Owwwww ! My eyes hurt and I can’t see Dr Ann Holmes GPST1 history 16yr old girl presents with her father to A+E at 04:00 with acute onset of painful red eyes, severe lacrimation and photophobia What questions are key to establishing differential diagnoses? Onset-precipitating event if any PMH, meds, FH, occupation, smoker? Vision reduced? Nature of dischargemucopurulent/watery/ropey; lacrimation++ Nature of any pain, grittiness photophobia, itch Any contact with red eyes/allergens? CL wearer? At friends, started acutely in one eye followed shortly after by the other at 03:00 No obvious precipitant at that time (incl infectious/FB/CL No previous episodes; physically well Increasing burning pain with reduction in vision. Severe photophobia and lacrimation Examination? http://redatlas.org/RAPages/A/A229/A22900/A 22900000.htm#top examination Unaided vision R6/12; L6/12 (no improvement with pinhole) Slit-lamp microscopy: difficult due to extreme pain and photophobia. Diffuse bilat superficial punctate keratitis seen with sodium fluoroscein. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/799025overview Hyperaemic conjunctivae. Clear ant chambers Ophthalmoscopy-nil gross-diff views Pupils small, response present but minimal differentials Conjunctivitis - bact/viral/allergic Keratoconjunctivitis+/- blepharitis Dry eyes Bilateral foreign body Recurrent corneal erosions Microbiol keratitis (ulceration) UV exposure keratitis Uveitis Closed angle glaucoma Conjunctivitis Viral=commonest in adults, bact=… in children, allergic (incl acute, seasonal, perennial, hypersensitivity, CL assoc); Don’t forget chlamydia/gonorrheoa as potential (tho rare) causes! For: bilateral watering, photophobia+redness ?viral Against: history; grittiness rather than pain a feature; bilat involvement is not usually so rapid; no sticky lids; marked reduction in vision Keratoconjunctivitis+blepharitis Inflammation of cornea, conjunctiva and lid margins respectively Keratoconj’it is=common - adenovirus associated tender preauricular LNs, URTI/systemic viral sxs, chemosis,pseudomembranes, swollen lids. Warm compresses, arti tears rosacea combination of the 3 Dry eyes Can be due to blepharitis/meibomitis, sicca syndrome (sjogren’s); v common • Arti tears, hot lid bathing • For: bilateral, lacrimation, photophobia • Against: history-waking with; severity of tearing; pain cf grittiness; redness usually mild; can be associated with blepharitis; marked reduction in vision Bilateral foreign body For: can be painful; lacrimation ensues with; may be assoc with redness but not necessarily-redness if infection follows; photophobia Against:monoc>bilat; would remember the occasion (eg exposure to dust); worse with blinking; marked reduction in vision unlikely unless FB large and visual axis Ulcers Can be v nasty and sight threatening through perforation+endophthalmitis. Not always painful (HSV hypoaesthesia); multiple causes - history=key Prompt referral to establish cause and effect treatment For: ?pain, drop in VA, red eye, lacrimation Against: bilat unlikely with similar times of onset; no overt risk factors for (eg CLs) Nasty ulcers to avoid getting http://dro.hs.columbia.edu/pseudomulcer.htm http://redatlas.org/RAPages/A/A050/A05000/A0500 0010.htm#top Recurrent corneal erosions Poor corneal BM-epithelial adhesion results in fragile attachment of epithelium prone to loss with min trauma. Bandage CLs prevent lid trauma For: awake from sleep in am (typically)with pain/grittiness, lacrimation+photophobia Against: no h/o corneal abrasion, dystrophy UV keratitis Aka snowblindness/arc eye/welder’s flash Pain typ 6hrs later,with accompanying drop in VA, redness, lacrimation, photophobia Duration approx 72hrs with full recovery Abio drops as infective prophylaxis, analgesia Not to miss Acute closed angle glaucoma Uveitis History=key Diagnosis? Picture one of UV exposure keratitis secondary to? Sun bed use without goggles What you can realistically see with naked eye and ophthalmoscope (with practice+++) Redness-distribution diffuse/focal Discharge incl pseudomembrane FB if very large-microscope needed for removal however Large corneal ulcers Gross uveitic changes eg synechiae Lid margins quiz www.medscape.com/features/slideshow/c ommon-eye-conditions Useful resources Ophthalmology portal: http://guides.library.ualberta.ca/content. php?pid=65447&sid=483494 http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/EyeTrauma.htm http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/TheRed-Eye.htm