Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.1020

Access to Employee Exposure and Medical
Records Training
Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.1020
Today’s agenda
Medical and exposure records - what are they?
Medical records and your privacy
Communication of exposure record information
Records location and person responsible
Obtaining copies
What are medical records?
Medical records are a record concerning the health status of
an employee, which is made by or maintained by a health
care professional and includes:
Medical and employment
questionnaires or histories
Results of medical examinations
Medical opinions, diagnoses,
progress notes, etc.
First-aid records
Descriptions of treatments and
Employee medical complaints
What are exposure records?
Exposure records are a record containing any of the
following information:
Biological monitoring, which assess the absorption of a toxic substance or
harmful physical agent into the body but not including results which assess the
biological effect of the substance or agent or which assess the employee’s
use of alcohol or drugs.
Environmental monitoring or measuring of toxic substances or harmful
physical agents, including personal, area, grab, wipe, or other forms of
sampling, as well as related collection and analytical methodologies,
calculations, and other background data relevant to interpretation of the
results obtained.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
In the absence of an MSDS, a chemical inventory or other record that reveals
the identity, where and when used, for toxic substances or harmful physical
Medical records privacy
Medical records are
personal and confidential
Medical records can only
be released to:
You or a another party with
your written authorization
A designated representative
with your written
Exposure record information
Our facility policy is to share the results of exposure
monitoring with employees who participated in the studies to
develop the data
Often, the exposure monitoring data will also be shared with
other personnel who work in the same area but were not
involved directly in the sampling. The exposure is generally
the same for several people, and it is not practical to monitor
When we share exposure monitoring data, it will always be
free of any personal medical or health data and will contain
the results of the monitoring only
Exposure and medical record location and responsibility
Exposure and medical records are kept in a secure
location within our facility.
The individual who is responsible for record
maintenance and storage is:
Obtaining exposure and medical records
If you ever desire to obtain exposure or medical
records, you should contact:
Our facility will provide you with requested copies
within a reasonable time frame
You will be asked to submit your request in writing
and to sign a receipt for copies of records so that our
facility can maintain an accurate record of releasing
your records
Our facility maintains exposure and medical
records as part of our ongoing employee
safety and health process. You have access
to these records, and we support this
availability and will fulfill requests in a timely
For more information
For more information regarding access to Exposure and
Medical Records or other safety issues, please contact:
Gregory & Appel Insurance
Mike Salazar, Vice President
Direct: 317-686-6407