CTCL ODIN Risk Management Presentation

In client Master-Client Summary Option
Tick on odin in limit file upload format for client to map in idion
Add relationship officer as per the screen shown above
Add relationship manager as per the screen shown above
Add details of dealer as per the screen shown above
MASTER ---- Risk & Odin policy
Here you have to select the policy type
for which you are making the policy for
NOW file generation the policy type
options are
1. Nse Equity (only nse cash)
2. Bse + Nse Equity (only cash)
3. Nse + Bse combine (Cash &FO)
4. Nse derivatives (Only Nse F&O).
5. Mcx
7. All segment
8. Risk Management Report
9. Bse Equity
And if you tick on default box it will
Be applicable to all clients
Through this option you can define the policy for uploading in odion,now,etc
MASTER ---- Risk & Odin policy
Choose the company
Select ledger date
Consider un conciled
Receipt or not
Want to consider margin a/c
If separate
Consider fixed deposit or not
To consider valuation
of shares in
beneficiary as per
To consider valuation of shares
lying in collateral as per selection
MASTER ---- Risk & Odin policy
Value of commodity
collateral Y/N
To consider valuation
of shares lying in client
beneficiary a/c as per
To consider pay in shortage
or not
To consider payout shortage
or not
MASTER ---- Risk & Odin policy
To deduct last
margin debit
To consider or not out of money in
Max amt to
allowed from ben
If Ledger Debit since – in this option it will consider the net ledger balance of the segments ticked with no of days (option
irrespective of the client deposit figure whether it is + or -) define value in deposit column if you want along with multiplier. If
ledger is negative than the client limit will be blocked even if his deposit figure is positive
If Limit Between – in this option you can give the range of deposit figure and define value in deposit column if you want along
with multiplier. C lients will be bifurcated based on the deposit figure
If 1 And 2 Condition Not Apply And Credit – For those clients having credit deposit figure and more than the range if u have
specified in 2 condition they will fall in this range
If 1 And 2 Condition Not Apply And Debit - For those clients having debit deposit figure and not coming under the
conditions mentioned above will fall in this range (if u want sale exposure same as net stock (net stock can be stock lying in
beneficiary / collateral / SOH ).
Other settings – define single transaction value and qty
In all the above options
A) default limit can be set in their respective options
B) Sale exposure along with the multiplier can be set
C) Buy exposure along with the multiplier can be set
D) Gross exposure along with the multiplier can be set
E) Sale exposure same as net stock – the client will get sale exposure even to the extent of net stock value derived from risk
management process
G) Net stock option considers of ben, col, soh, inshort, outshort they can be selected by ticking on their respective options
H) Multiplier can be set on margin, M2M limit, Turnover, Net position
I) Deposit figure can be set same as ledger figure for the conditions 1 and 4
You can add and remove branch / clients / family/ Remishere by selecting the respective options in the
policy and save the policy
Run process -risk management II from reports1
Go in day to day-odion file generation II – for generating file to upload in odion
Select in the format the policy type which you have made and most important select version
Whether 9x/7x before file generation as shown below
Reports-I-Risk Management Process II
This process has to be done on daily basis to give clients proper risk figures for limit
file uploading. It will show us when was the last process done and at what time as above
Day to Day -----ODIN File Generation II
Select respective format for which policy is made in the above option
select respective branch, remishere, family, relationship officer, client, or relationship
manager if required for any of the above specific options otherwise all clients will come
(as per defined in the respective policy ) by default
Day to Day -----ODIN File Generation II
Version can be
selected from here
Specify the haircut percentage of broker approved scrip and non approved scrip
respectively (Broker approved scrip’s can be defined from scrip master)
Only master client means clients opened in the segment selected in the policy
Include POA stock in manual position (cash) option is for the format -manual position cash
Day to Day -----ODIN File Generation II
Only bse cash register clients means it will consider only clients which are opened in BSE segment only
Set zero limit for now clients means it will automatically set zero limit in odion for the clients whose limit file u
is defined as now in client master
Generation example shown below
Day to Day -----ODIN File Generation II
This shows that the client apx limits as been set as per
condition 3 of policy girish, respective deposit figure is
displayed, along with the multipliers
Reports-II-Risk Management-Report no 235-ODIN Report
Through this report what deposit figure and limits will be set for the clients on
odion file generation II can be known
Reports-II-Risk Management-Report no 235-ODIN Report
ODIN report part1- part 2 cont on next page
Reports-II-Risk Management-Report no 235-ODIN Report
ODIN report part2