第七届中国外语中青年学者科研方法研讨会 学科界面研究与方法 中山大学 黄国文 <flshgw@mail.sysu.edu.cn> 题西林壁 苏轼 横看成岭侧成峰, 远近高低各不同。 不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。 第七届中国外语中青年学者科研方法研讨会 主题:“超学科视域下的高校外语教学与研究” 主要议题包括: (1)国际超学科研究的理论与实践; (2)超学科研究理论与外语学科建设; (3)学科界面研究与方法; (4)高校跨学科与超学科研究发展动向及外语教学实 践; (5)高校以外语为媒介的专业课程目标与定位; (6)高校以外语为媒介的国际化学位课程体系建设; (7)其他外语资源与专业课程建设。 跨学科研究近年来是个热门话题! 跨学科研究最有可能有重大突破! 胡壮麟,谈语言学研究的跨学科倾向。 《外语教 学与研究》 ,2007(6) 蒋逸民,作为一种新的研究形式的超学科研究。 《浙江社会科学》,2009(1) de Leo, J. Learning to Know Across Disciplinary Boundaries. 学会求知:跨越学科界限的视角( 陈敏译)《世界教育信息》,2010(6): 21-30 Hadorn, G. H. et al (eds.). Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research. Springer Science & Business Media B. V. 2008 Klein, J. T. Interdisciplinarity: History, Theory, and Practice. Detroit: Wayne State University, 1990. 《中国外语》(CSSCI来源期刊) 胡壮麟,超学科研究与学科发展。《中国外语 》,2012(6) 李颖,全英文授课模式的动因论——超学科分 析的视角。《中国外语》,2013(1) 潘文国,界面研究四论。 《中国外语》, 2012(3) 桂诗春,向前看,向横看——略论跨学科研究 的必要性《中国外语》,2013(3) 要点 1 学科与学科的接触 2 对跨学科研究的态度 3 跨学科研究的挑战 4 个案分析(1):语言学研究(汉语与英语) 5 个案分析(2):商务英语 6 同一理论的不同构件的接触 7 界面研究 8 讨论 9 结语 1 学科与学科的接触 学科与学科的接触是不可避免的 学科与学科之间的接触和互动必然带来了学科 交叉和跨学科研究(cross-disciplinary studies),而这类研究就势必推动学科的多方 位发展和新学科的产生。 一个独立的学科与另一个独立的学科的接触和互 动可以产生另一个独立的学科;一个学科内部的 各个构件的接触和互动可以产生新的构件。 disciplinary (学科) disciplinarity (学科性) monodisciplinarity(单学科性) interdisciplinarity(学科间性) intradisciplinarity (学科内性) multidisciplinarity(多学科性) interdisciplinarity(交叉学科性) crossdisciplinarity(跨学科性) transdisciplinarity(超学科性) 2 对跨学科研究的态度 支持:?% 反对:?% 无所谓:?% 提倡者:?% 实践者:?% 3 跨学科研究的挑战 跨学科的学术准备和要求 能够从事跨学科研究的人数 愿意从事跨学科研究的人数 个人:学术圈的“一亩三分地” 学科:学科的不同范式(核心内容、宗主、假 定、方法等) 教育体制:不同学科的不同课程设置;跨学科 修课的困难;评估体系问题 例证的来源 内省(introspection)、诱导(elicitation)、 观察(observation) As Widdowson (2000: 74-75) argues, “intuitive, elicited, and observed data all have their own validity, but this validity depends on what kind of evidence you are looking for, on what aspects of language knowledge or behaviour you are seeking to explain. If you are looking for evidence of the internal relationship between language and the mind, you are more likely to favour intuition and elicitation. If you are looking for evidence of how language sets up external links with society, then you are more likely to look to the observed data of actual occurrence. The validity of different kinds of linguistic data is not absolute but relative: one kind is no more ‘real’ than another. It depends on what you claim the data are evidence of, and what you are trying to explain.” 4 个案分析(1):语言学研究 语言学(物理学、化学等)无国界 普通语言学与个别语言学(particular linguistics) 理论语言学与应用语言学 应用语言学(Applied linguistics)与语言学应 用(Linguistics applied) 从实践到理论 vs 从理论到实践 语言学研究:英语与汉语“两张皮”问题 5 个案分析(2):商务英语 (1)“商务英语”是英语的一种用途 (2)“商务英语”是独立的学科 “商务英语”= 商务+英语? 商务(用途的)英语? Business + English English for business purposes /communication 学术英语、科技英语、医学英语、旅游英语 商务英语的学科定位 “语言学”学科定位 “管理学”学科定位 “经济学”学科定位 “交叉”学科定位 语言学学科定位 商务英语是以语言学为理论基础的, 将商务英语纳入应用语言学学科范畴, 归类为特殊用途英语范畴, 特殊用途英语的主要研究领域包含三个部分:商 务英语、学术英语、科技英语 管理学学科定位 商务外语以管理学为理论基础, 商务外语属于工商管理学学科范畴, 主要研究重点是国际商务沟通 (曹德春,2011) 经济学学科定位 从学科内涵看,在一级学科层次,由外国语言文 学和应用经济学两个一级学科相交叉, 在二级学科层次,由外国语言学及应用语言学与 国际商务、国际贸易或世界经济等二级学科交叉 产生的一个独立的二级交叉学科, 产生三个独立的交叉学科方向:1)与国际贸易交 叉,产生国际贸易话语研究,2)与国际商务交叉 ,产生国际商务文化研究,3)与世界经济交叉, 产生外国商务国情研究(王立非 2012) “商务英语”的“交叉”学科定位 商务英语是应用语言学与国际商务、国际贸易和 世界经济等学科相交叉产生的新学科(王立非 2012) 学科的内涵与外延 “语言学”学科定位? “管理学”学科定位? “经济学”学科定位? “交叉”学科定位? 怎样交叉?怎样真正做到独立学科? 