Section Title 思泰文康-中国生命科学的贸易和技术平台 Stravencon Limited- Chinese Life Sciences Trade & Technology Platform June 2012 Confidential Copyright © Stravencon Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Confidential 1 What is Stravencon? 思泰文康简介 Specialized healthcare product company focussed on trade between China and Europe. It operates as a “one stop shop” for Chinese companies wishing to access European markets 专注于中国和欧盟之间贸易的专业医疗健康产品公司,为希望进入欧盟市场的 中国企业提供“一站式”解决方案。 Provides access to European healthcare markets through: 通过如下方式,协助进入欧 洲医疗健康产品市场 - Regulatory guidance (GMP auditing/documentation preparation) and European filings to obtain marketing authorizations 药政法规指导( GMP审计/文件准备)以 及在欧盟提交文件以获得市场准入证书(MA) - Distribution, sales & marketing support through network of partner companies 通 过协作网络进行分销、销售和市场营销支撑 Builds alliances between European, North American and Chinese firms for 建立欧洲、 北美和中国公司的联盟关系,以进行 - Toll manufacturing (OEM) 合同生产加工 - Technology transfer from Europe/US to China 从欧洲和美国进行技术转移到中国 - Product co-development in China 在中国的产品合作开发 - Biotechnology 生物科技 Provides financial advisory services, particularly for Chinese pharmaceutical companies seeking to raise capital, invest and/or acquire assets in Europe. 提供金融咨 询服务,特别是为中国公司在欧洲寻求融资、投资和/或并购欧洲企业提供咨询服务。 Confidential 2 Section Title Product Trading Platform-China to Europe Stravencon 思泰文康的产品贸易平台-中国到欧洲 Stravencon obtains marketing authorisations 思泰文康获得市场准入许可 Products supplied directly to partner companies and purchasing organisations 产品直接提供给合作伙伴公司和采购机构 Stravencon manages “closed loop” supply chain 思泰文康管理“闭环”供应链 Manufacturers hold strategic inventory 制造商保有战略库存 Products产品 Chinese Manufacturers 中国制造商 Marketing Authorisation 市场准入许可 Data资料 Payments付款 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Stravencon Ltd. 思泰文康 Partner Companies & Purchasing Organizations Payments付款 合作伙伴公司和 采购机构 Products产品 Confidential 3 Section Title Product Trading Models-China to EU Stravencon 思泰文康产品贸易模式-从中国出口到欧盟 Licensing agreement 授权 协议 Products MA held by Stravencon Ltd in EU 产品 市场准入证书由思泰文康公 司拥有 Products supply- exclusive agreement with Chinese HQ company中国公司通过 独家供货协议供货 Agency Products MA held by Products supply from agreement 代理 Chinese legal entity Chinese HQ company managed by Stravencon产 under management 品市场准入证书由中国法人 agreement中国公司通过管 拥有,由思泰文康公司管理 理协议供货 协议 J/V agreement 合资协议 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Stravencon & Chinese co invest in EU legal entity. MA held hereS和中国建立 合资公司,产品市场准入证 书由JV公司拥有 Products supply under exclusive agreement with J/V 产品通过通过独家供货 协议供货给JV Confidential 4 Section Title The Biotechnology Partnering Model 生物科技伙伴关系模式 Chinese Biotech company中国生 物技术公司 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet StravenconTechnical /Financial intermediary 思泰文康-技术和 财政方面的居间 桥梁 ---------------Gateway to Licensing, Regulatory & Market Information 许可证、药政法 规和市场的路径 Source of Funds 融资 EU Biotech Company 欧洲生物技术公 司 Confidential 5 Section Title in the Biotechnology Partnering Model Key issues 生物科技伙伴关系模式的关键因素 • Assessment of technology 技术评估 Technology • Modifications of platform science 平台 科技的修正 技术 • Finding the compatible skills 寻求兼容 的技能 • Preparing the competitive position 规划 Financing 财务和财政 具有竞争性的定位 • Co-development Partner or Investor 合 作开发伙伴或投资人 • The development plan and true costs 开发计划和真实成本 • Where to do work to minimise time 工作 地点选择,以缩短时间 • Allow funds to get this all right 调配资金 使运转正常 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 6 Section Title Board of Directors 思泰文康董事会 Stravencon Name-姓名 Position-职位 Previous/Current Employers Years Industry Experience Douglas B. Andrews Director & CEO Consilient Health Ltd., 安达格 董事&首席执行官 Schering-Plough Julian Attfield Director & CFO GeneMedix, Sigma-Genosys Ltd. 