CYNGOR CYMUNED DINAS POWYS COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES of the Monthly Meeting of Dinas Powys Community Council held in the Lee Hall, Dinas Powys, on Thursday, 11th July 2013. PRESENT: Cllrs. V. Driscoll (Chairman), Mrs. C. Mirza-Davies, R. A. Foxwell, M. Hartrey, Mrs. V. M. Hartrey, Mrs. M. R. Hayley, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. M. Randall, A . R. Robertson, S. T. Thomas and J. H. Williams. ALSO PRESENT: Mrs. L. Jefferies, Mrs. P. Beere, Mr. R. Pattenden, Mr. B. Morgan, Mrs. B. Wardas, Mr. M. Moneypenny – Re: Access Road Leading to Dinas Powys Athletic Club. 25. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - Cllrs. J. R. Fanshaw, C. P. Franks, K. Hatton, Mrs. R. Reeves and C. J. Williams. 26. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllrs. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey in matters relating to Dinas Powys owned Allotments at St. Andrew’s Major and took no part in discussions. 27. UNADOPTED ACCESS ROAD LEADING FROM THE SOUTHRA TO DINAS POWYS ATHLETIC CLUB Mrs. P. Beere requested permission from Council to speak on behalf of residents residing along the unadopted part of the Southra Road to Dinas Powys Athletic Club. The Chairman welcomed the residents and invited Mrs. P. Beere to discuss matters regarding the condition of the unadopted road leading to the Athletic Club. Mrs. Beere read from a statement produced specifically for the Meeting regarding the history and the condition of the road. A copy of this statement was circulated to all Councillors present. Mr. B. Morgan also added comments regarding the road and of several avenues which can be pursued by Dinas Powys Athletic Club to repair and maintain the road in the future. Due to the heavy volume of traffic and large delivery vehicles residents’ views were that the responsibility to repair the road is that of Dinas Powys Athletic Club who should repair the existing potholes and the road maintained at a safe level. The Chairman thanked the residents for attending the Meeting and informed them of the Council’s intention to hold a Meeting, as soon as possible, with the Chairman of Dinas Powys Athletic Club and Members of the Community Council’s Management Committee to hopefully resolve the matter. Residents will be duly informed of the outcome. 28. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 11th July 2013 having been previously circulated were taken as read, and on the Motion of Cllr. R. A. Foxwell and seconded by Cllr. M. Hartrey it was RESOLVED - THAT such Minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 29. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES: Petition – Dinas Powys By-Pass Cllr. A. R. Robertson has completed the necessary form and is waiting to discuss matters with Cllr. C. P. Franks. Cllr. Robertson informed Councillors of the details stated on the form. Clerk to ascertain from One Voice Wales if Council can organise a petition for residents’ support in a By-Pass. -1- Enhanced Fixed Rate Bond – Issue 28 The Clerk has been in contact with the Bank in order to discuss the maturing Issue 28 Bond and seeking advice for a further investment of £20K. The £40K Bond matured on 10th July 2013. Disabled Parking Bay – Parish Hall Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey has requested the Vale Council to relocate the disabled parking bay area to the end of the white line, located by the disabled ramp. Bus Services – 93 and 95 It was confirmed that the No. 93 bus is going over The Murch. Representations to the Vale Council expressing concerns regarding the proposed reduction of the No. 95 bus which runs from Barry to Cardiff from 3 buses every hour to 2 is in hand. Environmental Education Centre and Conservation Area – Dŵr Cymru, Cog Moors, Dinas Powys Council AGREED - THAT a visit will take place on Monday, 23rd September 2013 at 10.00 a.m. Seven Councillors indicted that it was their wish to attend. The Clerk is to arrange the visit. Play and Adult Outdoor Leisure Equipment – Dinas Powys Common Two signs have been purchased advising parents that the adult equipment is not suitable for children under the age of 14 years. Due to bedrock on Dinas Powys Common it is necessary to hire a Kango and generator for the posts which will be actioned as soon as possible. Shrubs on Boundary of Properties at The Square, Dinas Powys Two quotations have been obtained - £200 and £140. Council AGREED to the lower quotation. Best Allotment and Best Newcomer Prizes Council was informed of a very good inspection of the Allotments on Saturday, 29 th June 2013. The next inspection is to take place over the Bank Holiday Weekend. A notice has been placed at the allotment site to this effect. Payment of Wicksteed Leisure Limited Invoices The first payment has been made and the necessary documentation completed to claim back part of the Grant and Section 106 monies from Creative Rural Communities. Dinas Powys Pony Club – Field Below St. Cyres Site in Dinas Powys The Clerk, on behalf of Cllr. K. Hatton, advised that the Pony Club is liaising with Officers of the Vale of Glamorgan Council. Cllr. K. Hatton will give a full report in September. Ysgol Pen-Y-Garth Council AGREED – THAT Penarth Town Council’s representative will remain as a School Governor even though it is Dinas Powys Community Council’s four year turn. The Head of Governor Support and Penarth Town Council are to be informed of the decision. 