Etteplan PARTS The smart way to grow your spare parts and service business Is the information in your spare parts catalogues supporting your service business? Do you want to minimize equipment downtime by improving the quality of spare part information? Do you want to improve accuracy of spare parts ordering? Etteplan PARTS The smart way to grow your spare parts and service business Etteplan PARTS is a service to create, distribute and maintain high-quality spar e parts information to maximize revenues from the service business. To reach this goal it is paramount to have an efficient after sales process with accurate spare parts information. Due to pressures to shorten the time to market the time available for production of technical product in formation such as spare parts catalogs is often very WH Y ETTEPLAN PARTS Are your service personnel dealing with incorrect spare parts deliveries? Have ther e been costly downtimes due to a slow spare parts service process? Does your technical documentation team have enough time to develop technical information processes that best suit your business needs? Etteplan PARTS helps field mechanics and order handlers do their job efficiently: spare parts information is accurate short. At the same time the increasing complexity of products and user specific requirements put special de mands on the quality of the information and the docu mentation process. The value of Etteplan PARTS is based on considerable cost savings that can be achieved by efficiency im provement in the catalogue production and distribu tion processes and can be found easily in printed and online catalogues. Depending on the catalogue media, spare parts can be or dered directly from the catalogue, which minimizes errone ous orders and speeds up the order-delivery process. Etteplan’s extensive know-how on products and en gineering design enable us to help our customers create and maintain future proof technical product documenta tion that brings tangible benefits to the customer’s service business. The online application provides an intuitive and interactive interface to all relevant spare parts information. The user can find the up-to-date information easily and quickly . Traditional distribution media such as printed catalogues and PDF files can be used alternatively. Display of parts lists and illustrations Spare parts lists and product structure Integrated ordering and shopping cart with price information Parts list items and data (part number, quantity, etc.) ETTEPLAN PARTS SERVICE MOD ULES Etteplan PARTS consists of several service modules from consultancy and catalogue cr eation to publishing. The service modules are identified and defined together with the customer in a workshop and documented properly in a service description. Depending on customer’s needs, Etteplan also provides comprehensive analysis and integra- DATA SOURCE S tion services to complement the catalogue creation and publication processes. Whenever possible the catalogue creation and process ing of spare part data will be automated to achieve maxi mum cost savings in the publishing process. By engaging Etteplan’s spare parts specialists in China, our customers can take advantage of additional cost efficiencies. CATALOG UE CREAT ION CATALOG UE MED IA M ASTER D ATA , P AR TS LISTS PRINT DRA WI NGS & PHOTOS 3 D MODELS CD/DVD PRICES INTERNET & I NTRANET DOCUMENTAT ION MO BI LE TERM INAL DEV ICES ANALY SIS SERVICE Analysis of existing spare part information, parts lists, exploded views, B OM data, 3 D models etc. Definition, report and Etteplan PARTS solution proposal. INTEGRAT ION SERVICE Evaluation of the need to integrate with customer’s data sources (e.g. ERP, PLM, PDM or CAD systems), system setup, testing and implementation. CATALOG UE CREAT ION SERVICE Import of spare part data and structures manually or automatically, illustration, hotspot and catalogue creation. CATALOG UE PUBLISHING SERVICE Translations, pr oduction of machine-specific or orderrelated catalogues for different media, printing and delivery. ONLINE SPARE PARTS CATALOG UES Etteplan can assist to set up online spare parts catalogues to optimize spare parts sales and spare parts procurement processes. Possibility to integrate with customer’s ERP and/ or e-commerce systems. ETTEPLAN PARTS A S A MANAGED SERV ICE Etteplan PARTS is a full-scale Managed Service covering all necessary steps and tools to cr eate, produce and distribute spare parts information. By outsourcing the process to Etteplan the customer has more resources to focus on its core business. Managed Service is a cooperation model between the customer and Etteplan, where Etteplan is in charge of the customer’s particular process or a part of it. Thanks to the cooperation model the customer can focus on developing its core business while Etteplan takes care of the documentation process. At the same time Etteplan makes sure that the process is continuously improved. The cooperation model is transparent and well documented. The process is measured by key performance indicators and reported to the customer regularly. Customer benefits UP TO 60 % COST SAVINGS IN CATALOGUE CREATION HIGHER CUSTOMER SATISFACTION DUE TO SHORTER LEAD TIMES IN CUSTOMER SERVICE SHORTER DOWNTIMES OF DEFECT MACHINERY OR EQUIPMENT Etteplan’s service provides prerequisites to grow service business based on accurate spare parts information and its efficient production and maintenance process. The benefits of Etteplan PARTS include: o o o o o o Shorter downtimes of defect machinery or equipment Improved accuracy of spare parts ordering Shorter lead times due to improved quality of spare parts information Up to 60 % cost savings in catalogue creation, maintenance and distribution Higher customer satisfaction due to shorter lead times in customer service High machine uptime and productivity due to correct spare parts. Customers and references Etteplan’s satisfied customers include Cargotec, Sandvik, John Deere Forestry, Agrifac, Hekuma, Stiebel Eltron, and Claas. Moving forward For more information on Etteplan PARTS and our services, please contact: Jukka Toimela, tel. +358 103 07 23 31 or email: Malin Siberg, tel. +46 8 562 989 21 or email: Berry Braster, tel. +31 40 84 84 050 or email: Winni Liu, tel. +86 512 5768 9999 or e-mail: Tel. +358 (0)10 3070 Tel. +46 (0)10 722 40 00 FINLAND • SWEDEN • THE NETHERLANDS • CHINA • USA • RUSSIA Quick facts of Etteplan • One of the largest Nordic companies providing industrial equipment and plant engineering services. • One of the largest companies in Europe providing technical product information solutions. • Versatile and in-depth expertise in engineering areas, methods and industry specific technologies. • 1,800 professionals working in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and China. • Revenue 134.5 million EUR in 2012. • Public company listed in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd (ETT1V) since 2000. Etteplan provides engineering services and technical product information solutions to the world’s leading companies in the manufacturing industry. Our services are geared to improve the competitiveness of our customers’ products and engineering processes throughout the product life cycle. The results of Etteplan’s innovative engineering can be seen in numerous industrial solutions and everyday products. Etteplan is one of the leading engineering service companies in the Nordic countries and the biggest and oldest Nordic service provider in China. Etteplan’s units in China offer a full range of engineering services for customers seeking cost-efficiency and high-quality in engineering design and offshoring.