朱利安 董事&首席财政官 Arthur Andersen (now Deloittes) Veni Harania MBE Non-Exec Director Pharmacist and Pharmacy chain 哈维尼 非执行董事 Management This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet 34 Confidential 17 40 7 Section Title Management Team- Commercial operations Stravencon 思泰文康管理团队-商务运作 Name-姓名 Position-职位 Previous/Current Employers Years Industry Experience Bruce Murdoch Director of Planning & Avesthagen, Schering-Plough, 穆德克 Business Development Pharmacia, AstraZeneca 40 规划和业务拓展总监 W.J. Hargan Commercial Director Hospira Healthcare BV, Abbott 哈百里 商务总监 and Knoll AG Richard Alexander Commercial Operations Teva (IVAX), ratiopharm 理查德 Specialty Generics (Hospital Markets and Biosimilars) 32 20 商务运作(专科仿制药) William (Xiaoli) Wang Country Manager 王晓立 Western Australia Trade Office China 中华区首席代表 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 8 21 Section TitleTeam –Technical & Regulatory外协团队-技术及药政 Outsourced Name Position Previous/Current Employers David Bilton Director of Procurement Ice Pharma Group 毕大伟 and Operations SmithKline Beecham Years Industry Experience 25 团体采购及运营总监 Dr Alvaro Espina QP Technical Operations 奥维罗 博士& QP Chief Auditor Yerfis, Spyfarma & Ferrer Bluefish Pharma 20 Interim Auditor Ciba Vision, Celltech and 34 临时审计官 SR Pharma 技术团队首席审计官 David Farrer QP 法大维(QP) David Clapperton QP QA Management 科大卫(QP) QA管理 Graeme Ladds QP Pharmacovigilance 蓝格木(QP) This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Medicines Testing Labs CBF and Select Pharma Services Pharsafer Ltd 32 25 药物监测 Confidential 9 Section TitleTeam –Technical & Regulatory外协团队-技术及药政 Outsourced Name-姓名 Position-职位 Andy Pickbourne Head of Regulatory & 皮安迪 Documentation Previous/Current Employers Years Industry Experience Ice Pharma Group 20 药政和文件负责人 Archana Khodke Manager of Regulatory Affairs 阿可娜 药政法规事务经理 Joanna Przysowa Project Manager- Production 周安娜 planning Ice Pharma Group 15 Ice Pharma Group 10 Ice Pharma Group 10 项目经理-生产计划 Alex Chu Project Manager-Logistics 褚军威 项目经理-物流 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 10 Section Title Organigramme 思泰文康组织机构图表 Stravencon CEO首席执行官 Douglas Andrews 安达格 Finance & Admin财务和 行政 European Commercial欧 盟商务 Business Development 业务拓展 Julian Attfield Operations & Procurement 团体采购及运 作总监 Bill Hargan Bruce Murdoch 朱利安 David Bilton 哈百里 穆德克 Country Manager China中华区 首席代表 William Wang 王晓立 毕大伟 Technical Director技术首 席 Dr Alvaro Espina 奥维罗 QA Management QA管理 Safety & PV 安全和药物 检测 Regulatory & Tech Doc药政 和文件 David Clapperton QP’科大维(QP) Dr Graeme Ladds蓝格木 Andy Pickbourne皮安 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet 迪 Confidential 11 Stravencon –Therapeutic areas of interest 思泰文康-在治疗领域的兴趣 Antibiotics& Antifungal 抗 生素及抗真 菌 Biological Therapies 生 物疗法 Hospital Segment Injectable & Oral Oncology注 射和口服抗 肿瘤药物 医院产品 Support Therapies 支 持疗法 Specialised Cardiology 心脏病专科 Pain control & anesthesia 疼痛控制与 麻醉 Confidential 12 Section Title The Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry as a Supplier of Generic Medicines to Europe 为欧洲提供仿制药的中国医药行业 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 13 Section Title expansion from 2000-2000年以来中国医药行业的扩张 Chinese Industry What are the main factors – positive & negative? 