Organizational Change “It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change, or so in love with the old ways, but it’s the place in between that we fear… it’s like being between trapezes. It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There’s nothing to hold on to.” - M. Ferguson Agenda IDENTIFY GAPS IN THE TRANSITION P R O C E S S A N D T H E R E A C T I O N F R O M S TA F F A S S O C I AT E D W I T H T H O S E G A P S . L I S T C O M M U N I C AT I O N S T R AT E G I E S WHERE THERE ARE GAPS. The 5 Elements of Organizational Change Developing corrective actions If the gap is: Corrective actions: Vision Management communicates about the business reasons for change (why, risk of not changing, drivers of change). What is the long term Vision for the Project. Motivation Look for pockets of resistance and identify the root cause; discuss your desire for resisting the change. Developing corrective actions If the gap is: Corrective actions: Skills Training on how to change and the skills needed after the change Resources On-the-job training and job aides to support the new behaviors; One on One Coaching; Troubleshooting tips and techniquies Plan Messages by senior leaders and supervisors that the change is here to stay; Project details, status and progress updates, milestones Let’s Play a Communication Game Your Role in Leading Organizational Change