Creating a Database to Track the Movements of the Four Primary Hazelnut Pests in Georgia Celal Tuncer Professor of Entomology Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Entomology, Samsun, Turkey 1 Aim of Study 1 Determining of abundance of 4 main hazelnut pests in hazelnut growing area of Georgia (making distribution maps) Selected pests: Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) Nut weevil (Curculio nucum), Big bud mites (Phytocoptella avellana) Long horn beetle (Obera linearis) 2 Fall webworm control methods in demonstration orchards 3 One international entomologist, one NEO expert and 4 Georgian entomologist, worked in the study 4 No. of visited orchards in this study. N= 796, 33 km roadside for FWW Region (Total survey) Pest Surveyed Orchard Surveyed Roadside ( 1 km each) Ajara (141) Fall webworm 62 8 Hazelnut weevil 9 Big bud mites 30 Long horn beetle 40 Fall webworm 37 Hazelnut weevil 18 Big bud mites 155 Long horn beetle 155 Fall webworm 140 Hazelnut weevil 24 Big bud mites 23 Long horn beetle 19 Fall webworm 14 Hazelnut weevil 7 Big bud mites 42 Long horn beetle 21 Samegrelo (365) Guria-Imereti (206) Gali (84) 12 4 9 Study Timeline Project field period May 30 – October1 Fall webworm Jun 10 – Oct 10 Big bud mites Jun 15 - Sep 1 Long horn beetle Jun10 – Aug 15 Nut weevil Evaluation Aug 1 - Sep 15 Sept 20 – Nov 30 Today 2013 Jun Expert-Check Jul Aug Expert-Check Sept Oct 2013 Nov. 6-7 Presentation METHODS FALL WEBWORM Fall webworm adult flights were monitored by light trap in each region. Fall webworm larval colonies were counted on 10 hazelnut ocak/orchard. Larval colonies were evaluated togather for 2 generation. Fall webworm colonies on the trees of main road sides were counted visually for each generation while traveling by car, for 1 km distance and with 20 km/hour car speed, Visited towns for orchards: Ajara=5, Samegrelo=6, GuriaImereti=5 and Gali=3 7 Worldwide Distribution of Fall Webworm Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea Drury, Lep.:Arctiidae) Adult and eggs Larvae in spring Damage Larvae in autumn FALL WEBWORM: IDENTIFICATION Adult : Adult moths have a wingspan of between 30–40 mm. Forewings of male are white or have black spots arranged in a number of rows; usually black spotted in spring and pale white during summer. Male from overwintered pupae Summer male Sexing Fall webworm Left: Male ; Right: Female For sexing: Use antenna, male: pectinate (comblike ) ; female: filiform (like thread) type Eggs: The egg mass of Hyphantria cunea is almost green in color. Eggs are laid as cluster. The egg batch contains 400-2500 eggs depending on food plants. The eggs are usually deposited on the undersides of leaves. The egg mass is lightly covered with scales from the female’s abdomen. Fall webworm damage Fall webworm damage Damage in early larval stages on Platanus sp. Damage in late larval stages on Hazelnut Fall webworm damage Larvae: Brownish-grey, can reach up to 40 mm when fully developed, and has 12 small warts surmounted by characteristic tufts of hair. Usually a dark stripe is evident along the back with a yellow stripe on either side. Pupae Pupae are dark brown. 10-15 mm in length. Pupa bears 12 characteristic appendages at the posterior end. Female pupae is bigger and heavier than male pupae. Host Plants and Damage of Fall Webworm Life cycle of Fall webworm Biol. Stages Egg Larvae Pupae Adult MONTHS J F M A M J J A S O N D Light trap for FWW adult monitoring Visual monitoring: Counting larval nests on road-sides METHODS FALL WEBWORM CONTROL Two seminars and one excursion field activity were carried out in Samegrelo and Gali 83 demonstration orchards were selected in Samegrelo and Gali regions Different control methods of Fall webworm were introduced including mechanical, biological and chemical Some tools were distributed