主要的有利因素和不利因素 China is already the leading supplier of pharmaceutical active ingredients (API’s) to the global market. Chinese and international regulation of API’s will soon become more rigourous中国已是全球市场最重要的原料药供货商。中国和 国际的原料药法规不久会更加严格。 State support for integrated export (i.e., including FDF’s) to regulated markets 国家对向药政法规市场的整合出口(包括制剂)的支持 There is a realization that pharmaceutical industry consolidation is inevitable in order to gain financial strength – The 3,500 will become 350 within 10 years. 认识到为获得财务和财务方面的优势,医药行业的整合是不可避免的-十年内, 3500家企业将变为350家。 A major “change of mindset” regarding production quality and discipline is underway, driven by SFDA with incentives and penalties. Also supported by presence of US FDA and EMA offices. 由SFDA的奖惩所驱动,对生产质量和规 范的主要的观念更新正在进行中。 Continuous pressure by Government on improving “external image” which has been badly damaged over recent years with various scandals. 来自于政府的改 善“外部形象”的压力。 此 “外部形象”已被近年来的多宗丑闻所严重破坏。 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 14 Section What’s new inTitle the Chinese Pharmaceutical scene? 中国医药产业的新气象 What is driving internal changes? 变化的内因 Since 1995, the Chinese Government and SFDA have introduced new regulations on Product Registration, Clinical Trials requirements, cGMP , Import & export regulations. By mid-2013 stricter regulations will be in place regarding the manufacturing of APIs in Chinese factories 中国政府和国家药监局在1995年对产品注 册、临床试验要求、 cGMP和进出口法规实施了新法规。到2013年年中,对原料药生产的 更严厉的法规将开始实施。 Introduction in 2005 of IP protection and enforcement of Patents on Pharmaceutical products and processes 对医药产品和生产过程专利的知识产权保护和执法于2005年 开始实施。 The Healthcare Stimulus Package of RMB 850 billion ($ 125 billion) between 20092011 -2009-2011年间的8500亿人民币 (1250亿美元)的医疗卫生刺激计划 The Introduction of 3 National Health Insurance schemes in Oct 2010 to cover 1.23 billion people or 90% of population- 2010年10月覆盖12.3亿人口或90%全国人口的3个 全国医疗保险方案 的实施 The realisation that the “basket of inventions” is running out and “Innovation” will be critical for survival in 21st century 意识到“一揽子发明”将枯竭,“创新” 将是在21世纪生 存的关键 The wealthy middle classes are demanding better products and more intervention in health issues 富裕的中产阶级需要更好的医疗卫生产品及对健康问题的更多的干预。 . This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 15 Section Title Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry 中国医药产业 State controlled versus Private sector 国有控制的企业与民营企业的对比 Source- Datamonitor 2010 Private owned 35% State owned 36% 国有 民营 Foreign funded 29% 外资 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 16 Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry- Transition 中国医药行业-转变 Pharmaceutical companies 医药公司 US/EU Approved companies 欧美核可的公司 >6,000 2000 <10 ~3,500 2010 ~30 350 2020 >200 Confidential 17 Section ChineseTitle Industry in 2011 -2011年的中国医药产业 API and FDF sites approved by US FDA or EU authorities. Stringent new regulations on APIs expected by mid-2013 由美国FDA 和欧盟药政法规当局核可的原料药和制剂的生产场地。更严格 的原料药法规预计将于2013年中期对外公布。 COS’s • 278 product approvals • 278个产品已被 核可 DMF’s • 740 product approvals 740 个产品已被核 可 • < 30 sites approved cGMP certs This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet • 少于30个场地 被核可 Confidential 18 Section Title Factors favouring Chinese Companies 对中国企业有利的因素 What supports the Opportunities for Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry moving into regulated markets 有利于中国制药企业进入药政法规市场的各个方面 GMP Changes GMP的变化 State funding support 国家资金方面 的支持 Market ambition 市场野心 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Low Cost base 低成本的基础 API’s in World Mkt 世界市场的 原料药 Confidential 19 Section Title The Stravencon Portfolio 思泰文康产品组合 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 20 Section Title Products under Development Stravencon 思泰文康在开发的产品 Hospital Antibiotics- Series of 4 Cephalosporins under development and 11 MAs under control. 