
Cleanse Protocols
With Bronwyn Michaelis
Reduce toxic exposure
 Reduce each “toxic exposure” 1 a day or 1 every 3 days.
Decide and stay with it
 Cigarettes, drugs, alcohol
 Chemicals
 All non organic food
 Stress
 Poor nutrition – inhibits body’s ability to ward of stress and
 Alkalinize diet: eliminate coffee, gluten, refined food,
packaged food, refined sugars, add in broths and juices
Through out month include
 Morning Water
 Smoothies and Juicing
 take Life Long Vitality, TerraZyme, Zendocrine capsules and EO blend
 Enemas as needed
 Detoxifying baths
 Acupuncture
 Ion cleanse
 Aroma-touch sessions
 Exercise and pranayama practice
Day 1-14
 Alkalinize diet -juices broths etc.
 take Life Long Vitality, TerraZyme, Zendocrine
 Have at least 1 acupuncture session – more if working
with addiction (NADA protocol)
 1 ionic footbath or aromatouch session
Day 10-20
 Day 10 add GX assist and continue with above
 Have at least 1 acupuncture session
 1 ionic footbath or aromatouch session
 Eliminate dairy and or meat unless severely deficient
 Optional juice fast beginning on a warm weather spell
around day 17 for 1-3 days.
 On last day of fast do liver flush
Day 20-30
 Day 20 -30 discontinue GX assist and begin PB assist
along with LLV, TerraZyme, and Zendocrine
 Have at least 1 acupuncture session
 1 ionic footbath or aromatouch session
Core Issues with cleansing
 Excess or deficient?
 Toxicity
 Toxic thinking, relationships, lifestyle
 Yo yo dieting
Signs of Toxic Stress
 Obesity
 Inflammation
 Poor digestion
 Fatigue
 Headache
 Mood swings
 Nausea
Signs of Toxic Stress
 Immune Dysfunction
 Allergies
 High blood pressure
 Hormone imbalance
 Skin irritation and rashes
 Poor energy
A fungus that serves as food for beneficial bacteria
It can mutate and turn into more of a parasite
 Robs body of precious nutrients
 Deposits toxic substances
Most of these are alcohols that break down body tissues
Dis-regulation in serotonin
Leaky gut
Disturbed hormone levels – especially thyroid and estrogen
Poor digestion
Chronic pain
Brain fog
Real issue is the lifestyle that caused this to all take place not the candida
 Anti-biotics
 Insufficient oxygen supply
 Poor diet, especially excessive sugar consumption
 Ph imbalance in the body
Types of cleanses
 Parasite
 Candida
 Liver and GB and other organs
 Lymes
 Weight loss
 Colon
Nutritional Cleansing
 Detoxification function
 Daily maintenance
 Core support
 Gentle
Isolated Cleansing
 Detoxification function
 Can be aggressive, and stressful, time specified
 Still need nutritional support to avoid depletion
 Herxheimer reaction
 When we push the body too far an unfavorable outcome
can happen
Reactions and Responses
 Not going for cleansing reactions
 First build a foundation work within body’s ability in
order to expand body’s ability
 Reduce toxic exposure
 Nutrition
 Organ support
Vital Organs as Protective
 Liver
 Kidneys
 Colon
 Lungs
 Skin
 Toxin exposure. First organ is LIVER to filter it out
 Phase 1 – conversion phase of fat to water soluble
 Phase 2 - conjugation phase. Now water soluble and
transport it to Kidney to elimination
 Fat soluble molecules go to colon (kidney can’t eliminate
 Skin – if too much in Colon we eliminate through oil ducts
on skin, if water soluble we use our sweat glands
Cleansing essentials
 Anti oxidants
 Enzymes
 Essential fatty acids
 Vitamins and minerals
Enzyme Function
 Thousands of metabolic functions that sustain life
 Detoxify major organs
 Heal injured tissues
 Digest food
 Absorption of food
 Conversion of food into energy
 Hormones, mood, thought and Immunity
 Peppermint
 Ginger root
 Caraway seed
 Betain HCL
 Patented enzyme assimilation system
 Enzymes naturally occur in raw and unprocessed foods
Terra Zyme
 Protease –proteins to peptides and amino acids
 Amylase - starches, carbohydrates and sugars
 Lipase – fats and oils to be absorbed in intestine
 Lactase – lactose in milk and sugars
 Alpha galactosidase – complex polysaccharides
 Cellulase – fibers to digest fruits and vegetables
 Maltase – maltose sugars to glucose for energy
 Sucrase – sucrose and glucose for energy
Zendocrine Essential Oil
 Clove
 Grapefruit
 Geranium
 Rosemary
 Take internally and apply topically.
Zendocrine Supplement
 Liver – barberry leaf, milk thistle seed, burdock root, clove
bud, dandelion root, garlic fruit, red clover leaf
 Kidneys –rhubarb stem, burdock root, clove bud, dandelion
 Colon – psyllium seed husk, rhubarb stem, acacia gum bark,
marshmallow root
 Lungs –Osha root, safflower petals
 Skin – kelp, milk thistle seed, burdock root, clove bud, garlic
Slim & Sassy – Weight loss
 A metabolic blend to help the body eliminate adipose cells
 Appetite control
 Fat metabolism and energy
 Healthy blood sugar levels
 1-2 drops in water
 2-4 x a day
 Grapefruit peel, lemon peel, peppermint plant, ginger root,
cinnamon bark
Liver Detoxification Drink
 1 tbsp lemon juice
 1 drop each of Lemon and Peppermint EO
 1 drop of Coriander EO if necessary for addictions
 Drink as morning water
Gx assist
 Caprillic acid – fights fungal and bacterial infections
 Oregano
 Melaleuca
 Lemon
 Lemongrass
 Peppermint
 thyme
Detox Baths or Sauna
 1 cup of Epsom salts
 4 drops of lavender, geranium, lemongrass
 Drink water with slim & sassy, lemon, or zendocrine
Lemon liver detoxification
 Organic lemon juice
 10 drops each lemon and peppermint and 2 drops of
on guard
 Drink as morning water and through out day
 Part of daily diet but especially during a cleanse
AromaTouch Technique
 elevated stress levels
 autonomic nervous system imbalances
 immune system dysfunctions
 chronic inflammation
 toxic insults to the body
Ion Cleanse
 The practice of detoxifying the body using ions was
established during World War I as a method to help
soldiers with mustard gas poisoning. The IonCleanse
uses this technology to gently and effectively eliminate
wastes and detoxify the body, through ionic foot bath
 Coffee enema – quick liver flush – excellent
 Catnip
 Burdock
 Red raspberry
 Yarrow
 Wild cherry bark
 Blessed thistle, hyssop, elderflower, mullein, dandelion
 Very supportive for cleansing
 Helps withdrawal symptoms
Liver/ Gall Bladder Flush
 Purge of stones and other sediment
 Beginning in morning and throughout day eat only apples at least 4-5
 Water, herbal teas, herbs and apple juice also ok
 At bed time. Warm up to body temp and slowly drink
 2/3 cup of olive oil
 1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice and 5 drops lemon EO
 Immediately go to bed lying on right side with right leg drawn
Daily Smoothies
 Greens
 Soaked chia seeds, go ji berries
 Hemp seeds
 Green vibrance, etc.
 Probiotics
 Apple, berries, dates
Life Long Vitality
 Alpha CRS – anti oxidants
 Essential fatty acids – EO Omega
 Vitamins and Minerals –MicroPlex VMz