Prodipan - Solution Exchange

Desalination Plant: An effort to Mitigate Drinking
Water Crisis of Southwest Coastal Region of
Presented by
Noor Ahmed
Project Coordinator
Impact of Saline Water Intrusion in the Southwest coastal
region of Bangladesh
Impact on Drinking Water
Impact on Livelihood
Impact on Environment/
Impact on Health
Impact on Agriculture
Source of drinking water in the salinity affected area
Pond Sand Filter (PSF)
Rainwater Harvester
Tube well
Limitations of PSF, Rain Water Harvester, Pond and Tube well
Cannot remove Salinity
Cannot not supply water whole the year
Not free form viruses and bacteria
Cannot remove dissolved solid (such as arsenic, calcium, magnesium,
iron, odor, color and so on)
Output rate is low
Micro organism grow after two to three months
An effort of Prodipan to mitigate drinking water
crisis of southwest coastal region of Bangladesh
Prodipan has installed a desalination plant in the upazila of Sarankhola of Bagerhat
under the project of Rehabilitation support for the victims of cyclone Sidr 2007.
Desalination Plant
Control Panel
Main mechanism of desalination plant:
The main mechanism of desalination plant is reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis is
a liquid filtration method for removing many types of large atomic molucules from
smaller molecules, by forcing the liquid at high pressure through a membrane with
pores (holes) just big enough to allow the small molecules to pass through.
It is most commonly known for its use in drinking water purification from seawater,
removing the salt and other substances from the water molecules.
Demand of desalination plant water
Demand of desalination plant water is tremendous
Our plant capacity is 1000 liter/hour but the demand is more than supply.
We are running desalination plant from January 2010 and
our average sale is 1000 liter per day.
Advantages of Desalination Plant
Remove salinity
Produce pure, clean and potable water
Produce viruses, bacteria and diseases free water
Remove all kinds of dissolve and suspended materials and chemicals
(such as arsenic, calcium, magnesium, iron, odor, sediment, color and
so on)
Output rate is high
Initial installation cost is relatively high but considering long term it
is most appropriate technology for salinity water treatment
Some Key Feature of desalination Plant
Installation Cost is approximate 10 lac for 1000 liter/hour plant
Per liter production cost is 0.35 paisa (plant run by diesel generator)
Per liter production cost is 0.25 paisa (plant run by electricity)
Production cost depends on plant capacity
Challenges of Desalination Plant
Installation cost is relatively high
Needs skill person to operate
Operation and maintenance cost is relatively high
Needs electricity to run the plant
Safe and secure place is needed for desalination plant
Community based management with finacial contribution
Thank You