Slide 1

Gut Reaction:
Dealing with
Real Life Real Food for Cancer
Survivors presented by:
Jennifer Koorenny MS, RD
Topics of Discussion:
► The
Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract
► When
Digestion Goes Wrong
► Remove
► Recipes
and Repair
Our Digestive Systems Role
► Transports
food through the GI tract
► Secretes digestive juices to breakdown
foods into smaller, usable forms of
nutrients (glucose, amino acids, fatty
acids, etc)
► Absorb digested foods, micronutrients
(vitamins, minerals), water and
The GI Tract
Tubular structure extending from mouth to anus,
approximately 30 feet in length, divided into sections with
highly specialized functions.
► Mouth (chewing)
► Esophagus (swallowing)
► Stomach (storage, digestion, rate food moves into SI)
► Small intestine: duodenum, jejunum, ileum (digestion,
► Large intestine: colon, sigmoid, rectum (water
absorption, fiber fermentation, waste excretion)
The GI tract is the second largest surface area of the body
GI Function
► Big
role in our body’s detoxification system
► Regulates much of our infection-fighting
immune system
► All of the digestive functions of the body
► Nearly all of the absorptive function of the
body (skin, respiratory membranes
When Digestion Goes Wrong
► Leaky
Gut Syndrome
Prolonged medication and antibiotic use
Diet choices
Chronic stress
Environmental Contaminants
Gastrointestinal disease
Overconsumption of alcoholic beverages
Dysbiosis: imbalance of GI flora
What is Leaky Gut?
► Increased
intestinal permeability
► Allows passage of foreign materials to
pass into the bloodstream
 Undigested food particles
 toxic molecules
 disease producing bacteria
Common Dietary Factors Related to
Leaky Gut
► Low
plant food intake
► Poor quality food
 Highly processed, refined diet
► High
animal protein diet
► Acidic beverages (sodas, alcohol)
► Eating on the run
► Exposure to dietary antigens (food sensitivities),
microorganisms, bacterial toxins, chemotherapy
► Low gastric acid production
► Antibiotic or medication use
Other Factors: Stress and Digestion
► Stress
Decreases gastric and pancreatic secretions
Decreases muscle contractions in GI tract
Increases constriction of sphincters
Liver, releases glucose
Increases cortisol levels (chronic stress):
 Hyperglycemia
 Decreased immune function
 Water and vitamin losses
Other Factors: Relaxation and
► Relaxation
Increases gastric and pancreatic secretions
Increases GI motility
Relaxes sphincters
Liver, glycogen synthesis
Gall bladder, contracts to release bile when
Remove to Repair
► Requires
identification of possible
 Keep a detailed diet diary
 Track GI function, noting gas, bowel
movements, moods, any changes in skin
integrity, etc.
 Note changes in stress level or physical signs
of chronic stress
Stress: Mind-Body Connection
► Avoid
or reduce exposure to stressors, or
► Learn to manage them
Physical Activity
Deep Breathing
Exit a situation when possible
Consult a professional counselor
Identify Potential Food Sensitivities
Notice whether certain types of food are
related to pain, rashes, GI discomfort:
shades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant,
(This is not a comprehensive list)
Eliminate Potential Offenders
► Elimination
 Remove potential offenders from diet for a
specified time period – usually 3-4 weeks
require eliminating all foods from a family
 “Challenge” all foods individually for 3-5 days to
assess for return of symptoms
 Re-eliminate foods that cause a reaction
 Process takes one-four months to complete
*Guidance from a dietitian is recommended
Repair: Treating Inflammation
► Reduce
spicy and acid forming foods, alcohol,
coffee, tea
► Eat foods containing pre- and probiotics
► Include whey protein with glutamine
► Get adequate amounts of calcium, magnesium,
iron, zinc, selenium
► Modify textures of foods (soups, smoothies,
pureed or soft foods)
Repair: Restoring Bacteria
There are more bacteria in our intestinal
tract than cells in our body.
Pre-biotics (FOS): Support the
Growth of “Good Bacteria”
Foods naturally containing FOS:
► Bananas
► Blueberries
► Garlic
► Asparagus
► Onions
► Peas
► Leeks
► Legumes
► Soybeans
► Eggplant
► whole grains
► Jerusalem artichokes
► Honey
► Most fruits
Pro-biotics: the “Good Bacteria”
Natural food sources:
Foods fortified:
► Cultured
► Soy
► Tempeh
► Miso
► Sourdough
► Naturally fermented
(sauerkraut, kimchi)
► Some juices: ie Good
► others?
Repair: Improving Absorption
Partial digestion (digestive enzymes – papaya,
pineapple, acidophilus – yogurt, buttermilk. Consult
physician if this continues; Rx may be required)
Liver detoxification (brassica family of vegetables,
Vitamin C, E, beta carotene, B vitamins)
Improve Colon Health (vitamins D, K, C, organic
coconut oil)
Reduce Constipation (fiber and fluids, flaxseed meal,
probiotics, FOS, aloe vera juice)
Reduce Diarrhea (increase soluble fiber intake,
temporarily remove insoluble fiber, probiotics)
Maintenance: Dietary Changes
► Eat
whole foods and less processed foods
 Read ingredient lists and look for foods
containing <5 items
 Include 2 ½ – 3 cups of vegetables daily
 Increase plant proteins
 Increase whole grains
 Learn to cook from scratch
► Reduce
► These
meat intake
may require some initial lifestyle
changes, but they do get easier!
Online Food Planner
► Online
weekly meal planner for multiple
health conditions & food allergies
 20+ health conditions including: celiac, autism,
candidiasis, diabetes, etc.
 Food allergies including: wheat, dairy, gluten, soy
 Delicious & nutritious chef-created recipes
 Easy to prepare in less than 30 minutes
 International flavors
 Whole, natural ingredients
Only the Tip of the Ice-Berg
Gastrointestinal problems are serious and
these recommendations are not
comprehensive and are made to help you
troubleshoot potential problems.
This presentation is not intended as
treatment and if problems are a concern,
it is recommended you discuss them with
your doctor or request an appointment
with a registered dietitian.
Recipes: Mango Lassi
1 cup frozen mango chunks (probably about 1/2 fresh
► 3/4 cup low-fat kefir or yogurt
► 2 tsp ginger syrup (see recipe) or 1 tsp honey
► Ice, if desired
Whirl all ingredients in a blender or mini food
processor. Pour into a large glass and eat with a
spoon. Serves one generously.
Recipe: Raita
1/2 large English or seedless cucumber, or 1 standard
1/2 cup low-fat or nonfat plain yogurt (I like European
Style, which is thicker than normal yogurt but not as thick
as Greek-style)
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 clove of fresh garlic (optional)
Peel the cucumber and seed if necessary. Using a box
grater, grate the cucumber. Take cucumber pulp in your
hand and squeeze with both hands over the sink to drain
(a ton of water will come out). In a small bowl, combine
cucumber, yogurt, salt, and garlic powder. Stir and taste for
Thank you!
Any Questions?