Radiotracers • Introduction • Design of a Radiotracer Experiment Molecule labeled at specific location Physical processes • Applications and techniques • Basic premise Radioactive isotope behaves the same as stable isotope Radioactive isotope easier to follow and detect Dilution 10-6 to 10-12 Chemistry of element monitored by isotope behavior Trace dynamic mechanisms Also used to evaluate isotope effect Slight differences in kinetics due to isotopic mass differences • Used in biology, chemistry 4-1 Radiotracer experiments • Basic assumptions of experiments • radioactive isotopes behave as the stable isotope difference in masses can cause a shift in the reaction rate or equilibria (the isotope effect) in most cases isotope effect does not significantly affect radioisotope method Isotope effect related to square root of the masses Largest in small masses (i.e., H) * Not as reliable with H, C limited in intermolecular reactions • radioactivity does not change the chemical and physical properties of the experimental system Need to consider amount of activity Biological effects limited in short term Limit physical effects (i.e., crystal damage, radicals) Limited impact of daughter Different chemical form 4-2 Radiotracer experiment • • • • • biological studies there is no deviation from the normal physiological state Chemical compound level should not exceed normal concentration specific activity of tracer must be sufficient Shorted lived isotopes better Chemical and physical form of the radionuclide compound same as unlabeled Need to consider sorption to surfaces or precipitation Radionuclide often in concentration below saturation Precipitates due to presence of stable isotope radionuclide and the stable nuclide must undergo isotopic exchange Redox behavior and speciation Radiochemical purity Activity due to single isotope Only labeled atoms are traced Radioisotope due to compound not free isotope or other chemical form 4-3 Experimental considerations • Suitable isotope Half-life Too short difficult to use Too long need to much isotope Decay mode Gamma eases experiments Availability Production method generator 4-4 4-5 Labeled compounds • • • • Specifically labeled labeled positions are included in name of compound Greater than 95% of the radioactivity at these positions. i.e., aldosterone-1, 2-3H implies that <95% of the tritium label is in the 1 and 2 positions. Uniformly labeled compounds labeled in all positions in a uniform pattern. L-valine-14C (U) implies that all carbon atoms in L-valine are labeled with equal amounts of 14C Nominally labeled some part of the label is at a specific position no other information on labeling at other positions cholestrol-7-3H (N) some tritium is at position 7, but may also be at other positions Generally labeled compounds (usually tritium) with a random labeled distribution Not all positions in a molecule labeled 4-6 Synthesis • Labeled compounds include 14C 3H • Carbon Need to consider organic reactions for labeling Biosynthesis Photosynthetic Microbial • Hydrogen reduction of unsaturated precursors Exchange reactions Gas reactions 4-7 Physical processes • Location in a system Precipitation, sorption Measure change in solution concentration Separations Ratio of isotope in the separation process * Ion exchange, solvent extraction Reaction mechanisms Intermediate reaction molecules Molecular rearrangements 4-8 Isotope effects • Based on kinetic differences or equilibrium differences 0.5 mv2 Mass is different • Distillation Mass difference drives different behavior • Effects can be seen approaching equilibrium • Kinetic isotope effects are very important in the study of chemical reaction mechanisms substitution of a labeled atom for an unlabeled one in a molecule causes change in reaction rate for Z < 10 change can be used to deduce the reaction mechanism • change in reaction rate due to changes in the masses of the reacting species due to differences in vibrational frequency along reaction coordinate in transition state or activated complex • Experimentally straightforward to measure the existence and magnitude of kinetic isotope effects 4-9 Biological experiments • • • • Autoradiography oldest method radioactive sample is placed on photographic emulsion After period of time film is developed precise location of the radioactive matter in sample is found autoradiography used to locate radionuclides in a sample or chromatogram Radioimmunoassay (RIA) sensitive method of molecules in biological samples based on the immunological reaction of antibodies and antigens antigen or antibody labeled with a radiotracer limited amount of antibody is available, antigen will compete for binding sites Start with a certain amount of radiolabeled antigen, any additional antigen added will displace some the radiolabeled antigen Measure activity of the supernatant * amount of unbound antigen mix the same amounts of antibody and radiolabeled antigen together with unknown stable antigen sample stable antigen will compete with the radiolabeled antigen for binding sites on the antibody molecules. Some of the radiolabeled antigen will not be able to bind constructing a calibration curve that shows the amount of radioactivity present in the supernatant after adding standard 4-10 Biological experiments • DNA analysis extract the DNA from a sample DNA is cut into pieces using enzymes that cut either side of a repeated sequence DNA mixture of segments of differing size Electrophoresis is used to sort the fragments by size spatially separated fragments are allowed to react with radiolabeled gene probes gene probes contain radiolabeled specific DNA fragments of DNA bind only to DNA segments containing a nucleotide sequence that is complementary to its own (matching strand in the DNA double helix original DNA fragments identified by the radiolabeled DNA that has reacted physical pattern the autoradiograph is pattern of the DNA sequences and sizes 4-11 Environmental and industrial • Environmental processes Flow Dispersion In atmosphere and hydrosphere Short lived isotopes Isolated from other systems 4-12 4-13 Industrial uses of Radiation • Radiation Imaging Density Analysis Curing Requires source, detector, data analysis, and shielding 4-14 Measurement with neutrons and photons • Radiography • Tomography • Density Tracers in wells Am/Be source (1 Ci to 0.1 Ci) 137Cs (around 1 Ci) • Used in determining flow - industrial production moisture content -airplane maintenance images 4-15 Uses in Medicine • Radiology anatomical structure (x-rays) • Nuclear Medicine analyze function therapy • MRI 1H, 13C, 17O Equipment • Detectors gamma coordinated to produce images • Isotopes Need to produce and purify 4-16 Isotope Production • Reactor produced n,g reaction • Cyclotron produced p,x reactions PET radionuclides • Generators long lived parent, short lived daughter (99mTc from 99Mo) Ion exchange holds parent, daughter is eluted • Natural 4-17 212Bi from natural decay chain Tools for Nuclear Medicine • Hot Atom Chemistry formation of different molecule upon decay or production • Organic chemistry synthesis of labeled compounds MoAb with ligand complex which can pass through barriers complex similar to biological molecule must be biologically active • Medical metabolism diagnosis therapy 4-18 Isotope 51Cr 59Fe 67Ga 75Se 99mTc 111In 123I 131I 133Xe 186Re 205Tl Isotopes Half-life 27.7 days 44.5 days 78.3 hours 119.8 days 6.02 hours 67.3 hours 13.2 hours 8.05 days 5.25 days 89.3 hours 73.5 hours Use blood and spleen scan Fe metabolism tumors and infections pancreatic scanning many uses blood, bone thyroid thyroid lung bone pain blood, heart 4-19 External Sources • X-rays oldest use discovered in 1895 travel through soft tissue, attenuated by bone barium as contrast media tomography Computerized axial tomography • Radiotherapy kill tumor from outside intersection of a few beams 4-20 Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine • Obtaining medical images gamma rays can be used to produce image 1st used with thyroid with 131I (fission product, half-life of 8 days) Measure of uptake and metabolic activity observed for hours (dose to high 3 rads/µCi, 1-10 µCi) • Need to have isotope accumulate in a specific organ • Spatial pattern of emissions gives a 3-D picture Collimated detector needed single energy g best for collimator 99mTc (140 keV) 4-21 Positron Emission Tomography • ß+ produces two 511 keV g • Identify line where decay occurred • Possible to reconstruct distribution • Useful isotopes include: Isotope Half-life 15O 2 minutes 13N 10 minutes 11C 20 minutes 18F 110 minutes • PET shows dynamic events blood flow respiration (lung to brain) 4-22 Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine • Uses ionizing radiation to kill tissue radical production • Oxygen effect O2 has a large electron affinity O2 + e- --> O2• High LET alpha particles 4-23 Clinical Applications • Endocrine System Thyroid • Central Nervous System Brain Eye • Musculoskeletal System • Gastrointestinal System Stomach Pancreas • Cardiovascular System Dynamics - Adrenals - CFS - Intestines - Liver -Disease 4-24 More clinical applications • Urinary system • Hematopoietic system (Blood) First done by Lawrence in 1938 on leukemia • Lymphatic system • Tumors 4-25 Thyroid Anterior and posterior images from whole body I-131 scintigram 30 mCi I-131 (sodium iodide) 600 rad to lung imaging for papillary carcinoma of the thyroid 4-26 Thyroid papillary carcinoma of the thyroid status post total thyroidectomy 200 mCi I-131 sodium iodide Dose > 30 mCi requires hospitalization4-27 Brain • 20 mCi Tc-99m DTPA • No activity 4-28 Brain • 20 mCi Tc-99m DTPA • Brain Activity 4-29 Skeletal • 18.2 mCi Tc-99m MDP • Only bone uptake, should have soft tissue, bladder and renal uptake 4-30 Skeletal •Tc-99m MDP (Bone Study) •In-111 labeled White Blood Cells (Sickle cell) No spleen uptake seen •Tc-99m Sulfur Colloid (Marrow uptake) 4-31 Skeletal and Soft tissue • Tc-99m pyrophosphate • Electrical injury 4-32 Skeletal, error • Tc-99m DTPA and Tc99m MDP • The outer package was labeled MDP, but was really DTPA • MDP is • methylenediphosphon ate (contains C-P-C bonds) 4-33 Liver • 5.2 mCi Tc-99m sulfur colloid i.v. (SPECT) • 1.8 rad to liver, 0.1 rad to whole body 4-34 Lung • Xe-133 ventilatio n image 4-35 Lung • 4.2 mCi Tc-99m MAA i.v. and 10.4 mCi Xe-133 gas by inhalation 4-36 Tumor • 15 mCi F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) • 0.59 rad whole body 4-37 Tumor 14.8 mCi F-18 fluorodeoxyglucos e i.v 4-38 Tumor • 11.0 mCi F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) i.v 4-39 Tumor • 10.8 mCi F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose i.v. 4-40 Isotope dilution analysis • quantitative analysis based on measurement of isotopic abundance of a nuclide after isotope dilution • Direct dilution determine the amount of some inactive material in a system define unknown amount as x grams To the system with x grams of inactive A, add y grams of active material A* of known activity D know the specific activity of the added active material, S1 Change specific activity basic equation of direct isotope dilution analysis unknown amount x of material A given in terms of amount y of added labeled material A* and the two measured specific activities 4-41 S1 and S2 Example • A protein hydrolysate is to be assayed for aspartic acid 5.0 mg of aspartic acid, having a specific activity of 0.46 Ci/mg is added to hydrolysate From the hydrolysate, 0.21 mg of highly purified aspartic acid, having a specific activity of 0.01 Ci/mg, can be isolated • How much aspartic acid was present in the original hydrolysate? • We say that • x=number of mg aspartic acid in original hydrolysate • y=5.0 mg • S1= 0.46 Ci/mg • S2=0.01 Ci/mg 4-42 Inverse IDA • simple variant on the basic direct IDA inverse IDA measure the change in specific activity of an unknown radioactive material A* after diluting it with inactive A assume have q mg (where q is unknown) of a radioactive substance A* whose specific activity is known (i.e., Sq=D/q) (Sq can be measured by isolating a small portion of A*, weighing it, and measuring its activity) add r mg of inactive A to A* and thoroughly mix the A and A isolate and purify the mixture and measure its specific activity Sr. Sr=D/(q+r) 4-43