the County Councillor's Report for January 2014 which outlined the Welsh Government’s comments regarding the Local Development Plan and the Vale of
Glamorgan Council’s winter highway preparations. A copy of the report will be e-mailed to all
Councillors by the Clerk.
Cllr. Franks also advised that a report is to be issued on Cross Common Road Bridge within the next two weeks.
Council was informed of three letters of dispensation received from the Vale of Glamorgan Council. The letters of dispensation grant “Cllrs. C. P. Franks, Mrs. V. M. Hartrey and K. Hatton to speak only during any debate in Dinas Powys Community Council in connection with matters involving the Dinas Powys
Voluntary Concern. The three named Councillors are Trustees of the Dinas Powys Voluntary Concern and Members of the Management Board.”
Replacement Piano – Parish Hall
Cllr. J. H. Williams, in light of the numerous Concerts, etc., held in the Parish Hall, recommended Council consider replacing the existing upright Parish Hall piano. Council AGREED for an expert to inspect the existing piano and the matter be raised at the next Halls Committee Meeting in February 2014 with a view to progressing the recommendation.
Bridgend/Vale/Cardiff Area Committee Meeting – Monday, 13 th January 2014
Cllrs. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey and Mrs. J. Jones have agreed to attend the One Voice Wales Area Committee
Meeting, being held in Cowbridge at 7.00 p.m. Council was informed that Professor J. Cartwright is attending the Meeting to give a presentation on the implications of fracking.
Vale of Glamorgan Council Planning Site Visits
Cllr. M. Hartrey informed Council that one of the proposed Planning Site Inspection is to take place at Old Mill Cottage, Mill Road, Dinas Powys, on Thursday, 16 th January 2014 at approximately 12.15 p.m.
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Vale of Glamorgan C.A.S.H. Grant Applications – 2014/2015
Council was informed that the Vale of Glamorgan Council was inviting Town and Community Council’s to apply for a C.A.S.H. Grant and the total anticipated sum of £30,000 will probably be provided.
Closing date for any application is 31 st March 2014.
93. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - THURSDAY, 13 TH FEBRUARY 2014 at 7.00 p.m., to be held in the
Lee Hall.
The Meeting closed at 8.10 p.m.
Signed: ......................................................................... Date: ..............................................................
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