Dmitri Mendeleev • order elements by atomic mass 1834 - 1907 • saw a repeating pattern of properties • Periodic Law – When the elements are arranged in order of increasing relative mass, certain sets of properties recur periodically • used pattern to predict properties of undiscovered elements • where atomic mass order did not fit other properties, he re-ordered by other properties Periodic Table Pattern nm H2O a/b H 1 H2 m Li2O m/nm BeOnm B2O3 nm CO2 nm N2O5 nm O2 nm OF2 Li b Be a/b B a C a N a O F 7 LiH 9 BeH2 11 ( BH3)n 12 CH4 14 NH3 16 H2O 19 HF left right across a row (period) increasing atomic mass (not relative mass); organized based on their activity and properties Periodic Table Pattern nm H2O a/b H 1 H2 m Li2O m/nm BeOnm B2O3 nm CO2 nm N2O5 nm O2 nm OF2 Li b Be a/b B a C a N a O F 7 LiH 9 BeH2 11 ( BH3)n 12 CH4 14 NH3 16 H2O 19 HF m Na2O m MgO m Al2O3 nm/m SiO2nm P4O10nm SO3 nm Cl2O7 Na b Mg b Al a/b Si a P a S a Cl a 23 NaH24 MgH2 27 (AlH3) 28 SiH4 31 PH3 32 H2S 35.5 HCl up down column; similar properties; how the elements react with H and O • some gaps were left in table for undiscovered elements; properties of these elements were predicted. Mendeleev's Predictions for Ekasilicon (Germanium) Property Silicon’s Props Atomic 28 Mass Color Grey Density 2.32 Reaction Resists w/ Acid & Acid, Base Reacts Base Oxide SiO2 Tin’s Props 118 Predicted Measured Value Value 72 72.6 14 Si 28.09 White metal 7.28 Grey 5.5 GreyWhite 5.4 Reacts Acid, Resists Base SnO2 Resists Both Resists Both 32 Ge 72.61 50 Sn 118.71 Eks1O2 GeO2 4 PERIODIC TABLE Non-metals Metals Metalloids 5 PROPERTIES OF METALS & NON-METALS Metals Non-metals • Mostly solid • Can be solid, liquid or gas • Have shiny appearance • Have dull appearance • Good conductors of heat & electricity • Poor conductors of heat & electricity • Malleable & ductile • Brittle (if solid) • Lose electrons • Gain or share electrons 6 Metals Non-metals METALLOIDS Metalloids are elements that possess some properties of metals and some of non-metals. The most important metalloids are silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) which are used extensively in computer chips. 8 Metalloids Properties of Silicon shiny conducts electricity brittle PERIODIC TABLE Metallic Metallic character character decreases increases going down acrossaagroup period. Least metallic Most metallic element elements F Cs Fr 10 PERIODIC TABLE Seven elements exist as diatomic molecules. All others exist as monatomic (single atom). 11 PERIODS & GROUPS The Elements periodic in the table same is composed family have of periods similar (rows) properties, and and areorcommonly referred to by their traditional groups families (columns). names. 12 PERIODS & GROUPS Group The group Elements Alkali Noble Halogens gases metals 2 elements in are ofare groups metals the areun-reactive most soft are 1-2 inmetals called reactive between and gases 13-18 alkaline-earth that nonmetals, the are that are main very referred aregroup commonly reactive. and metals. to occur as main-group used in These elements nature in metals light are only or bulbs. called are as representative compounds. less transition reactivewith than metals. groups. alkali metals. They often react explosively other elements. 13 Important Groups - Hydrogen • nonmetal • colorless, diatomic gas – very low melting point & density • reacts with nonmetals to form molecular compounds – HCl is acidic gas and H2O is a liquid • reacts with metals to form hydrides (negative ion of hydrogen = H-) – metal hydrides react with water to form H2 (Metal-H + H2O H2 + metal-OH) (NaH + HOH H2 + NaOH) Important Groups – IA, Alkali Metals • hydrogen usually placed here, though it doesn’t belong • soft, low melting points,low density • flame tests Li = red, Na = yellow, K = violet • very reactive, never find uncombined in nature • tend to form water soluble compounds lithium sodium potassium rubidium cesium 15 Important Groups – IIA, Alkali Earth Metals • harder, higher melting, and denser than alkali metals • flame tests Ca = red, Sr = red, Ba = yellow-green • reactive, but less than corresponding alkali metal • form stable, insoluble oxides from which they are normally extracted • oxides are basic = alkaline earth • reactivity with water to form H2, beryllium magnesium calcium strontium barium Important Groups – VIIA, Halogens • nonmetals • F2 & Cl2 gases; Br2 liquid; I2 solid • all diatomic • very reactive • react with metals to form ionic compounds • HX (X = halogen) are all acids – HF weak < HCl < HBr < HI fluorine chlorine bromine iodine Important Groups – VIIIA, Noble Gases • all exist as