BUSINESS-FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS Coaching Business-Friendly and Competitive LGUs for LEIPOs 21-22 January 2015 Brentwood Suites, Quezon City Recent Updates • The Philippines placed 52nd out of 144 economies in the prestigious rankings, versus59th in 2013. Since 2010, when the Aquino administration took office, the country has gained 33 places – the largest over the period among all countries studied. – “Philippines are among the most improved in the annual survey of 189 economies” DILG PROGRAM FRAMEWORK Poverty in multiple dimensions reduced and massive quality employment created Societal Outcome Human Development and Poverty Reduction Security, Justice and Peace Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Good Governance and Anticorruption KRAs/ Sector Outcomes Economic Development DILG Outcome Areas S Environment-Protective, T Business-Friendly and Competitive C Climate Change Adaptive and Disaster R LGUs Resilient LGUs A E N P State of Local Governance improved A N E Accountable,C G D I Socially-Protective and Safe LGUs Transparent, Participative and T T Effective Local Governance H Y E INTERNAL GOVERNANCE MFO LG Capacity Development, Performance Oversight and Awards/Incentives PPAs DILG Programs/Projects/Activities (from Locally-funded and Regular funds) BUSINESS-FRIENDLINESS AND COMPETITIVENESS This is a condition where LGUs spur sustainable economic and inclusive growth by engaging the business sector by promoting local trade/business and generating employment. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Improve capacity of LGUs in engaging business sector, promoting local trade / businesses and generating employment following reforms in their business environment Enhance LGU competitiveness towards increasing sustainable growth and ensuring that growth is inclusive Desired Outcomes for a Business-Friendly and Competitive LGU 1. Updated and approved CLUP/Zoning Ordinance as well as CDPs/sector plans to guide location and focus of investments 2. Structure leading local economic investment and incentive promotion (eg. LGU LEIPOs w/ capacity to perform their LED roles) 3. Local policies and ordinances for business and investment attraction and retention consistent with national investment policies (Local Investment and Incentives Code, Local Revenue Code, Local Tourism , etc) 4. Streamlined transactional services (BPLS, building/construction permits, occupancy permits, sanitation and fire clearances) 5. LGU Roadmap to attract investments and generate employment (ie LGU Business Plan) 6. Active partnership with business sector (implementation of a PPP project) 7. Basic Infrastructure to support local businesses (roads, power, IT support) • DILG Outcome Area: Businessfriendly and competitive LGUs • Calls for local governments to work with the private sector and other stakeholders to improve local economic services “A successful economic development strategy must focus on improving the skills of the area's workforce, reducing the cost of doing business and making available the resources business needs to compete and thrive in today's global economy.” - Rod Blagojevich “Governments across the globe realize the private sector is an important motor of development and job creation. And they realize it’s important to have the right regulations that enable the development of the private sector.” -Rita Ramalho, WB-IF Local Economic Development Business Friendly and Competitive LGUs Enabling Environment for BFCL - Cap Building of Investment Promotion Office/r (LEIPO) - Formulation of Business Plan - Updating CDP, CLUP, LIIC, LRC - Information Portal (SparkBIz) Simplifying Regulatory Systems Streamlining BPLS Streamlining Building/Occupa ncy Permits Automation of BPLS and other RS Local Infrastructure Support Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF) Special Local Road Fund (SLRF) Konkreto at Ayos na Lansangan at Daan Tungo sa Pangkalahatang Kaunlaran KALSADA Workforce Development Skills Training for Accelerated Growth in Local Government (STAG-LG) DILG’s LED Program as a Vehicle for Enabling Business Friendliness and Competitiveness: Local Governance Support Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED): LGSP-LED is implemented through DILGs: • • • • BLGD Local Government Academy (LGA) Regional and provincial offices Provincial Offices Private Sector Partners (PCCI, NCC) Approaches Convergence Capacity development LED Information Portal (Sparkbiz) Convergence (or Economic Transformation Teams) work with other national government agencies and private sector RETT: Mobilizing National Government Agencies to Support LGUs DILG DOT DTI DOLE DA DPWH LGUs/Allianc es/TDAs DENR Capacity Development • LED4LGUs curriculum- a capdev program for LEIPOs and LED team to enhance LED knowledge and skills; delivered through a knowledge network composed of industry and private sector partners, local resource institutions and select LGUs • Capacity-building in other LED and BFCL interventions Establishment of LED INFORMATION PORTAL (SPARKBIZ) Bring business and LGUs together ➔ by providing up-to-date investment information that matters, straight from the LGUs themselves ➔ to drive and spark economic development in more places in the country Facilitate generation of info requirement for ➔ PCCI’s Most Business-Friendly Awards ➔ NCC’s Most Competitive LGUs Partnership with the Private Sector • Working partnership with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, and other private groups, and other those working for the private sector such as NCC. • Constant dialogues and consultations with private sector groups/organizations • Consider recommendations from chambers (e.g. Arangaka Report of JFCC) Support LED Local Projects Creating Businessfriendly LGUs Building Competitive • LGU policies, plans and systems • Investment promotion • Accessing business support services • Destination marketing • Tourism circuit planning • Workforce Development • Product and market enhancement Tourism Sector Results so far…. Since 2008, the local projects in 9 sites have achieved results in terms of improved local economic conditions Php 6 billion New Investments 2,269 direct jobs Employment Increase of 50-90 % Visitor Arrivals • What are the roles and responsibilities of the Local Economic and Investment Promotion Officer (LEIPO)? “Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.” - Nelson Mandela - End of Presentation -