Disk I/O Tuning Fundamentals

Chapter 21
Disk IO Tuning Fundamentals
Disk IO Concepts
Service time / latency
Time taken to retrieve single item from disk
Includes time for steps to read from disk
Throughput / bandwidth
Number of IO’s performed in a particular timeframe
Depends on nature of read request
Rotational latency
Seek time
Data transfer time
Random – dependent on rotational latency + seek time
Sequential – Rotational latency most important
Disk IO Concepts (cont.)
Disk Drives
Occurs with frequent disk activity
Increases service time of a request
Have physical mechanical limitations for speed
Haven’t kept up with CPU, memory, and storage
Need to purchase disk devices to meet IO, not storage
requirements based on disk drive limitations
Disks that are full means higher seek times
Oracle IO Architecture
Datafile single block read – see “db file sequential read”
Multi block read – see “db file scattered read”
Direct path reads
Temporary direct path IO
do not involve the buffer cache
Can be single block or multiblock
Generally used for multiblock reads
Used for sorting, joins, or anything requiring workspace
Needed when insufficient PGA memory exists
See “direct path read temp”
See “direct path write temp”
Oracle IO Architecture (cont.)
Datafile write IO
Direct path writes
Used with DML operations
“free buffer waits” can occur if too much activity
Consider using asynchronous IO for these operations
Used with Direct IO operations
Used with append hint
See “direct path write”
Oracle IO Architecture (cont.)
Redo log IO
Redo log IO is sequential in nature
Consequently, disk seek time generally low
See the following wait events
Archive log IO
“log file single write”
log_file sequential_read”
Reads are noted as “log file sequential read”
Writes are noted as “Log archive I/O”
Oracle IO Architecture (cont.)
Flashback IO
For flashback logs (if applicable for your database)
See the following wait events
Controlfile IO
“flashback log file write”
“flashback log file sync”
“flashback buf free by RVWR”
Control files updated by LGWR and CKPT processes
Control files also read by other background processes
Certain V$ view information stored in control file
See the following waits
“control file parallel write”
“control file sequential read”
Measuring / Monitoring IO
IO is a blocking operation
See V$SYSTEM_EVENT for information
Use OEM’s Performance Page for IO times
Use Oracle dynamic performance views
Measuring / Monitoring IO (cont.)
Calibrating IO possible in Oracle 11g
Can measure IO capabilities of your disk subsystem
Provide maximum disk service level & physical reads
More useful for OLTP than the data warehouse
Must be using asynchronous IO
Optimizing Datafile IO
Minimize IO latency
Maximize IO throughput
Increase the raw number of physical disks
Striping Strategies
Run disks at less than full capacity (e.g. 50-75%)
Replace with faster devices or even Solid State disk
Hardware striping
Software striping
Oracle’s ASM (Automatic Storage Management)
Oracle manual datafile stripinjg
Optimizing Datafile IO (cont.)
Raid Arrays
RAID 0 – striping
RAID 1 - mirroring (two copies of same data)
Isolating Datafile IO can improve performance
parity checking
Less expensive than mirroring
Write IO degrades because of parity checks
Generally should be avoided for database servers
Can be reduced by using non-volatile cache
Isolate datafiles from redo logs
Isolate specific tablespaces depending on use
Redo and Archive Optimization
Alternate redo log groups across disk devices
Use specific redo log configuration for
Fine-grained stripe
Nonvolatile memory cache
Avoid RAID 5
Look for “log file switch” waits; if occurring
Increase size of redo logs, and/or
Increase number of redo log groups
Flashback Logs
For best performance for flashback logs
Place on dedicated disks for best performance
Avoid placing with redo or archive logs
Generally use fine-grained striping strategy
Larger than 1GB SGA may help performance