to farmers: pruning scissors for mechanical control, light traps for adult flight, climate data loggers, and sprayers for chemical and biological control Some pesticides including biological and chemical were provided Application of different methods for fall webworm were trained 22 Equipments Seminars and field excursions Laboratory and field activities 25 Method NUT WEEVIL Damage ratios were determined on harvested crop of hazelnut by examining 500 nuts from each orchard. Adults were monitored by beating sheet method. Hazelnut weevil: key pest of hazelnut Egg Larvae surveyed Female surveyed Damaged nuts Beating sheet method for nut weevil 28 Method BIG BUD MITES Damaged bud numbers were counted visually in orchards, on 10 hazelnut ocak/orchard. Hazelnut mites: (Phytoptus avellanae Nal. ; Cecidophyopsis vermiformis Nal. Acarina:Eriophydae) Mites in buds Destroyed bud İnfected bud Normal bud Last form of bud,rose shape Method LONG HORN BEETLE Number of damage shoots were counted visually in orchards, on 10 hazelnut ocak/orchard. Hazelnut long horned beetle (Obera linearis) (Col.:Cerambycidae) Adult Damage Egg wound RESULTS… Adult flight of Fall webworm, 2013, Batumi, Georgia. Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in hazelnut orchards, 2013 No.of larval colony/ 10 ocak 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ajara Samegrelo Guria-Imereti Gali Regions 36 No.of larval colony/10 ocak No.of larval colony/10 ocak 5 4 Samegrelo 3 2 1 0 Martvili Abasha Poti Zigdudi Anaklia No.of larval colony/10 ocak 6 Guria-Imereti 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 2 1 Khoni Samtredia Tskaltubo Lanchkhuti Chokhatauri Ozurgeti Kobuleti Kelvachauri Keda Batumi Sarpi 5 4 Gali 3 2 1 0 Kutaisi Ajara 3 0 Tsalenjikha 7 No.of larval colony/10 ocak Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in hazelnut orchards, Ajara, Samegrelo, Guria and Gali, 2013 37 Nabakevi Bargebi Taligoni Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in hazelnut orchards, 2013 Region Town No. of colony/ 10 ocak Kobuleti 0.7 Khelvachauri 0.7 Keda 0.0 Batumi 2.0 Sarpi/Gonio 0.54 Ajara (0.79 ) Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in hazelnut orchards, 2013 Region Samegrelo ( 0.50) Town No. of colony/ 10 ocak Martvili 0.0 Abasha 0.0 Poti 0.2 Zigdudi 1.81 Anaklia 0.5 Tsalenjikha 0.51 Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in hazelnut orchards, 2013 Region Guria ( 3.09) Town No. of colony/ 10 ocak Kutaisi 0.0 Khoni 0.0 Samtredia 0.0 Tskaltubo 0.0 Ozurgeti 2,75 Lanchkhuti 6.80 Chokhatauri 0.74 Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in hazelnut orchards, 2013 Region Gali ( 2.53 ) Town No. of colony/ 10 ocak Nabakevi 2.83 Bargebi 2.25 Taligoni 2.50 Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in road sides, no. of larval colony/1 km road side, 2013 No.of larval colony/ 1 km roadside 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Ajara Samegrelo Guria Gali Regions 42 Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in road sides, no. of larval colony/1 km road side, 2013 No.of larval colony/10 ocak 500 250 No.of larval colony/10 ocak 400 Ajara 300 200 100 225 200 Guria-Imereti 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 0 Lanchkhuti Kobuleti Kelvachauri Keda Batumi Chokhatauri Ozurgeti Sarpi Samegrelo 6 No.of larval colony/10 ocak No.of larval colony/1 km roadside 7 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 6 4 2 0 Martvili Abasha Koki O rsantia Anaklia Tsalenjikha Didinedzi O rulu Shamgona İngiri Gali 10 43 Nabakevi Bargebi Taligoni Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in road sides, no. of larval colony/1 km road side, 2013 Region Town No. of colony/ 1 km road sides Kobuleti 20 Khelvachauri 4 Keda 2 Batumi >500 Sarpi/Gonio 0 Ajara ( > 100) Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in