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Monaghan Integrated Development

Supporting Growth and Opportunity

Monaghan Integrated Development

Community Achievement Awards

Nomination Form and Guidelines




Promoting social inclusion, supporting communities and developing volunteerism are key objectives of

Monaghan Integrated Development, the county’s local development company. The Community Achievement

Awards recognise, reward, celebrate and showcase the vital work of community groups and volunteers throughout the county.


There are nine award categories. Groups can apply under a number of categories, but a separate nomination form must be completed for each category nomination

General Conditions

All nominated groups, individuals and businesses must be based in County Monaghan

Groups may be nominated by an individual, by another group or by themselves

Individual volunteers may be nominated by a Community/Voluntary group or by an individual


Nominations will be assessed by an independent judging panel. All nominations will be assessed on the basis of the information provided on the nomination forms. The judging panel reserve the right to contact nominated groups/individuals/businesses for clarification or further information.

The judging panel’s decisions will be final and not subject to appeal.

Presentation of Awards

The award winners will be announced at a presentation evening on Monday 20 th October at 8 pm in the Iontas

Centre, Castleblayney. All nominated groups, individuals and businesses will be invited to attend.

Closing Date

Please find a copy of the nomination form attached. Closing date for receipt of nominations is

5pm on Friday 19 th

September 2014

In the interest of fairness, late nominations will not be accepted.

Application Process

Completed nomination forms should be returned to:

Monaghan Integrated Development Or Monaghan Volunteer Centre

Monaghan Road Monaghan Integrated Development

Castleblayney 5 North Road

Co Monaghan Monaghan

Co. Monaghan

Completed nominations can also be e-mailed to:


For further information, or for assistance in completing the nomination form contact:

Monaghan Integrated Development tel: 042-9749500 or Monaghan Volunteer Centre tel: 047 72191

Community Achievement Awards Nomination Form 2014

Under which Category do you wish to nominate Individual/Group

Please tick one box only

Getting People Involved

This award recognises groups who get new people involved in their activities Who can apply: Groups

When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

What activities did the group run in 2014 to encourage new members to join? How many members joined?

Has the group undertaken new projects as a result of having new members?

Community Health Initiative

A community who through its activities aims to encourage healthier lifestyles. Who can apply: Groups

When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

What health activities did the group organise? How many people participated in these activities? What is the impact of these activities on people’s health?

Event of the Year

This category recognises events organised and held within communities in county Monaghan that brings people together to participate in an activity, celebrate an event/local achievement, etc. Who can apply: Groups

When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

What activities made up this event? How many people attended the event? Is this an annual event (if yes, what year did it start) What is the purpose of the event?

Festival of the Year

This award is for a community festival which has harnessed the voluntary spirit of a community to stage a memorable, inclusive and enjoyable festival. This festival must have taken place between 5th October 2013 and

19 th September 2014. Who can apply: Groups

When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

How many people were involved in organising the festival (the organising committee & volunteers)? How long did the festival last for and when did it take place? Why was the festival organised? Is the festival an annual event (if yes, what year did the festival start)What benefits did the festival bring to the local community?

Community Fundraiser of the Year

This award recognises a group or individual who has raised money for the benefit of a community project/group or charity in 2014. Who can apply: Both Individuals and Groups

When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

The cause the funds were raised for? How much money was raised and how was it raised? Has the group/individual a history of fundraising?

Neighbour of the Year

A person who has made a real difference by enhancing your life or the lives of others in the community. Who

can be nominated: Individuals

When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

What makes this person a good neighbour? Has the person been living in the community long? Give an example of a time when this person went above and beyond the call of duty.

Young Volunteer of the Year

This award recognises young community volunteers under the age of 25, who have demonstrated leadership qualities within their community/group. Who can be nominated: Individuals aged 25 or younger on the

20/10/2014 When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

What volunteering activities is the young person involved in? Give an example of how this young person demonstrated leadership when volunteering

Volunteer of the Year

This award recognises individuals who often go beyond the call of duty in order to put the needs of others or the local community first. Who can be nominated: Individuals

When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

What volunteering has the person done in the last year? Has this person been volunteering for long? Give an example of a time when this person went above and beyond the call of duty

Disability Confident Employer of the Year

*New Category*

The key factor to economic stability and prosperity in the community is employment.

This award recognizes a local business that sees ability beyond disability. An employer who values diversity in the workplace and believes in the solid business case for employing a person/people with varied abilities.

Who can apply: Local businesses that employ people with varied abilities.

When answering questions 1 and 2 overleaf, please consider:

How many people with varied ability do you employ? How long have they been in your service? How has the person/people had a positive impact on your business? As a result of your experience have you encouraged other businesses to employ people of varied ability?

Nominations Details:

I wish to nominate:


(Name of Group, Individual or Business)

Address _____ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________

_______________________________________________________ __________________________________

Tel No.:  _________________________________________ Email:  ________________________________

Details of person, group or business making the nomination:

Name ________________________________________________________ ________

Address ___________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ ___________

Tel No.:  _________________________________________ Email:  ________________________________

How did you hear about the Community Achievement Awards?


Please refer to the prompts as outlined in the Category Description Boxes to help complete the below questions**


What activities is the group/volunteer/business involved in and how has this made a difference?









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Why do you believe this person/group/business deserve the award?









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