Senior Management Team - Newbattle Community High School

Newbattle Community High School
Parent Forum Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 10th September 2008 at 7pm
Staff Lounge
Colin Taylor, Headteacher welcomed everyone to the school.
(see attached list of who was in attendance)
The meeting was opened by John Wilson, Depute Headteacher.
Mr Wilson introduced the Senior Management Team to the Parent Forum.
Senior Management Team
Each member of the team was invited by Mr Wilson to give an overview of
their remit and answer any questions from the Parent Forum members.
Mrs Ferguson discussed Support for Learning and Investors in People and how
the school had been developing Staff Leadership.
Mr Moffat discussed Raising Attainment, he gave a brief overview of his remit
as SQA co-ordinator and informed the members that he was the link manager
for Sciences, Business Education and Computing. He is also the head of
Lammermuir house.
Mr Sangster stated that he was the school co-ordinator for professional
development and that he was the school Regent. He also informed the
members that he was the link manager for Art, Home Economics, Physical
Education and Technical Education. He is also the head of Moorfoot house.
Mr Wilson informed the members that part of his remit was to develop
Learning & Teaching and that he was also the Schools of Ambition coordinator. He stated that he was the link manager for English, Geography,
History and RMPS and that he is the Head of Pentland house.
Mr Taylor gave a brief overview of his remit which includes developing school
policies, strategic management and management of all staff. He also manages
the school budget. He stated that he is the link manager for Modern
Languages and Maths.
Mr Creswell, parent member asked if Primary Fast Track would be continuing.
He stated that his son had attended and that he gained a great deal from it. Mr
Wilson confirmed that it was continuing and that the school has had good
reports from parents and pupils. Mr Taylor explained that classes are set in
English, Maths and Science and the rest of the classes were mixed ability.
Mrs Ross, parent member agreed that it was a good programme but was
concerned that pupils who were not so academically able would miss out. Mrs
Ferguson explained that the school spends a lot of time working with Primaries
in particular looking at pupils who may need a particular level of support.
Extra visits are organised for pupils who may need this support.
Mr Sangster gave an overview of the Senior Management Road Shows to
Primary schools. They present a programme which includes senior students
who attended the primaries. He also stated that there are hands on workshops
in November where P7 pupils work in CDT, Home Economics and Art. There
is also an open evening in November where pupils and parents can meet the
staff and are given a guided tour of the school and its facilities. There is
another workshop in March, Cluster Camp during May/June and transition
days in June. He stated that Newbattle staff are working hard to build the
confidence of P7 pupils.
Mr Taylor took this opportunity to inform the members that Newbattle won
funding to become an SFA’s School of Football. He explained that 60 pupils
from our associated primaries applied for a place on this course and that 12
pupils were successful. These 12 pupils will have extra periods in P.E. where
they will develop their skills in this area.
Mr Hogg, Community member, asked if more students were staying on at
school for fifth and sixth year. Mr Taylor believed more and more pupils
could see the value of staying on at school, the improved ethos was also a
factor. He stated that there were a range of courses with a vocational bias to
them e.g. Contact Centre skills, Hospitality etc. Mr Taylor also stated that the
introduction of Education Maintenance Payment over the last few years
ranging from £10 to £30 weekly, dependent on parental income has also
helped some youngsters stay on at school. Mr Wilson also stated that students
now realise that if they do stay on at school this will develop and improve their
Mrs Ferguson stated that Newbattle had good links with Jewel & Esk Valley
College. A significant number of pupils attended vocational courses such as
Automotive Engineering, Hair & Beauty, Construction etc. Mr Taylor also
stated that the school were looking at links to Queen Margaret University
College and hopefully something will come off that. There is an event to be
held in school “Our Future Together” in February/March 09. More
information will be given to the members at a later date.
Mr Taylor informed the members that one of our S6 pupils, former Head Girl
Rachel Wright, who left in June, had the best results in Midlothian with 4
Advanced Highers and 5 Highers.
Mrs Ross asked if pupils were at the expected levels coming into S1 from
Primary. Mr Taylor stated that primaries are working hard to raise attainment.
Mr Moffat informed the members that Newbattle have a system of tracking all
pupils attainment.
Ms Rintoul, parent member, asked how pupils were selected for the S2
University Week. Mr Taylor stated that all departments are asked to identify
pupils who would benefit from attending the university week. He informed the
members that Newbattle have 30 places and that they link with Beath High
School who also have 30 places.
Mr Wilson then asked the members what their perception of Newbattle is.
Several comments given indicated that the school was providing a good
education with caring and committed staff. It was also noted that the school
was making a difference with enforcing its School Dress Code and that pupil’s
not wearing uniform would not be tolerated. It was recognised that it was
great that the school offered something for everyone.
Mr Taylor agreed that the school was working hard to ensure pupils were
coming to school in the correct dress code.
The Parent Forum members were asked to join the Management Team for
Election of Office Bearers
Mr Taylor asked if any members of the Parent Forum this evening would agree
to become members of the Parent Council. Lyn Ross, Keith Mackie, Christine
Carr, Lorna Leslie, Robert Hogg, June Robertson, Heather Fleming, Steven
Cresswell, Karen Rintoul, Marion MacInnes and Lee Grieve agreed.
Tony Igoe was nominated and seconded to return as Chairperson; Lyn Ross
was nominated and seconded to return as Vice Chairperson. Christine Burt
agreed to continue as Clerk.
Mr Taylor was asked what role he plays as part of the Parent Council. Mr
Taylor replied that he is an Adviser to the Parent Forum / Council.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 15th October 2008 at 7.30pm.
Register of Attendance
Steven Cresswell
Lyn Ross
Keith Mackie
Scott Mackie
Karen Rintoul
Malcolm Lawson
Janice Lawson
Robert Hogg
Moira Robertson
Linda Wilson
June Robertson
Pauline Suttie
Marion MacInnes
Lee Grieve
Elizabeth McGoldrick
Lorna Leslie
Christine Carr
Anne Wright
Lynne Tait
Heather Fleming
Colin Beattie
Christine (Clerk)
Colin Taylor (Advisor)
Margaret Ferguson, Depute Headteacher
Graham Moffat, Depute Headteacher
Duncan Sangster, Depute Headteacher
John Wilson, Depute Headteacher