Island biogeography I: the idea Bio 415/615 Questions 1. What are the opposing forces of island biogeography? 2. Why do islands have fewer species than continental areas of the same size? 3. How has IBT been tested? 4. What is the rescue effect? Log Species Richness Recall species-area relationships Log Area Consider islands • Bigger islands should have more species than smaller islands. Why? – More habitats (or env circumstances) – Support larger populations – Can hold larger animals (e.g., big ranges) • What else determines how many species are on islands? Richness as a f(area, distance) Island Observations Islands have fewer species than samples within contiguous continental areas as a function of size Islands have ever fewer species as they get smaller (z is higher) Isolated islands have fewer species than less isolated islands of the same size Beyond Islands: Habitat Loss & Fragmentation • Area decreases (Grain decreases) • Isolation increases (Distance increases) • Fewer species expected • Insularization Occam’s principle of parsimony with a warning from Einstein One should not increase beyond what is necessary the number of entities required to explain anything William of Ockham Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler Albert Einstein IBT The Theory • Immigration, extinction – Straight to concave • Turnover • Near, Far • Large, Small Immigration Rate Rate of New Species Immigration High Low 0 Number of Resident Species Many Extinction Rate Low Rate of Extinction Rate of New Species Immigration High 0 Number of Resident Species Many Equilibrium Low Equilibrium Turnover 0 Number of Resident Species Many Rate of Extinction Rate of New Species Immigration High Rate of New Species Immigration Far from Mainland Number of Species Rate of Extinction Isolation Rate of New Species Immigration Large Island Number of Species Rate of Extinction Area Rate of New Species Immigration Small, Far Island Number of Species Rate of Extinction Equilibrium Small, Close Island Number of Species Rate of Extinction Rate of New Species Immigration Equilibrium Large, Close Island Number of Species Rate of Extinction Rate of New Species Immigration Equilibrium Rate of New Species Immigration Large, Far Island Number of Species Rate of Extinction Equilibrium IBT Extensions of Theory • Target effect • Rescue effect I E Distance MW Rescue Area Target MW Rescue effect Brown & Kodric-Brown 1977 Isolation influences extinction rates of extant species too, by ‘rescuing’ them from extinction through continuous supply of more individuals Target Bigger islands are Effect bigger ‘targets’ for colonization Rescue Effect Number of Species Rate of Extinction Rate of New Species Immigration Area and Isolation Extensions of Theory • Target effect • Rescue effect • Landscape ecology: matrix, patch quality, corridor Simberloff: Experimental Test Simberloff’s mangrove islands Land bridge islands Barro Colorado Island, Panama 1. Hilltop = 15.7 km2 of lowland tropical forest. 2. Isolated in 1914 when Lake Gatun was formed by construction of the Panama Canal. 3. Knowing area and period of isolation, can model extinction. 4. 108 species of breeding birds in 1938. 5. Terborgh used land bridge model to predict 17 would be lost in 50 years; really 13 = 12% of 108. So why does insularization lead to species loss? The 3 Step Process of Species Loss and Extinction Debt The 3 Step Process of Species Loss and Extinction Debt Instantaneous Sampling Fast Isolation Slow Area The 3 Step Process of Species Loss and Extinction Debt Instantaneous Fast Faster & Greater Loss as Area Slow The 3 Step Process of Species Loss and Extinction Debt Instantaneous Fast Faster & Greater Loss as Area Slow The 3 Step Process of Species Loss and Extinction Debt Instantaneous Fast Faster & Greater Loss as Area Slow Extinction debt Steeper z Next: beyond islands