Company Profile COMPANY Specialist broker ISIN LANDI RENZO Equita SIM SpA BLOOMBERG LR IM REUTERS LR.MI Via Nobel n° 2 42025 Cavriago With a presence in over 50 countries and exports representing more than 80% of consolidated turnover, Landi Renzo is a world leader in ecomobility. Founded in 1954 and based in Cavriago (Reggio Emilia), the company designs, produces and sells mainly components and alternative fuel systems for LPG and CNG motor propulsion. Reference markets are OEM (Car producers) and After Market (independent retailers and importers). During 2013, Landi Renzo Group achieved consolidated income of Euro 222.8 million with an Ebitda of about Euro 11.0 million. KPMG SPA Super sector AUTOMOBILES & PARTS Investor relations * C.R.(2) C.C.I.(1) Independent Non executive Executive KEY FIGURES * €m BOARD MEMBERS OWNERSHIP Stefano Landi Giovannina Domenichini 66,495,130 shares on 4/24/14 Honorary President Stefano Landi Claudio Carnevale Chairman and CEO 2,050 shares on 4/24/14 Claudio Carnevale Executive Director Antonia Fiaccadori TOP MANAGEMENT Director Alessandro Ovi Independent Director Tomaso Tommasi Di Vignano Stefano Landi Independent Director Paolo Cilloni 9 Months Total Sales Ebitda Ebitda margin Ebit Ebit Margin Ebt Ebt margin Net Result E-Margin 30/09/14 173.93 14.12 8.12% 2.88 1.66% 0.95 0.55% -0.22 -0.13% Net Financial Debt / (Cash) Net Equity Capital Employed 30/09/14 47.18 109.40 156.58 C.F.O. Director 30/09/13 164.56 8.06 4.90% -20.58 -12.50% -24.31 -14.77% -23.44 -14.24% 9 Months President Herbert Paierl Market Segment STAR Pierpaolo Marziali Tel.:+39 0522 9433 - Fax:+39 0522 944044 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE * (CG) BOARD MEMBERS Industry CONSUMER GOODS Auditing company * Tel.: +39 0522 9433 Fax: +39 0522 944044 IT0004210289 Claudio Carnevale Executive Director for Car Makers Development Iori Angelo After Market Sales/Marketing Officer 30/09/13 62.23 114.49 176.72 Var % '14 vs '13 5.69% 75.27% Annual Results 31/12/13 31/12/12 222.81 275.20 11.04 28.30 4.95% 10.28% -22.20 9.81 -9.96% 3.56% -26.81 5.57 -12.03% 2.02% -25.56 2.86 -11.47% 1.04% Var % '14 vs '13 -24.19% -4.44% -11.40% Annual Results 31/12/13 31/12/12 53.93 61.90 109.81 139.06 163.74 200.96 Source: company data. The year-end closing is at December, 31. Values are expressed in Million Euro. Antonia Fiaccadori SHARE ANALYSIS Operations Director Ciro Barberio R&D Officer Number of shares outstanding Ordinary Nominal value (€) Daniele Ceccarini Product Strategy Officer Pierpaolo Marziali M&A Officer OTHER INFORMATION RELATING GOVERNANCE Quantity 112,500,000 112,500,000 Last Divid. (€) 0.055 Ordinary Capitalis. (€ m) 118.22 118.22 0.10 Detach Date 23/05/2011 Compensation Stock Mbo Incentivo List based voting system (BoD / MB) Quorum for minority shareholders 2.5% Record Date Last price Ord Performance Ord 28/01/2015 1.05 -2Y -34.54% -2Y 74.46% -109.00% Price range (-2y) Ord -1Y -13.56% -1Y 18.20% -31.77% MAX 1.61 -3M 4.91% -3M 18.84% -13.93% MIN 0.90 -1M 4.99% -1M 11.53% -6.54% (1): Internal Control Committee (2): Compensation Committee (3): Nomination Committee INDEX ITSTAR Relative perf. TURNOVER AND VOLATILITY - STATISTICS FROM 02/01/2015 TO28/01/2015 (CG) Corporate Governance: Traditional Model Turn over SHAREHOLDERS * IMPAX ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED: 2.64% GIREIMM S.R.L.: 4.44% AERIUS INVESTMENT HOLDING AG: 5.25% OTHER SHAREHOLDERS < 2%: 33.00% GIREFIN S.P.A.: 54.67% Source: Company Update: 10/06/2014 Total(€) Daily average(€) 1,886,414 99,285 Number of shares traded Total Daily average 1,802,618 94,875 Number of trades Total Daily average 1,672 88 A Volatility 18.60% A Turnover velocity 21.42% Source: Borsa Italiana. Data refer to the ordinary shares. ANALYST REPORTS Analyst reports from EQUITA S.I.M. S.p.A. (17/11/2014) EQUITA S.I.M. S.p.A. (01/09/2014) EQUITA S.I.M. S.p.A. (15/05/2014) EQUITA S.I.M. S.p.A. (17/03/2014) * The above information has been provided and updated by the issuing company