no. of larval colony/1 km road side, 2013 Region Samegrelo ( 2.78) road sides, Town No. of colony/ 1 km road sides Didinedzi 4 Orulu 4 Koki 0 Orsantia 0 Shamgona 4 Ingiri 2 Tsalenjikha 4 Anaklia 6 Martvili 7 Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in no. of larval colony/1 km road side, 2013 Region road sides, Town No. of colony/ 1 km road sides Ozurgeti, 32 GuriaImereti Lanchkhuti, Supsa road 71 ( 131.0 ) Chokhatauri, 13 Ozurgeti, Ureki road 408 Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) distribution in road sides, no. of larval colony/1 km road side, 2013 Region Town No. of colony/ 1 km road sides Nabakevi 8.67 Bargebi 7.33 Taligoni 6.0 Gali (7.33 ) Hazelnut weevil (Curculio nucum) damage ratios in at harvested hazelnut , Damage ratio (%) , n=500 nuts, 2013 Damage ratio (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 Ajara Samegrelo Guria-Imereti Gali Regions 48 Hazelnut weevil (Curculio nucum) damage ratios in at harvested hazelnut , Damage ratio (%) , n=500 nuts, 2013 Region Ajara (2.98 ) Town (variety) Location Village Damaged nuts ratio (%) Mean of town Kobuleti-1 (Shveliskura) 41047’14’66’N 41048’38’95’E Gvara 3.0 Kobuleti -2 (Berdznula) 41046’03’46’N 41049’40’87’E Kveda Kandidi 3.4 Batumi -1 (ბერძნულა) 41032’30’40’N 41033’54’43’E 3.4 Batumi -2 (Khachapura) 41037’40’29’N 41038’37’06’E 3.2 Gonio-Sarpi (Nemsa) 41033’33’39’N 41034’04’65’E Kvariati 2.4 2.4 Khelvachauri-1 (Berdznula) 41034’27’09’N 41036’38’62’E Charnali 2.6 2.4 Khelvachauri 2 (Berdznula) 41034’56’92’N 41036’39’82’E Akhalsopeli 2.2 Keda-1 (Nemsa) 41036’09’26’N 41056’44’71’E Gulebi 3.0 3.2 3.3 2.9 Hazelnut weevil (Curculio nucum) damage ratios in harvested hazelnut , Damage ratio (%) , n=500 nuts, 2013 Region Town Zigdudi Samegrelo ( 3.40 ) Location Damaged Mean of nuts town ratio (%) (%) N420 31.075’, E0410 46.611’ 1.2 N420 31. 775’, E041049.036’ 2.0 N420 31.314’, E0410 47.387 1.0 N420 31. 775’, E041049.036’ 1.2 N420 31.459’, E0410 46.716’ 0.8 N420 30.511’, E0410 44.043’ 1.8 N42026.559’, E041047.031’ 4.0 N42026.408’, E041046.964’ 6.8 N42024.088’, E041044.637’ 1.0 N42024.632’, E041044.554’ 1.2 1.52 11.0 Darcheli 4.0 7.4 7.47 Hazelnut weevil (Curculio nucum) damage ratios in harvested hazelnut , Damage ratio (%) , n=500 nuts, 2013 Region Town Location Damaged nuts ratio (%) Mean of town (%) Orulu 4.4 4.40 Ergeta 5.2 5.20 Tsalenjikha N42033.287’, E042005.487’ 2.0 N42035.295’, E042005.043’ 2.0 N42032.477’, E042005.289’ 2.0 N42038.299’, E042004.444’ Samegrelo (continued) 2.2 2.05 3.4 Anaklia 2.6 3.0 0.2 Poti 2.0 Martvili 2.6 1.1 2.5 Hazelnut weevil (Curculio nucum) damage ratios in at harvested hazelnut , Damage ratio (%) , n=500 nuts, 2013 Region Town Lanchkhuti GuriaImereti ( 8.80 ) Chokhatauri Ozurgeti Location Damaged nuts ratio (%) 42° 0.294'N 41° 57.437'E 1.6 42° 4.830'N 41° 55.446'E 18.2 42° 3.080'N 41° 57.347'E 20.67 42° 2.760'N 42° 4.233'E 14.20 42° 0.121'N 42° 17.048'E 10.47 41° 57.542'N 42° 5.391'E 2.40 41° 56.703'N 41°57.353'E 3.00 41° 52.472'N 42° 0.320'E 1.40 Mean of town (%) 13.67 10.47 2.27 Hazelnut weevil (Curculio nucum) damage ratios in at harvested hazelnut , Damage ratio (%) , n=500 nuts, 2013 Region Gali Town Damaged nuts ratio (%) Nabekevi 9. 27 Bargebi 9.5 Tagiloni 9.20 ( 9.32 ) Hazelnut weevil damage ratios at harvested crops in hazelnut factories, Georgia, 2013. Anka Worldnuts Euronuts Ozurgeti N=510 Guria N=600 Samegrelo N=500 0.0 0,83 2,40 TsalancikhaZigdudi N=500 TsalancikhaZigdudi n=200 TsalancikhaZigdudi N=250 0,6 0.0 0.0 SamegreloGali n=550 Guria n= 200 Guria n= 400 0.0 4.0 3.25 Big bud mites (Phytoptus avellana) damage ratios, Damaged buds/ 10 ocak , 2013 No. of damaged buds/ 10 ocak 50 40 30 20 10 0 Ajara Samegrelo Guria-Imereti Gali Regions 55 Big bud mites (Phytoptus avellana) damage ratios, Damaged buds/ 10 ocak , 2013 Regions Ajara ( 7.58 ) Towns Mean no. of abnormal buds Kobuleti 5.33 Khelvachauri 8.67 Keda 4.50 Batumi 6.50 Sarpi 5.33 Big bud mites (Phytoptus avellana) damage ratios, Damaged buds/ 10 ocak , 2013 Regions Samegrelo ( 7.82 ) Towns mean no. of abnormal buds Anaklia 8.00 Poti 8.67 Martvili Shamgona 8.16 7.00 Tsalenjikha 9.80 Zigdudi 5.30 Big bud mites (Phytoptus avellana) damage ratios Damaged buds/ 10 ocak , 2013 Regions Towns Kutaisi GuriaImereti ( 39.92 ) mean no. of abnormal buds 104 Tskaltubo, Partskanakanebi 26.00 Khoni, Patara Jikhaishi, Kutiri 21.00 Samtredia 0.00 Ozurgeti 110.16 Lanchkhuti, Shukhuti 5.50 Chokhatauri, Guguti 12.75 Big bud mites (Phytoptus avellana) damage ratios, Damaged buds/ 10 ocak , 2013 Regions Towns ( mean no. of abnormal buds) Nabakevi 8.72 Bargebi 8 .60 Tagiloni 8.42 Gali ( 8.58 ) Long horn beetle (Oberea linearis) damage ratios, Damaged shoots/ 10 ocak , 2013 No. of damaged shoots/ 10 ocak 20 15 10 5 0 Ajara Samegrelo Guria-Imereti Gali Regions 60 Long horn beetle (Oberea linearis) damage ratios, Damaged shoots/ 10 ocak , 2013 Regions Towns No. of damaged shoots Kobuleti 0.0 Kelvachauri 1.25 Keda 1.75 Batumi 0.0 Sarpi 0.25 Ajara ( 0.65 ) Long horn beetle (Oberea linearis) damage ratios, Damaged shoots/ 10 ocak , 2013 Regions Towns Poti Samegrelo Anaklia ( 7.45 ) Martvili Shamgona Zigdudi Tsalenjikha No. of damaged shoots 4.33 6.60 5.00 8.1 6.35 14.33 Long horn beetle (Oberea linearis) damage ratios, Damaged shoots/ 10 ocak , 2013 Regions GuriaImereti ( 4.32 ) Towns No. of damaged shoots Kutaisi 0.00 Tskaltubo 0.00 Samtredia 21.25 Ozurgeti 0.00 Khoni 9.00 Lanchkhuti 0.00 Chokhatauri 0.00 Long horn beetle (Oberea linearis) damage ratios, Damaged shoots/ 10 ocak , 2013 Regions Towns Nabakevi Gali ( 17.77 ) Tagiloni Bargebi No. of damaged shoots 20.66 15.83 16. 83 Economic Damage Thresholds Offer for Georgia $ Fall webworm: 1. generation= 5 colonies/ 10 ocak 2. generation: 10 colonies/ 10 ocak $ Hazelnut weevil: >1.32 insects/ 10 ocak or damage > 1% $ Big bud mites: 42 damaged buds/10 ocak $ Long horn beetle: 12.5 damaged shoots/ 10 ocak 65 Other Pests observed during the study in Georgia Other pests which were observed at low level in Georgian hazelnut orchards Anoplis roboris Ledra aurita Mycomyia coryli Parthenolecanium corni Phyllonorycter corylifoliella Lymantria dispar Myzocallis coryli Agelastica alni Phalera bucephala Filbert aphid (Myzocallis coryli Goeze, Hom.:Aphididae) Gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar ) Adults Larvae Phalera bucephala Parthenolecanium corni 70 Agelastica alni Anoplus roboris Mycomyia coryli Yellow mosaic virus 71 Phyllonorycter corylifoliella Ledra aurita Conclusions Fall webworm population level was higher in Guria-Imereti and Gali than Ajara and Samegrelo in hazelnut orchards. On the trees at roadsides, Ajara (Batumi) and Guria-Imereti (Ozurgeti) high populations. Hazelnut weevil damage was highest in Guria-Imereti and Gali. Damage ratio were 8.80 and 9.32%. Big bud mites damage were highest in Guria-Imereti (nearly 4 damaged buds/ocak) but damaged buds were less than 1 damaged bud/ ocak in other 3 regions. Long horn beetle damage was highest in Gali region (nearly 2 damaged shoots/ocak) and damaged shoots were lowest in Ajara. Nine other hazelnut pests were observed in Georgian hazelnut orchards, in addition to one virus disease. SPECIAL THANKS TO… Dr. Kirk Ramer, Chief of Party, USAID NEO, Georgia Dr. Rusudan Mdivani, Expert, USAID NEO, Georgia Entomology experts: Angelina Nikolaishvili, Avtandil Murvanidze, Zaira Gubeladze, Zurab Dzigua All NEO workers.. For UNDP, for fruitful colloboration Georgian hazelnut growers; we shared our foods and times, changed knowledge and feelings.. WE DID EVERYTHING TOGATHER FOR GEORGIA.. Thanks for your time and attention… Dedicated to colloboration for science and peace in the world…