类似的还有“翻译” 一种误解:进了国务院学科目录就是学科 6 同一理论的不同构件的接触 传统语法:词汇;语法 SFL: 词汇语法(lexicogrammar) Looked at from the point of view of grammar, lexis is most delicate grammar; and looked at from the point of view of lexis, grammar is least delicate (most general) lexis. SFL: Syntax + Semantics functional syntax He gave a book to me. He gave me a book. Direct Object, Indirect Object SFL: Complement (lexicogrammar) + Participant (semantics) 语法分析1:SVCA: He gave a book to me. 语法分析2:SVCC: He gave me a book. 语义:Actor + Process + Goal + Beneficiary SFL: SVCC (to me也是C) 7 界面研究 界面研究(interface studies) 界面:“搭界”的两个(或更多的)界面与“不 搭界”的两个(或更多的)界面? (1)汉语语言学、英语语言学 (2)语言学、社会学、生物学 (a)词汇、语法 (b)语言、特权(阶级) 研究:方法?方法论?视角? 方法:临时借用的方法与学科核心的内容(本 体论) (1)用语料库语言学方法研究文学作品(文 体学):方法? (2)用“对比”或“比较”的方法研究不同 的语言或语言变体(对比/比较语言学):方法 论? (潘文国2012) (1) She made him a good husband. (2) She made him a good wife. Syntax: NP+VP+NP+NP / S+V+C+C Object complement, Subject Complement SFL: syntax + semantics (a) Subject, Verb, Complement (b) Transitivity: process types (c) Participant roles (1) She made him a good husband. Material process: causative (make) Agent (she), Affected-Carrier (him), Attribute (a good husband) Cf: He is a good husband. Material process: Agent & Affected (Medium) / Actor & Goal Relational process: Carrier & Attribute (2) She made him a good wife. Relational process: non-causative (make) Carrier (she), Beneficiary (him), Attribute (a good wife) Cf: She is a good wife. Relational process: Carrier & Attribute 8 讨论 界面研究方法 方法与“工具” 不同学科的相同方法 一个学科中的不同方法 学术研究与“解决问题”(problemsolving) 方法的选择 举例(摘自黄国文、M. Ghadessy《英语学位论文写 作教程》,高等教育出版社,2008) A court case between McDonald’s Corporation and Quality Inns International, Inc. Cause: the use of “McSleep” (hotel) Background: McDonald’s argued they have created a “McLanguage” and children are taught to how to “Mc-ise” the standard vocabulary of generic words to create “McFries”, “McFish”, “McShakes” and “McBest”. Roger Shuy, an American forensic linguist, was asked by Quality Inns to help with two linguistic arguments: (1) the morpheme “Mc” was in common use productively, when it was not seen to be linked in any way to McDonald’s, (2) such examples showed that the prefix, originally patronymic, equivalent in meaning to the “son” in “Johnson”, had become generic and thus now has a meaning of its own, which was recognizably distinct from both of the other meanings “son of” and “associated with McDonald’s”. Research methods? Shuy: chose a corpus linguistic approach and searched to find real text instances of “Mcmorphemes”; among the 56 examples he found were general terms like McArt, McCinema, McSurgery and McPrisons, as well as some items already being used commercially like the McThrift Motor Inn, a budget motel with a Scottish motif and McTek a computer discount store which specialized in Apple Mac computer products. On the basis of such examples, Shuy argued that the prefix had become in the language at large a lexical item with its own meaning of “basic, convenient, inexpensive and standardized”. Rather than use corpus evidence themselves, McDonald’s hired market researchers to access the public’s perception of the prefix directly through interview and questionnaire and they reported that consumers did indeed associate the prefix with McDonald’s, as well as with reliability, speed, convenience and cheapness. Result? Faced with conflicting evidence, the judge ruled in favor of McDonald’s, thereby giving them massive control over the use of the morpheme. 8 结语 对跨学科的正面态度+冷静的态度 同一学科内的不同界面研究的可行性 认同“互补性”(Complementarities) 承认“术业有专攻” (韩愈:《师说》)和 “学者不可无宗主,但不可有门户” (章学 诚: 《浙东学术》 ) 践行“Live and let live.” 子曰:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。” 谢谢!