30. TO AUTHORISE AND CONFIRM THE PAYMENTS OF ACCOUNTS Cllr. R. A. Foxwell proposed and Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey seconded the approval, as submitted to the Meeting, and payments were duly approved by the Meeting. -2- 31. FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE MEETING On the Motion of Cllr. J. H. Williams and seconded by Cllr. R. A. Foxwell it was RESOLVED - THAT the report of the Meeting, given by Cllr. S.T. Thomas, Vice-Chairman, held on Thursday, 20th June 2013 be accepted subject to the following matters subsequently raised: Dinas Powys Business Directory Dinas Powys Voluntary Concern has decided against including a Businesses section in the forthcoming Dinas Powys Community Directory booklet due to not being able to recommend unknown businesses. Applications for Financial Assistance: a. Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital for Wales – Phase Two Council AGREED the donation of £100.00. b. Welsh National Memorial In Flanders Campaign – Commemoration of World War One Committee had suggested a donation of £300.00 but had requested the Clerk to obtain further details before a final decision was made. The Vice-Chairman informed of the response received from the Campaign Co-ordinator and Council AGREED the approval of a £300.00 donation. Website Development Initiative Grant Council AGREED the Committee’s recommendations of not to apply for a grant and to place future Planning Applications on the Community Council’s website with a link to the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s website. Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011. Part 7: Communities and Community Councils Cllr. Mrs. J. Jones discussed with Members the relevant parts of the document which affect Community Councils. Cllr. Mrs. Jones agreed to respond. Staff Matters Council AGREED the Annual Incremental increase from Spinal Point 15 to 16 and the purchase of an Garden Centre Voucher for the sum of £80.00 for the Handyman who was 80 years of age recently. Condition of Unadopted Road – Southra Farm to Dinas Powys Athletic Club A Meeting with the Chairman of the Athletic Club and Members of the Management Committee is to be arranged as soon as possible. 32. PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING On the Motion of Cllr. R. A. Foxwell and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. M. R. Hayley it was RESOLVED - THAT the report of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 9th July 2013 be accepted subject to the following matters subsequently raised: Land at Maverick Stables, Argae Lane, Dinas Powys Council was informed of the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Enforcement Officer e-mail advising he was unable to visit the site recently. He intended to re-visit the site before discussing with the Vale’s Legal Team. -3- Proposed New Medical Centre in Dinas Powys Following the ‘Drop In Session’ held in the Lee Hall on Tuesday, 18th June 2013 a decision was awaited on whether the Medical Centre will be located at the former St. Cyres site. The Next Steps Leaflet The Vale of Glamorgan Council had recently produced a leaflet regarding the future of the former St. Cyres School Site in Dinas Powys. Copies were available for Councillors. This leaflet is also to be distributed with the next copy of the Depend. Dinas Powys Rugby Club – Levelling Including Draining of the Training Area of Dinas Powys RFC – Dinas Powys Common A meeting is taking place on Monday, 15th July at 10.00 a.m., between the Rugby Football Club and Cardiff Archaeological Unit. Cllr. M. Hartrey expressed an interesting in attending the Meeting. The Clerk to arrange. Airvolution Energy Limited – Wind Turbines – Land at Biglis Farm, Barry The Chairman of Planning informed Council that this application was at an early stage and Committee had requested the Clerk to invite the Sustainability Officer of the Vale of Glamorgan Council to a Planning Meeting in order to obtain more information about Wind Farms. Invitation for a Planning Officer of the Vale of Glamorgan Council to attend a Council Meeting As requested the Clerk had written inviting an Officer of the Vale of Glamorgan Council to attend a Planning Committee Meeting. The response was that they were unable to commit to a one-off meeting and the Vale intends arranging a forum later in the year. This forum will provide community councils with an update to the forthcoming Local Development Plan and the likely changes to permitted householder development along with an update to the development management process. 