Infinite Campus Teacher Tools

Infinite Campus Teacher Tools
Assignments Overview
Teacher Preferences
Grade Calculation Options
Managing Assignments
Assignment Copier
Grade Book
Teacher Attendance
Elementary Teachers Only
The following is a list of changes to the Instruction module of Infinite Campus:
1. Teacher Preferences: The teacher preferences have only one minor change, you can
now select a default grading task. You do not have to use this feature since the default is
set by the district already.
2. Groups are now called Categories. You need to create one under each standard/grading
task you are going to have assignments in. Categories span terms; before you created a
group under each term but this is no longer the case.
3. Lesson Planner is gone and is now called Assignments. This is where teachers will do
almost everything for grading.
4. You can no longer create/edit assignments from within the grade book, you must use
5. Due Dates are critical – they determine which term the assignment falls into. You can no
longer select the term.
6. Elementary -You can assign an assignment to multiple standards. You still have to grade
the assignment for each standard applied to the assignment. Secondary- not used since
all assignments should be under your REPORT CARD task.
7. Elementary - Grading options can be set in mass now instead of having to touch each
8. Before you had to remember to save whenever you made changes almost anywhere in
the Instructions module. This is still true for anywhere you see a Save button, but on the
Assignments tool main page, changes are saved automatically.
9. Tree View is just a view for teachers who were comfortable with the old lesson planner
view. Within this tool you can edit a category or assignment.
10. Always click on SAVE before navigating away from a page. If you navigate away it will
prompt you to see if you really want to leave. If you click Yes you lose the work.
Assignments Overview
The images below are one image but had to be split so everything could be shown.
Navigation Buttons
Grading Task/Standard(s) assignment is aligned to
The category the assignment belongs to
Shows how many active students have been given a score for the assignment
Shows how many students received a “shortcut” score. Clicking on the numbers will bring up the students with
that “shortcut” score.
*Click on the grade book icon under Assignment Name to enter scores; clicking on the text will take you to the
assignment editor
Teacher Preferences
PATH: Instruction > Assignments > Edit Teacher Preferences
Secondary teachers should have Use Canned Comments selected.
Remove percentage and calculations… I don’t recommend this option to be checked.
The default standard/Grading task doesn’t need to be set; it is set on the course by the district
Mass Assigning Section Preferences
Users can assign preferences for multiple sections.
1. Select the checkboxes for the preferences you want to assign.
2. Click the Mass Assign to multiple sections hyperlink.
3. Select the sections to which you want to assign preferences or select Check All to select
all sections.
4. Click the Save Teacher Preference button.
Grade Calculation Options
All teachers have to select a grading scale so the system can convert assignment points into a
final score. Previously elementary teachers had to setup the scale and use weighting option on
each standard, but now you can do it in mass.
Having a calculation in a task/standard you don’t use for assignments is ok.
A Category is like a folder to hold your assignments. If you are going to use weights then you
assign the weight to the category. Example of weighted categories: Quiz 30%, Tests 50%,
Homework 20%.
You need to create at least one category to hold your assignments. The grading
task/standard is aligned to the category.
Secondary sites should make sure categories are aligned to their REPORT CARD grading task.
Categories span terms now. Before you would have a group in each term.
Editing a Category
You can create a category in multiple sections of the same course and align the category to
multiple standards (for elementary) at once. Do not delete categories that contain assignments.
Remember to save.
When entering a weight do not use a percent sign (i.e. type 20 in the Weight field for 20%)
Drop lowest score should be checked before the term begins.
Secondary teachers should only align their categories to the grading task with the words “Report
Card” in them. Previously when a teacher mistakenly placed categories/assignments into the
wrong grading task we were able to change it; this is no longer the case if any assignments are
Managing Assignments
Click on the assignment name (if the assignment already exists) to edit an assignment. To create
a new assignment click on Create Assignment.
Secondary teachers- assignments can be saved to multiple sections at once by clicking on the
check box next to each section listed. To remove an assignment from just one section edit
the assignment and remove the check box from the section. DO NOT DELETE the
assignment unless you want it deleted for ALL sections.
Align the assignment to the correct grading task/standard(s) and make sure to choose the
appropriate scoring type (most likely points). I recommend keeping the multiplier set to 1.
To score an assignment click on the grade book icon; if editing/creating an assignment
you can click on save and score.
Assignment Copier
PATH: Instruction > Assignments > Assignment Copier
The Assignment Copier allows copying a single assignment or a group of assignments from
section to section within a calendar and across calendars. To access the Assignment Copier,
click Copy Assignments on the Assignment tab.
If the assignment due dates from the Source are not valid in the Destination they will not
carry over. Assignments without due dates are placed in the first term in which the section
meets. Campus recalculates the term when a due date is entered.
Copying assignments can take some time. Right now it takes 6-20 minutes per 100 assignments.
Also, it seems that the system will hang on copying more than 200-300 assignments at once. Try
to copy assignments when people aren’t heavily using IC.
