Pitfalls of Managing Change

Pitfalls of Managing Change
Types of “Change”
Operational Changes
Strategic Changes
Cultural Changes
Political Changes
Some Rules Apply to All
Types of Changes
The Number 1 Reality
The Number 1 Reality
All “change” translates to
a loss for someone
The Number 2 Reality
The Number 2 Reality
Due to rule 1 “change” is
not embraced by most.
The Number 3 Reality
The Number 3 Reality
“Change” is inevitable,
it is constant, part of life
“It’s not the progress I mind.
It’s the change I don’t like.”
Mark Twain
The Final Reality (#4)
So many (or even all) of the problems of
managing “change” are problems dealing
with people and their perceptions.
With this Basic Foundation
Pitfalls of Managing Change
Not Recognizing “What” Change is
Or “when” change is needed
Or “why” change is needed
Not Knowing “Who” Is Impacted and by
“How” Much
It will be a loss for someone!
Following the Crowd
Or possibly not following the crowd
Getting Too Far Out of Your Expertise
Making shoes instead of growing
Getting Too Far from Your Core
Dance with what (who) brought you
to the party
Different from the previous one
Change Too Quickly
Or Too Frequently
Change for the sake of change
Not Having Access to Adequate
Knowledge or Expertise
Hiring family and/or friends rather
than topic experts
Not Having a (Cash) Plan Out
for 2+ Years
Develop a measure to determine if the
change is beneficial
Not Being Familiar with the TechnologyMarket-Semantics-etc.
Take the time to prepare yourself
Going with a “Gut Feeling”
Rather than Facts
Know “why” you’re changing
Now 2 Heavy Duty Ones
Not Getting the “Buy-In”
from Employees or Family
Explain the “Why” and the “What”
Not Knowing the Difference
Between Leader & Manager
The real title of this session should be
Pitfalls of LEADING Change
A Manager
Focus on set goals – goal oriented
Concentrate on control
Knows how to get the job done
Problem solving
Tells people what to do and expects it to be
A Leader
Sets the example
Focus on motivating and inspiring
Establishes direction and not a
specific goal
Knows when to let go
They Both Get the Job Done
You can be both a leader and a manager
But know which hat you wear and when
This is the pitfall
One teaches you to fish
An Example to Consider
Pitfalls of Managing Leading