3 supply points confirmed 医院抗生素-4个头孢系列产 品,11个MA。确定的三个供应点 Specialized Injectable Oncology products for EU markets from a new greenfield site in Sichuan Province 来自四川省的新建企业的供应欧盟市场 的专科抗肿瘤注射剂产品 Specialized Injectable Oncology products for EU markets. 4 products from US-approved manufacturer in Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces. EU-GMP factory audits conducted供应欧盟市场的专科抗肿瘤注射剂产品。四个产品 来自美国核可的江苏和山东的生产厂家。进行了欧盟-GMP工厂审计 Specialized Oral Oncology products for EU markets. 4 products from an EU-approved manufacturer in Beijing供应欧盟市场的专科抗肿瘤口服产品。 四个产品来自欧盟核可的北京的生产厂家。 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 21 Stravencon Section TitlePartner Network on the mainland of China and Taiwan 思泰文康在大陆和台湾的合作网络 Oncology Company under discussion 抗癌药物公司(探讨中) New Cephalosporin Plant- final inspection 新头孢工 厂(等待最后审计) Injectable Oncology & API manufacturer-ready to sign 抗癌注射制剂和原料药制造商-准备签约 Injectable Oncology Manufacturer-ready 抗癌注射制剂制造商 Stravencon Shanghai Office 思泰文康上海办公室 New Oncology Manufacturer & JV partner -under construction 新抗癌注射制剂制造商 & 合资伙伴-在建 Oncology contract signed 抗肿瘤合同已签 Primary Injectable Ceph Manufacturer for NHS NHS头孢制剂首要制造商 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 22 Stravencon Ltd 思泰文康有限公司 Section Title The Injectable Cephalosporins 头孢类注射制剂 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 23 Entry into Injectable Antibiotics Market 进入抗生素注射制剂市场 Section Title Stravencon has licensed 4 Cephalosporin antibiotics – 11 Market Authorisations for UK and EU 思泰文康现有四个品种的头孢菌素抗生素 – 11个规格的英国和欧盟市场准入许可 The 4 Cephalosporins are the most widely used in the hospital environment and are considered essential drugs 这四个头孢菌素品种在医院裡是最被广泛使用, 并且是认可的基本药物 The EU total market value in 2010 is >Euros 150 million 2010年欧盟总市场总价值是超过1.50亿欧元 There are limited number of major competitors 只有数量有限的主要竞争者 The prices and volumes of these products are more or less stable in most markets 在大部分的市场,这些产品的价格和数量差不多已稳定 The EU markets are split between Tender and Direct supply 欧盟市场可被划分为招标和直接供应 Two Chinese suppliers of finished products Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceuticals (cGMP-approved) North China Pharmaceuticals (new build) 两个中国供应商供应头孢菌素抗生素制剂 深圳致君制药(cGMP核可) 华北制药(新建头孢项目) This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 24 Finished Dosage Form Manufacturer –Sterile injectables 出口欧盟的制剂的生产工厂-无菌注射剂 Shenzhen Plant深圳工厂 Zhijun R& D center & production base in Guanlan 在观澜的致君研发中心和生产基地 Completed in December 2006--2006年12月完工 Area: 45,000m2 –面积:45,000平方米 Investment for phase I was 228 million Yuan–一期投资2.28亿人民币 Confidential 25 Shenzhen Zhijun- GMP Certification 深圳致君- GMP资质 EU GMP 欧盟GMP Confidential 26 Collaboration with North China Pharmaceutical Group 与华北制药的合作 Confidential 27 Layout of NCPC Hebei, Huamin 华北制药集团华民公司布局图 Confidential 28 Important visitors to NCPC new facility 重要客人访问华药头孢新项目 MHRA/UKTI/ Stravencon delegation in front of NCPC Huamin new facility 到访的英国医药产品监管局(MHRA )/英国贸易投资总署(UKTI)/ 思泰文康代表团在全新的华药华民基地内合影 Confidential 29 Section Title Products - Cephalosporin injectables 产品-头孢类抗生素注射剂 An Example of packaging of Cephalosporin range 头孢类抗生素注射剂包装样本 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 30 Section Title Seacross Pharmaceuticals 海越医药 The Injectable Oncology Portfolio 抗癌注射制剂的产品组合 