Copying Assignments
1. Click the Copy Assignments button on the Assignments page to open the Assignment
2. Select the section from which to copy assignments in the Select Source Section group
box. Upon selecting a section, the total number of assignments and details for the
assignments aligned to the selected section will appear.
3. Select the checkbox next to the assignments you want to copy.
4. Select the section to which you want to copy the assignments in the Select Destination
Section group box. Assignments already aligned to the section display below the group
5. Click the Next button to open the Copy Assignment Name editor.
6. Select the checkbox next to the assignments to copy and clear the checkbox for
assignments or alignments that should not be copied.
7. Click the Copy Assignments button. The Assignment Copier duplicates the assignments
and assigns them to the destination section. The Assignments screen appears. To verify
the assignments copied correctly, select the calendar and destination section in the
Campus toolbar.
Grade book
The grade book can be used to enter points for assignments and put comments. You can use the
grade book to get a quick glance of in-progress grades. The ability to ad/edit assignments has
been returned. The primary function of the grade book is to post grades (for final scores or to
post grades to other grading tasks); you post grades by right clicking on the yellow portion of the
grade book and select a task/standard. This will move grades to the green section.
Don’t forget to SAVE. It will not warn you to save.
Shortcut scores:
(M=Missing, X=Excused, L=Late, C=Cheated)
If you don’t see scores in the Yellow area then you need to set a Grading Scale on the Categories
you are using. If you are using a custom grading task and you still do not see anything in yellow
then the grading task may be setup incorrectly.
Make sure to excuse assignments for students who were not required to do the assignment (i.e. a
student transferred in middle of the term so they don’t have to turn in the assignments assigned
and due before his arrival). You want to excuse the assignments so they don’t appear on the
missing assignments report.
Teacher Attendance
For elementary teachers, this will need to be done only once first thing in the morning. Secondary
teachers will need to take attendance at the start of each class period.
There are two places you can click to take attendance:
1) The Process Inbox will list each period remaining for attendance to be submitted.
2) Access attendance from the Index Outline.
Three bubbles will be shown next to each student name. Attendance defaults to the first bubble,
with everyone marked as Present, or P. The second bubble should be selected for any student
who is Absent, or A. The third bubble is for students who are Tardy, or T. When finished taking
attendance, make sure to click Save to submit the attendance.
Elementary Teachers Only
Elementary teacher have a Grading Comments tab that should be filled out so that comments
show up on the custom report cards. In order for anything on this tab to show up on the report
card the first standard (i.e. Reading on the 3-6 report card) needs to have a score entered.
Report cards can be printed by going to Student InformationReports Select your grade’s
report cardClick on Generate Report.
Each field can only contain fifty characters maximum (system limit which I can’t control). Each
term has four fields so the teacher has 200 characters per term. The fields are located on the
Grading Comments tab. The comment fields are setup so that they continue together seamlessly
on the report card. For example, if my last word on a comment field was “together” but I ran out of
space after “to” then I would continue to the next comment field (if one exists) with the word
“gether”. If you finish a sentence in a comment field start the next field off with a space.
Promote or Retain Student:
The Grading Comments tab has two drop down fields. Populate the Promoted/Retain field. This
will tell the system where to place the value for the Promoted/Retained Grade field. The
Promoted/Retained Grade field is the grade that the student is promoted or retained in. K-2
teachers should always use X while the 3-6 teachers need to choose a grade level. If you leave
either field blank nothing will show up on the report cards under Promote or Retained.
If you only want to print one student’s report card you still generate all the students’ report cards
but upon printing you have the option to print a single page.
Infinite Campus has built-in reports you can find under InstructionReports. Most reports have
brief explanations when you navigate to them. This section will discuss the most used reports.
Missing Assignments report:
The Missing Assignments Report displays missing assignments per student. Information is
based on scores and comments entered in the teacher's grade book. If a due date has passed
and a teacher has not graded an assignment the assignment will show up under the missing
assignment report. To avoid this there is a Turned In score (T) that can be temporarily given to
assignments that are turned in but it are yet to be graded.
Student Summary Report:
This report should be used for students who are leaving your class in the middle of the term. It
has in-progress grades (assuming that you have entered all the assignment scores up to the
student’s point of departure).
Roster Label Report:
Useful for printing mailing labels should you need them. They can be addresses to parent’s
guardians or they can be printed with the student’s name and the teacher they belong to.
Keeping the default report settings usually works for most teachers; just change the settings on
which students you want.
Infinite Campus will time you out after 60 minutes of inactivity.
Use Grading by Task to quickly give citizenship grades or give scores for standards that don’t
usually have assignments (elementary).
Elementary teachers who don’t want to use the grade book can still post final grades using
Grading by Student or Grading by Task.
The Daily Planner is a great way to see all your assignments for the month and see which
students were absent on which days:
You can change sort order by clicking on the arrows on any of the headers
Can’t post grades? Make sure to go to AssignmentsEdit Grade Calc Options and set a grading
Secondary teachers: you can see a parent portal view of your student’s grades by going to your
student’s Grades tab and clicking on the grade book icon. This assumes the other teachers are
using the grade book.
You can find teacher videos and simulations on the IC Resources page at: