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Chapter 10
Saving for the future
Savings Goals and Institutions.
 Saving options, features and plans.
Lesson 10.1
Savings Goals and Institutions
Describe different purposes of saving.
 Explain how money grows through compounding
 List and describe the financial institutions where you
can save.
Why You Should Save
Short-term needs
 Long-term needs
Home ownership
 Education
 Retirement
 Investing
Financial security
Where You Can Save
Commercial banks
 Savings banks
 Savings and loan associations
 Credit unions
 Brokerage firms
Saving Options
Regular savings account
High liquidity
 Lower interest
 Free to make withdrawals and deposits
 Service fees may apply
 Can use ATM/Debit cards
Saving Options
Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Earns a fixed interest rate for a specified
length of time
 Requires a minimum deposit
 Higher interest rate then regular savings
 Must leave money in for the entire time
 Has a set maturity date-the date the
investment becomes due for payment
Saving Options
Money market account
Combination savings-investment plan
Interest rates go up and down with the stock market
Money is used to purchase safe, liquid securities
Offered by banks and brokerage firms
Money can be deposited/withdrawn at any time with
no fee
Usually not insured
Selecting a Savings Plan
Factors to consider
 Safety
 Convenience
 Interest-Earning potential (Yield)
 Fees and Restrictions
Saving Regularly
Ways to Save
Must spend less money than you take in
 Direct Deposit
 Automatic Payroll Deductions
Types of Interest
Interest is based on interest rate and
principal (balance)
 Simple interest is calculated on principal
 Compound interest is money earned on
the money deposited plus previous
Simple Interest
I  prt
r=interest rate
t=number of years
Example 1 Simple interest
Grace wants to deposit $5000 in a
certificate of deposit for a period of two
years. She is comparing interest rates
quoted by three local banks and one
online bank. Write the interest rates in
ascending order. Which bank pays the
highest interest for this two-year CD?
Example 1 continued
First State Bank: 4 1 %
E-Save Bank:
4 %
Johnson City Trust:
 Land Savings Bank:
Simple Interest example 2
Raoul’s Savings account must have at
least $500, or he is charged a $4 fee.
His balance was $716.23, when he
withdrew $225. Will he be charged a
Simple Interest Example 3
Mitchell deposits $1200 in an account
that pays 4.5% simple interest. He
keeps the money in the account for three
years. How much is in the account after
three years?
Simple Interest Example 4
How much simple interest does $200
earn in 7 months at an interest rate of
Simple Interest Example 5
How much principal must be deposited
to earn $1000 simple interest in 2 years
at a rate of 5%?
Simple Interest Example 6
Derek has a bank account that pays
4.1% simple interest. The balance is
$910. When will the account grow to
Simple Interest Example 7
Kerry invests $5000 in a simple interest
account for 5 years. What interest rate
must the account pay so there is $6000
at the end of 5 years?
Compound Interest Terms
Annual compounding-once each year
 Semiannual Compounding-twice a year
 Quarterly compounding-4 times a year
 Daily compounding-365 times a year
(366 in a leap year)
Example 1
How much interest would $1000 earn in
one year at a rate of 6%, compounded
annually? What would be the new
Example 2
Maria deposits $1000 in a savings
account that pays 6% interest,
compounded semiannually. What is her
balance after one year?
Example 3
How much interest does $1000 earn in
three months at an interest rate of 6%,
compounded quarterly? What is the
balance after three months?
Example 4
How much interest does $1000 earn in
one day at an interest rate of 6%,
compounded daily? What is the balance
after one day?
Compound Interest Formula
B=ending balance
r=interest rate
N=number of times
interest is
T=number of years
r nt
B  p(1  )
Example 1
Marie deposits $1650 for three years at
3% interest, compounded daily. What is
her ending balance?
Example 2
Kate deposits $2350 in an account that
earns interest at a rate of 3.1%,
compounded monthly. What is her
ending balance after five years?
APR-annual percentage rate
 APY-annual percentage yield
Banks usually advertise
 Higher than APR for accounts compounded
more than once per year
Annual percentage yield formula
r= interest rate
 N=number of times
per year
r n
APY  (1  )  1
Example 1
Sharon deposits $8000 in a one year CD
at 3.2% interest, compounded daily.
What is Sharon’s annual percentage
yield (APY) to the nearest hundredth of a
Example 2
Barbara deposits $3000 in a one year
CD at 4.1% interest, compounded daily.
What is the APY to the nearest
hundredth of a percent?
Continuous Interest
B=ending balance
 P=principal
 E=exponential base (on Calc)
 r=interest rate
 t=number of years
B  Pe
Example 1
Craig deposits $5000 at 5.12% interest,
compounded continuously for four years.
What would his ending balance be to the
nearest cent?
Example 2
If you deposit $1000 at 4.3% interest,
compounded continuously, what would
your ending balance be to the nearest
cent after five years?
Future value of a periodic
deposit investment
Periodic investments are the same
deposits made at regular intervals such
as yearly, monthly, biweekly, etc.
Future Value Of A Periodic Deposit
r nt
P((1  )  1)
Example 1
Rich and Laura are both 45 years old.
They want to retire at age 65. They
deposit $5000 each year into an account
that pays 4.5% interest, compounded
annually. What is the account balance
when they retire?
Example 1 con’t
How much interest will Rich and Laura
earn over the 20-year period?
Example 2
Linda and Rob open an online savings
account that has a 3.6% annual interest
rate, compounded monthly. If they
deposit $1200 every month, how much
will be in the account after 10 years?
Present Value Of A Single Deposit
r nt
(1  )
Example 1
A mom knows that in 6 years, her
daughter will attend College. She will
need about$20,000 for the first year’s
tuition. How much should the mom
deposit into an account that yields 5%
interest, compounded annually?
Example 2
Ritika just grauated from college. She
wants $100,000 in her savings account
after 10 years. How much must she
deposit in that account now at a 3.8%
interest rate, compounded daily, in order
to meet that goal?
Present Value Of A Periodic Deposit
B( )
r nt
(1  )  1
Example 1
Nick wants to install central air
conditioning in his home in 3 years. He
estimates the total cost to be $15000.
How much must he deposit monthly into
an account that pays 4% interest,
compounded monthly, in order to have
enough money?