Embedding radioactive materials into low-temperature microcalorimeters Some preliminary ideas and results Michael W. Rabin Los Alamos National Laboratory D.A. Bennett4, E. Birnbaum1, E.M. Bond1, R.C. Cantor5, M.P. Croce1, J.E. Engle1, F. Fowler4, R.D. Horansky2, K.D. Irwin, K.E. Koehler1,3, G.J. Kunde1, W.A. Moody1, F.M. Nortier1, D. Schmidt2, W.A. Taylor, J.N. Ullom2, L.R. Vale2, M. Zimmer, M.W. Rabin1 1Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA 2National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, USA 3Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA 4University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 5Star Cryolectronics, Santa Fe, NM, USA Revised Feb 6, 2013 Energy resolution for X- and g-ray spectroscopy Factor of ten better than conventional semiconductor technology Close look at spectrum for X/g NDA of Pu (98.95) (102.98) 241Pu/ (99.85) (101.06) (104.23) (103.73) Quantitative analysis of isotopic composition Preliminary results from internal “round robin”— 3 sensors X 4 samples Microcalorimeter Conventional sensor Atom ratio comparison for spectrum shown Mcal 0.132 ± 0.006 TIMS 0.133 ± 0.003 External vs. internal for a-decaying isotopes Decay products are the alpha particle and the daughter atom Q = Ea + ED External source External source Internal source Internal source Energy (keV) Branch Fraction Q 5593 1 a 5499 5456 0.71 0.29 g 43.5 99.85 1 x 10-4 7 x 10-5 7 First high-resolution mixed actinide Q spec Shows 3X increase in separation between peak centers 238Pu 241Am 8 Large microcalorimeter arrays for spectroscopy + Embedded radionuclides + Isotope production facility Some radioactive decays of interest a, b, electron capture 238 Pu ® 234 U + a 241 Am ® 237 Np + a 241 Pu ® 241 Am + e + n e 3 H ® 3 He + e + n e 187 Re ® 187 Os + e + n e 163 Ho ® 163 Dy * +n e 163 Ho ® 163 Dy + n e + {g , e, phonons} 10 Some radioactive decays of interest a, b, electron capture Also work by Loidl (CEA) 11 Some radioactive decays of interest a, b, electron capture Key linking science issue The chemical form and physical microstructure of the combination of absorber and source affects energy thermalization. 12 Some possible surrogate isotopes Use for prototyping methods for isotope encapsulation and sensor designs Parent Gamma rays? Q (keV) isotope half life units 7Be 37Ar 53.28 35 day day y n 41Ca 44Ti 49V 51Cr 53Mn 1.00E+05 52 337 27.7 3.70E+06 year year day day year 54Mn 55Fe 57Co 56Ni 67Ga 312 2.73 271.8 6 3.2 68Ge 71Ge 73As 72Se 270.8 11.4 80.3 8.5 Child isotope stable? 862 813 7Li 37Cl y y n y n y n 421 268 602 751 596 41K 44Sc 49Ti 51V 53Cr y n y y y day year day day day y n y y y 1377 231 836 2140 1001 54Cr 55Mn 57Fe 56Co 67Zn y y y n y day day day day n n y y 110 233 340 330 68Ga 71Ga 73Ge 72As n y* y n Isotopes that decay solely by electron capture to the nuclear ground state of a very long lived or stable product (child) isotope. High Q is OK for prototyping. Screening is incomplete and not yet detailed enough. 13 Possible methods of deposition and encapsulation Assuming you start with liquid water-based solution of radioactive material • Drying of water-based solution • Electrodeposition • Metalurgy • Surface chemistry you get everything that does not evaporate coffee-ring effect mitigated by extremely very small volumes, ~10 picoliter more selective codeposition of major species (e.g. Cu, Au, Bi) and ultra trace (Fe, Ho) used for Cu vias in zillions of integrated circuits unfavorable phase diagrams rapid freezing from melt common to quench nonequilibrium concentration bonding and diffusion techniques based interface metalurgy (eutectics) controlled atmosphere, temperature, time, substrate chemical reduction of salts and oxides hard selective binding to surface with custom ligands 14 Incorporation of aqueous source and encapsulation Techniques for analytical picoliter dispensing under development by LANL-HP collaboration Precise control of dispensed volume, droplet position, and final spot size Mitigates position-dependent response of sensors Allows us to control activity per sensor Control of physical form and chemical composition will affect energy thermalization physics in the sensors Examples from 55Fe electrodeposition 16 Recent sensors for ECS of 55Fe 17 Spectral results ECS of commercial 55Fe 55Fe Taylor-made 55Fe larger absorber Taylor-made 55Fe smaller absorber ~54 eV FWHM 18 Improved spectral results ECS of 55Fe 19 eV s = 5.25 eV 2.35 s = 12.4 eV l1 = 8.9 eV l2 = 47 eV h = 0.37 19 New sensors designs No membrane. Easier to make. More robust. 20 Concluding remarks This is the era for wide-ranging experimentation in for embedding radioactive isotopes into sensors. Long-range plans for calorimetric spectroscopy for neutrino mass call for DE = 1-2 eV FWHM A = 1-100 Bq per pixel which have been not yet been shown for any EC-decaying isotope. By prototyping with 55Fe, then 163Ho we mean to try. Large high-resolution arrays + embedded radioisotopes + isotope production 21 X g a Q b e EC X g a Q b e Calorimetric electron capture energy spectroscopy combines many of these. 24