Combining EMD with ICA for Extracting Independent Sources from Single Channel and Two-Channel Data 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS B. Mijović M. De Vos I. Gligorijević S. Van Huffel Jain-De Le OUTLINE 1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHODS 3 RESULTS 4 CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION ICA The number of channels is larger than or equal to the number of sources Undetermined ICA The number of channels is smaller than or equal to the number of sources Single Channel ICA (SCICA) Wavelet-ICA (WICA) EMD-ICA INTRODUCTION SCICA Drawbacks • Assumes stationary sources • The sources are assumed to be disjoint in the frequency domain WICA A wavelet transform is used to expand a 1D signal into 2D by dividing it into its frequency subbands Wavelet transform has been used only for denoising METHODS Single Channel EMD-ICA Signal is decomposed with EMD into a set of IMFs Perform the FastICA algorithm to the IMFs and derive the corresponding mixing matrix A (y=Ax) and independent components Select independent components of interest and multiply it with mixing matrix A to back-reconstruct its appearance in the IMFs set Sum over all the newly derived IMFs to reconstruct the appearance of the source in the original signal METHODS Two-channel EMD-ICA Perform the Complex EMD perform the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Merging both sets of reduced IMFs Applied ICA Reversible RESULTS 原始混和信號 Single Channel EMD-ICA (上)ECG artifact 訊號 (下)Cleaned EMG 訊號 RESULTS RESULTS T1 Single Channel EMD-ICA Seizure event Eye artifact Muscle activity RESULTS 將T1與F4作FastICA之結果 將T1與F4作Two-channel EMD-ICA之結果 CONCLUSION This method is capable of extracting more sources than channels recorded