Accomplishment Report - Philippines Development Forum

Working Group on Decentralization
and Local Government
Accomplishment Report for 2011-12
PDF-WG Core Group Meeting
12 April 2013
Overview of PDF Working Group
• The importance of decentralization in achieving development
outcomes led to the constitution of the PDF-WG in 2005.
• PDF-WG is a venue for discussing policy and achieving
consensus on policy reforms and priorities in local
• In 2010, the Philippine Decentralization and Local
Government Trust Fund (DIALOG TF) was established as a
mechanism for pooling resources to support the PDF-WG
Work Plan.
PDF-WG Members
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
World Bank
National Government Oversight Agencies: Department of Budget and
Management (DBM), Department of Finance (DOF) and the National
Economic Development Authority (NEDA)
Local Government Leagues of Provinces, Cities, and Municipalities of the
Philippines; Liga ng Barangay National Secretariat; Union of Local
Authorities of the Philippines
Development Partners: ADB, AusAID, EU, Agence Francaise de
Developpement, GIZ, JICA, KFW Development Bank, Embassy New
Zealand, UN organizations (UNDP, UN Children’s Fund, Population Fund),
USAID, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
PDF-WG Work Plan 2011-12
Development Agenda
Three broad development agenda of the WG-DLG were:
1. Improving Fiscal Autonomy for Local Development
2. Promoting Good Local Governance
3. Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development
Development Agenda and Goals
1. Improving Fiscal Autonomy for 1. More efficient local fiscal policies and procedures
Local Development
2. Increased own-source revenues
Goal: LGUs with improved fiscal
3. Improved access of LGUs to financing
capacities for accelerating local
4. More efficient allocation of expenditures
5. Improved revenue management capacity
Local 1. Meaningful engagement of people’s organizations in
local governance
2. More transparent and accountable local operations
Goal: Accountable LGUs exercising
3. Improved local government performance
transparent and participatory local
4. Devolution models identified for replication
5. Improved capacities of LCEs
6. More efficient local service delivery
3. Accelerating Local Economic 1. Streamlined business registration system
and Sustainable Development
2. Improved LGU capacity to encourage investments
3. Better management of local public enterprises and
Goal: An enabling environment for
local economic and sustainable
4. Boost economic development through road
development and effective delivery of
basic services.
5. Disaster resilient LGUs and communities
PDF-WG Work Plan 2011-12
Structure: Basic Results Framework
WG-DLG Development Agenda or Goal
Desired Outcomes
Actual Outputs/Deliverables
of Projects/Activities
Evaluation Process for
Accomplishment Report for 2011-12
1. Established the structure of the report to follow the 2011-12
Work Plan framework
2. Defined accomplishment and assess progress. This was
challenging since outcomes:
– had no identified benchmark indicators
– were not empirically defined.
Because of this accomplishments are defined as completed
projects or partially completed for projects with several
3. Drafting the accomplishment report:
Discussed the development agendas, highlighting completed projects
attempting to link goals to policy efforts
Presented accomplishments and ongoing efforts in more detail
according to desired outcomes
Accomplishments for Development Agenda 1:
Improving Fiscal Autonomy for Local Development
GOAL: LGUs with improved fiscal capacities for accelerating development
Increasing own source
• Development of local business taxpayer database
• Guidelines for the use of presumptive gross sales figures to
estimate business tax liability
• Facilitating and monitoring compliance on updating of the
schedule of market values (SMV) of real property and the
collection of idle taxes.
Increasing LGU access to
external financing through
• Strengthening the Municipal Development Fund Office
(MDFO) capacity to provide credit information and
development financing
More efficient allocation of
Improving LGU utilization of Local Development Fund
More efficient local policies
and procedures
Enhancement of the e-SRE modules and capacity building for
Accomplishments for Development Agenda 2:
Promoting Good Governance
GOAL: Accountable LGUs exercising transparency and participatory local governance
More transparent and
accountable local
• Institutionalize the public disclosure of documents for the Full
Disclosure Policy (FDP) and the creation of the FDP web portal
• Technical assistance and analytical activities in support of
national government programs that strengthen incentives for
better local governance and performance such as the
Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) and the Seal of Good
Housekeeping (SGH).
Promote constructive
engagement of civil
Capacity building of CSOs to engage in local special bodies,
promoting volunteerism among citizens and CSOs, and mapping
and profiling of CSOs nationwide.
Accomplishments for Development Agenda 3:
Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development
GOAL: To create an enabling environment for local economic and sustainable development
and effective delivery of basic services
Streamlined business
registration system
• Technical assistance for scale-up of business permit and
licensing systems (BPLS) among LGUs
Improved LGU capacity
to encourage
• Technical assistance and capacity building to promote local
investment and competitiveness through draft policies on Local
Economic Development
• Support sustainable inter-local cooperation through the Local
Governance Support Program-Local Economic Development
Disaster resilient LGUs
in communities
• Technical assistance to vulnerable LGUs to assess vulnerability
to DRR and CC and include these in the Comprehensive
Development Plan
General Findings –
Overall Accomplishments
• A total of 32 projects/activities were completed/partially
completed out of a total of 37 projects in the 2011-12 Work
Development Agenda
# of Projects/Activities
(% of 32 projects)
1. Improved Fiscal Autonomy for Local
12 (37.5%)
2. Promoting Good Local Governance
10 (31.25%)
3. Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable
10 (31.25%)
General Findings –
Overall Accomplishments
• Twenty-eight out of 32 accomplished projects were directed
to improving the policy environment
• The impact of accomplishments on development outcomes
are not yet observable since:
– 6 are pilots or for roll-out (e.g. e-SRE, Local Business Taxpayer
Database, PBGS, BPLS, Methods for Presumptive Business Tax Liability,
– 8 are draft policies (e.g. Local Economic Development and Local
Investment Promotion)
– 2 limited scope/coverage (e.g. Bicol-CARAGA and Luzon-Visayas)
• The impact of accomplishments in promoting good local
governance were more immediately observable (e.g. FDP and
PCF) primarily because these were high-level GOP priorities
General Findings –
Work-plan Monitoring and Reporting
• Though clear and easy to understand, the work-plan lacked
the information to identify and empirically measure progress
– the desired outcomes had no empirical measure
– there were no benchmarks indicators
• Secretariat lacked a clear-cut strategy and regular effort to
update the Work Plan
General Findings –
Working Group Coordination
• Strengthened coordination among members
• Consensus for common positions and recommendations was