Unit 6 Early Humans

BY Alessandro Miele and Kyle Gray
 Hominid- Early ancestors of humans that developed in
Hunter and gatherers- Early people that hunted
animals and gathered wild plants, seeds, fruits, and
nuts to survive.
Domestication- The process to changing plants or
animals to make them more useful to humans.
Megaliths –Huge stones used as monuments.
Agriculture- Farming.
Land bridge- A strip of land connecting two
 Australopithecus- Australopithecus an extinct genus of the
hominid family found in Africa between about 4 and 1
million years ago. At least seven species of
australopithecines are now generally recognized. Their was
an Australopithecus named Lucy.
(southern ape)
 Homo Habilis- Appeared in Africa about 2.4 million years
ago. Used early stone tools for chopping and scraping.
Brain was half the size of modern human brains.
(Handy Man)
 Homo Erectus- Appeared in Africa around 2-1.5 million
years ago. Also used more complex tools. Learned to
control fire. Migrated out of Africa to Asia and Europe.
(Upright man)
 Homo Sapiens- They appeared in Africa about 200,000
years ago. Migrated around the world. Same species as
modern humans; they learned to create fire and learned to
use a wide variety of tools. Developed a language.
(Wise man)
 Neanderthal- Found in Neander valley in Germany.
Thought to live 100,000-30,000 years ago. Used stone tools
and buried their dead. Had some primitive religious
beliefs. Were killed off by Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
 Homo Sapiens Sapiens- Modern Human beings appeared
in Africa Between 150,000-200,000 years ago. Began to
migrate from Africa 100,000 years ago. Replaced
Neanderthals by 30,000 B.C.
 Paleolithic- It was the old stone age
Men hunted and women gathered.
First tools and weapons
Clans 20-30 people
They used caves for shelter against the elements.
Mesolithic – Middle Stone Age
 Meso =Middle
 Domesticated Plants and animals. Neolithic- it is the new
stone age.
 Also known as the agricultural revolution.
 Neo= new
 Developed Agriculture and weaving.
Forced Migrations
Voluntary Migration
 It is when you have to
 It is when you have the
migrate from a area
because of conditions
and problems beyond
your control.
 Floods , natural
disasters, and war are
some examples of forced
migrations. Push Factors
choice to migrate to
another area.
 More resources, Better
Technology, and more
freedom are examples of
voluntary migration. Pull
 Tools
 Axes-stone blade and wooden handle
 In modern day the axes have Metal blades used for chopping and the grip is
still wooden.
 Hammer- The Hammer had a wooden handle also it has a rock on top of
the handle that is used for striking objects.
 The hammer in modern day still has it’s wooden handle but the head of
the hammer is made of metal.
 The Homo Erectus learned to control and create fire.
 The Homo Sapiens Sapiens learned to weave there clothes and store food
in pottery.
 First just had stones later created tools and they used what was around them to
survive. They hunted animals and gathered food to survive.
 They also created fire and weaved their clothes. The Homo Sapiens Sapiens made
pottery to store their things like food and other belongings.
 Notes- Interactive notebook
 Internet sources such as Bing, Google, and
 Google images
 https://jeopardylabs.com/play/unit6-early-humans