gases at room temperature, – very low melting and boiling points • very unreactive, practically inert • very hard to remove electron or add an electron ATOMIC STRUCTURE The general designation for an atom is shown below: Atomic number (Z) = # of protons Mass number (A) = # of p+ + # of n0 # of n0 = A - Z 19 Charged Atoms • The number of protons determines the element! – all sodium atoms have 11 protons in the nucleus • In a chemical change, the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom doesn’t change! – no transmutation during a chemical change!! – during radioactive and nuclear changes, atoms do transmute • Atoms in a compound are often electrically charged, these are called ions ELEMENTS & IONS An ion (charged particle) can be produced when an atom gains or loses one or more electrons. Metals form cations A cation (+ ion) is formed when a Cations are named the same as the parent atom neutral atom loses an electron 21 5.1 ELEMENTS & IONS Anions are named by using the root of the parent atom’s name and changing the ending to –ide. Chlorine Non-metals changes to form anions chloride An anion (- ion) is formed when a neutral atom gains an electron 22 5.1 Ion Charge & the Periodic Table • • • • Every element wants to be like the noble gases wants 0 or 8 valence electrons valence e- (outer electron shell used for bonding) He has zero valence e- ELEMENTS & IONS elements of of elements of elements elements of have aof ions are elements of Group For main-group elements, the charge Group VIA Group IIA have a Group VA Group VIIA have a have a IA have a +1 -2 charge very characteristic of the group +2 charge -1 numbers. charge -3 charge charge 24 Structure of the Nucleus (1877-1956) • Frederick Soddy discovered that the same element could have atoms with different masses, which he called isotopes – there are 2 isotopes of chlorine found in nature, one that has a mass of about 35 amu and another that weighs about 37 amu • The observed mass is a weighted average of the weights of all the naturally occurring atoms – the atomic mass of chlorine is 35.45 amu Isotopes • Atomic mass - The average mass for a given element • all isotopes of an element have the same number of protons • isotopes of an element have different masses • isotopes of an element have different numbers of neutrons • isotopes are identified by their mass numbers – protons + neutrons ISOTOPES Atoms Isotopesofofthe ansame element element havethat the same possess atomic a different(Z), number number but aof different neutrons mass are number called isotopes. (A). The 3 isotopes of Hydrogen 27 ISOTOPES & ATOMIC MASS The mass of an atom is measured relative to the mass of a chosen standard (carbon-12 atom), and is expressed in atomic mass units (amu). The average atomic mass of an element is the mass of that element’s natural occurring isotopes weighted according to their abundance. Therefore the atomic mass of an element is closest to the mass of its most abundant isotope. 28 4.8 Isotopes: Natural Abundance Isotopes of neon Naturally occurring neon contains three different isotopes: Ne-20 (with 10 protons and 10 neutrons), Ne-21 (with 10 protons and 11 neutrons), and Ne-22 (with 10 protons and 12 neutrons). Example 1: Determine the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in a chlorine atom . 35 17 # of protons = 17 (Z) A = 35 # of electrons = 17 (= p+) Cl Z = 17 # of neutrons = 18 (35 - 17) 30 Example 2: Which two of the following are isotopes of each other? 4 1 0 4 1 0 1 8 6 1 8 5 4 1 24 1 2 1 8 31 8 5 X Y Z R Isotopes of an element have the same atomic number, but a different mass number 31 Example 3: Based on the information below, which is the most abundant isotope of boron (atomic mass = 10.8 amu) ? Isotope 10B 11B Mass (amu) 10.0 11.0 Atomic mass of an element is closer to the mass of the more abundant isotope 32 CALCULATING MASS FROM ISOTOPIC DATA Isotope Mass (amu) Abundance (%) 107Ag 106.91 51.84 109Ag 108.90 48.16 (106.91) (0.5184) =o 55.42 amu м ь м ь м ь ж ц ж ц ж ц ж ц A t o m i c m a s s A b u n d a n c e M a s s f A b u n d a n c e M a s s o f п п п п п п п п п п п п ч ч ч ч з з з з = x + x ч ч ч ч н э н э н э з з з з ч ч ч ч з з з з п п п п п п o f a n e l e m e n t o f i s o t o p e 1 i s o t o p 1 o f i s o t o p e 2 i s o t o p e 2 и ш и ш и ш и ш п п о ю п п п п (108.90) (0.4816) =e 52.45 amu о ю о ю 107.87 amu 33 Mass Number is Not the Same as Atomic Mass • the atomic mass is an experimental number determined from all naturally occurring isotopes • the mass number refers to the number of protons + neutrons in one isotope – natural or man-made THE END 35