Welcome to MAD(ness) How much has changed since 1963? Strengths V Threats Staff who want to make this school the best it can be Great students Supportive parents Good results Good support from external people Poor publicity Potentially more bad press Damage to reputation Outdated and poorly maintained site Image of school to visitors Weakness V Opportunities Biggest issue is poor buildings Leaking roofs Extensive maintenance issues Neglected / lack of investment Bid for £3 million for a new build CMAT conversion to bring money to improve environment Community reengagement Willingness to make a change So what about CMAT? On going work to support leadership and management Teaching and learning Achievement and progress ICT refurbishment Staff development What OBVIOUS change has there been? Well the learning environment has not changed much The CMAT effect Cambridge Meridian Academies Trust Orton = NPA Manor = North Cambridge Academy Swavesey Queen Eleanor Making A Difference – MAD (ness) Action Task Force Can you spare a day one weekend? Spare an hour or two? Do you have a skill? Can you lift / shift / sweep / clean? We want a MAD day to improve areas of the site Fund Raisers Can you spare some time? Can you organise a fund raising activity? We want MAD events to raise cash to help internal refurbishment Sawtry Village Academy? What next? Can you help in ANY way? If you can help please fill in a form! We will be in touch If you are happy to coordinate a “Team” please state this on the form For ease of communication please ensure you are HAPPY for your email address to be shared with a “team” Thank you!