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 31 Section Title Main Injectable Oncology products主要抗癌注射制剂产品 Products are being sourced through JV parties and other approved Chinese suppliers 产品供应通过合资伙伴和其他认可的中国供应商进行组织 Oncology injectable products 抗癌注射制剂 産品 • Oxaliplatin 奥沙利铂 • Docetaxel 多西紫杉醇 • Gemcitabine吉西他滨 • Irinotecan伊立替康 • Doxorubicin阿霉素 • Epirubicin表柔比星 • Carboplatin卡铂 • This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 32 Section Title Stravencon Injectable Oncology Portfolio思泰文康抗肿瘤注射剂产品组合 Product Marketing Authorisation & Dossier acquisition 产品市场准入证书和产品文档的购入 Products 产品 Source 来源 Countries 涵盖国家 Carboplatin 卡铂 Genepharm Denmark & France Doxorubicin 阿霉素 Genepharm UK, Ireland & Denmark Epirubicin表柔比星 Genepharm UK, Ireland & Denmark Irinotecan伊立替康 Orion UK & others Oxaliplatin奥沙利铂 Genepharm Dossier only Docetaxel多西紫杉醇 TTY Gemcitabine吉西他滨 TTY UK, Holland, Sweden Ireland & 9 others Spain & Portugal This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 33 Phase Section OneTitle Oncology Products--European market value 第一阶段的抗癌产品- 欧洲市场价值 European market value for major oncology injectables 主要抗癌产品的欧洲市场价值 2010 € million (百万欧元) Evolution Index 指标 DOCETAXEL多西紫杉醇 848,408 101 OXALIPLATIN奥沙利铂 433,844 86 PACLITAXEL紫杉醇 414,269 99 DOXORUBICIN阿霉素 243,052 106 GEMCITABINE吉西他滨 226,539 72 IRINOTECAN伊立替康 225,554 78 EPIRUBICIN表柔比星 112,679 89 CARBOPLATIN卡铂 109,756 88 Source: IMS 2010 data This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 34 Section Title Stravencon speciality product –Phase 2 思泰文康专科产品 – 第二阶段 The Oral Oncology products 口服抗癌产品 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 35 Main Oral Oncology products主要口服抗癌产品 Section Title Products are being sourced through approved Chinese suppliers 产品供应通过认可的中国供应商来组织 Oncology oral products 口服抗癌产品 • Capecitabine卡培他滨 • Imatinib + other nibs • 伊马替尼+其他替尼 • Tacrolimus他克莫司 • Exemestane依西美坦 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 36 Stravencon Oncology Product List- Phase Two 思泰文康抗癌产品列表 - 第二阶段 Oral products- Main indications and EU market size 口服抗癌产品-主要治疗领域和欧洲市场价值 Stravencon Oral Products口服产品 Product name Indication 产品名称 病症 Capecitabine 卡培他滨 Colon and Colorectal Xeloda-Roche Cancer Exemestane 依西美坦 Aromasin-Pfizer Breast cancer Imatinib 伊马替尼 Glivec -Novartis AML, CLL Pancreatic cancer Tacrolimus 他克莫司 Prograf-Astellas Prophylaxis of Organ rejection Patent expiry 专利到期 2013 Presentation 规格 Sales -Euros Mil 销售額 (百万欧元) 150 mg x 60 Tabs 500 mg x 120 Tabs 200 Expired 25 mg x 30 Tabs 25 mg x 90 Tabs 134 2015/2016 60 X 100mg Tabs 30 X 400mg 775 Expired 1.5 mg x 50 Caps 1 mg x 50 caps 5 mg x 50 caps 273 Confidential 37 Section Title Summary and conclusions 小结和结论 Stravencon excellently placed to benefit from: 思泰文康的精准定位可以从 如下方面获益: Emergence of quality Chinese suppliers of generic finished dosage forms (FDF’s) 高品质的中国仿制药制剂产品供应商的出现 Growing EU Generic Markets as distressed healthcare systems seek greater savings 捉襟见肘的医疗卫生体系寻求开支节约,推动了欧盟仿制 药市场的发展 Already ‘partner of choice’ for some of the most significant Chinese pharmaceutical companies 已经成为一些中国举足轻重的制药企业精挑细 选后的合作伙伴 This is the Title of the Stravencon Documnet Confidential 38 Thanks! 多谢! Stravencon Rep Office in China Level 26, Shanghai Times Square, No.93 Huaihai Rd, Puxi 上海市淮海路93号大上海时代广场26楼 T: +86 21 51176325 F: +86 21 51179300 M: +86 133 7255 6858 W: Stravencon Ltd in UK The Landmark 17 Hanover Square, Mayfair London W1S 1HU United Kingdom T: +44 20 7518 0378 F: +44 20 7518 0302 M: +44 788 182 0416 M: +86 133 5711 6495 W: Confidential 39