33. HALLS COMMITTEE MEETING On the Motion of Cllr. R. A. Foxwell and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. M. R. Hayley it was RESOLVED - THAT the report of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 9th July 2013 be accepted subject to the following matters subsequently raised: Central Heating System – Parish Hall A meeting had taken place with Mr. Haydn Morgan, Heating Engineer, and Committee Members. Council AGREED the necessity to change the old central heating boiler, Mr. Haydn Morgan to oversee the work and granted delegated powers to the Management Committee to decided on the successful contractor. Painting of Lower Part of Parish Hall Walls – Community Payback Scheme Due to Health and Safety Regulations offenders cannot work off ladders. Council AGREED - THAT the Maintenance Manager be approached and asked if he wished to complete the painting of the outside walls. If he chose not to then the Clerk was to obtain two quotations. Retirement of Reverend D. H. Rhydderch – St. Peter’s Church, Dinas Powys Due to the imminent retirement of the Council’s Chaplain, Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey proposed, seconded by Cllr. V. Driscoll, and Council AGREED - THAT the Council’s Chaplain receive a donation of £300.00. -4- McMillian Coffee Morning – Parish Hall – Friday, 27th September 2013 The organizer is to be informed that her application for Financial Assistance will be placed before the next Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting being held in October. 34. REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLORS Due to several of the County Councillors’ being absent no report was available. 35. BRYNEITHIN EMI CARE HOME, DINAS POWYS The Clerk was requested to write to the Director of Social Services enquiring if a Consultation will be held prior to the building being demolished and also to enquire as to who owned the building and land. 36. MATTERS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN AND OTHER MEMBERS MAY WISH TO BRING BEFORE COUNCIL Refuse – Deposited Evening Before Collection Cllr. J. H. Williams asked if something can be done about the waste being put out the day before collection. Due to refuse being out overnight bags were torn open and rubbish strewn on the sides of the road. Planning Advice Cllr. J. H. Williams sought advice as to what action should be taken if a resident requires planning permission to install an 8’ x 6’ base. Cllr. M. Hartrey agreed to seek advice from the Vale. Parking at The Westra, Dinas Powys Cllr. R. A. Foxwell informed Members of parking on a blind corner at the Westra. Cllr. Mrs. M. Randall, an LEA Governor at St. Andrew’s School, offered to contact the Headmistress and request all parents be informed of the danger of parking in this area. Dogs – Dinas Powys Common Cllr. Mrs. C. Mirza-Davies informed of a letter received from a local resident advising that a dog had attacked him and his son on Dinas Powys Common. The resident was to be advised that this matter is being looked into. Freedom of Information Request – Non-Metric Units – Allotments Council agreed that there is no need to place details of the sizes of allotments on the website as this information is already available in the office. Official Opening and One Mile Fun Run – Dinas Powys Common – Monday, 26th August 2013 – Official Opening at 10.55 a.m. and Fun Run at 11.00 a.m. Cllr. Mrs. C. Mirza-Davies had spoken to Mrs. Jo Macpherson who has offered to arrange the One Mile Fun Run around the perimeter of Dinas Powys Common. The total cost of the event is approximately £400.00 plus printing costs. Council AGREED for the event to take place and costs will be met by the Community Council. Council also AGREED - THAT adults should pay an entry fee of £2.00, free admission to children and the proceeds to Dinas Powys Voluntary Concern. The Council’s Insurance Broker is to be contacted regarding insurance cover for events. -5- Member of the Welsh Language Communities Alliance It was suggested that Cllr. Mrs. R. Reeves may be interested in representing the Community Council . Police Commissioner Council decided against inviting the Police Commissioner to a Meeting of Council. Andrew RT Davies AM/AC – Reorganisation of Local Health Provision - South Wales Programme Council declined Mr. Davies’ offer of attending a Meeting. Attendance at Official Events The Chairman attended the Armed Forces Day at Penarth on Saturday, 22nd June and will be attending the Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Council’s Civic Service on Sunday, 14th July 2013 and Barry Town Council’s Civic Service on Sunday, 28th July 2013. Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey represented Council at the Flag Raising Ceremony, Penarth, on Monday, 24th June and will be attending Llantwit Major Town Council’s Civic Service on Sunday, 21st July 2013. Maintenance Manager Members were informed of a letter received from the Maintenance Manager regarding his workload. Council AGREED a letter be sent expressing Council’s appreciation of his hard work and any additional duties will be prioritized. 37. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday, 12th September 2013 in the Lee Hall at 7.00 p.m. The Meeting closed at 9.45 p.m. -6-