EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant Approvals LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Give the results gained from the study Main essentials of methodology, processes, participants and requirements Large range and diverse involvement from many parties. Range of standards from local to EN: often both Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Interactions Victim Systems Mode Condition Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Track Circuits Axle Counters Balise LEU Points Equipment Treadles Hot Axle Box Detectors Wheel Check Systems Tag Readers Automatic Pantograph Control Pantograph Monitor Signal Post Telephones Position Loops Automatic Train Controls Conducted Interference Induced Interference Radiated Interference Arcing Magnetic Fields Steady State Transient Repetitive Wideband Narrowband Modulated Automatic Warning System Automatic Train Protection Correct Door Opening Level Crossing Sensors Bridge Sensors Platform Position Sensors Interlockings Signalling Systems Telecommunications Rock-Fall Detectors Infrastructure ( Bridges, V iaducts) Neighbouring Railway/Metro Power Supply Current Power Supply V oltage Train Impedance Common Mode V oltage Longitudinal V oltage Differential V oltage Power Supply Power Factor SCADA Neighbouring Railway Systems (Passive) Hand Held Radio Cab Radio Shunting Radio WiFi GSM Public Installations ( Military, Police etc.) Passengers (ICNIRP) Staff (ICNIRP) Overview Discover the Participants Discover the Methods Who? Included Tec hnology Phenom ena How? Excluded What? Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results Respondents Information available from 26 of the 27 Countries Channel Tunnel declined to participate Information Quality Very variable most respondents concentrate on higher level aspects Alternative Sources from personal contact at Convocation , Internet and published standards Coverage Participants and methods well covered Little information on Costs and timescales Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Austria Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (Bmvit). Eisenbahngesetz 1957 and international requirements list Tri-partate interaction Certification Bmvit Analysis / Approval OBB SAB Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Evidence Measurement Inspection Evaluation OBB + NOBO Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Austria Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 √ Evidence in the process is given from internal and third party testing, expert opinion, examination of design documentation for electrical electronic and software systems. timescale between 1 and 24 months: test campaign for a new vehicle €60,000 and two weeks. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Belgium DRSI (Department of Railway Safety and Interoperability) Department of Mobility and Transport Directorate-General for Land Transport (Mobilit) Definitions from NMBS an umbrella organisation consisting of Infrabel, SNCB, Fonds de l’Infrastructure Ferroviaire Four Stage Process Declaration of Conformity Belgorail (Interoperability and Conventional Components) DRSI Manufacturer DEBO Certificate of Complianc e Infrastructure manager (Infrabel) Duplicate or minor c ase Certification Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Approval Analysis Evidence Measurement Inspection Evaluation Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Belgium Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems Х EN 50238 √ Evidence in the process is given from internal and third party testing and detailed in a series of technical reports. No Timescale or Costs Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Bulgaria Изпълнителна Агенция "Железопътна Администрация Executive Agency :"Railway Administration" of the Ministry of Transport and Communication. Ordinance 41 of 27.06.2001, Ordinance 47 of 28.12.2001,Ordinance 57 of 09.06.2004 No detailed information available directly Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Czech Republic Drážní úřad (DU ; National Railway Authority). Directive DU No: 1-890/06-DU Regulation 352/94: Regulation 266/94 , Regulation 173/95 Regulation100/95, Regulation177/95 Final Certificate Complex interactions National Safety Authority Applicant (Manufac turer,Owner,Operator) Drazni Urfad Rail Authority Ministry of Transport Analysis of the trial operation Operator Issues dec ision Clause 43 or Clause 43b of “the railway law“ No 265/1995 Infrastructure Trial Operation RST RST ENE Poverena pravnic ka osoba Appointed by the Ministry of transport Experts Test Result Analysis External Test Procedure Definition internal ENE internal Dedicated juristic body Test Labs External CCS External internal CCS & Tec hnic al Report Evaluation Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Manufacture Trial Operation Certificate Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Czech Republic Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 √ Evidence in the process is given from testing ,Expert opinion from approved third parties. technical reports. Costs for the whole procedure are 1.5M€ Timescales 2-2.5 years including 12 month test period followed by 12 month trial running period. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Denmark NRA (Trafikstyrelsen) Banedanmark performs compatibility. QN 903 Q no 0779: technical rules EMC BN2-74-1. Bi-partate interaction Danish National Rail Transport National Rail Authority Banedanm ark Trafikstyrelsen Operating Licence Application for Capacity Safety Certificate Declaration of Conform ity Type Approval EMC Manufacturer Test Information Authorisation for putting into servic e Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Banedanm ark Expert Analysis Results The demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Denmark Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems Х EN 50238 √ Evidence in the process is given from internal and third party testing, expert opinion, examination of design documentation for electrical electronic and software systems. The process is stated to take from 2 to 3 months and the costs (excluding the manufacturers costs for testing) are approximately €15000.. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Estonia Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TJA) Estonian technical surveillance authority Converting to EN and TSI Iterative interaction Tehnilise Järelevalve Am et Elec tronic Comm unications Division (Radio) Application Railway Undertaking Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet Assessment Panel Authorisation Approved Third Party Vehic le Test Operation Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results Certificate of conform ity Tehnilise Järelevalve Am et Industrial Safety Division Lineside Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Estonia Train Detection EN Lineside Systems EN Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems Х EN 50238 √ Evidence in the process is given from manufacturer, third party testing, and expert opinion from approved bodies. No Details of Costs or Timescales Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Finland NSA Rautatievirasto Järnvägsverket (The Finnish Rail Agency) No separate provision for EMC. Acceptance tests based on EC 61133/EN50215 And LISO 1.8 (being updated) Interaction NSA, RU, Manufacturer VR-Yhtymä Oy (IM) Application Railway Undertaking Railway Undertaking Manufacturer Ministry of Transport and Com munications Evidence Technical File Safety Certificate Rautatievirasto Järnvägsverket (The Finnish Rail Agenc y) Assessment Panel + Manufacturer and Applicant representation Statem ent of Com patibility Licenc e to operate Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL VR-Yhtymä Oy (VR) infrastruc ture manager EMC is only part of overall assessment Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Finland Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 √ Evidence from test results, simulations and expert opinion with support from manufacturer presented in technical file. No Costs or Timescales given Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in France NSA L’Établissement Public de Sécurité Ferroviaire (EPSF) SAMS 710 in 2X63 testing to SAMS documentation Ministry of Transport Interaction Réseau Ferré de France SCNF as IM SNCF-CIM L'Établissement Public de Séc urité Ferroviaire (EPSF) OQA(DeBo). Railway Undertaking OQA (DeBO) analysis Safety Management System SNCF Designated Infrastructure manager Tec hnic al Approvals Réseau Ferré de Franc e (RFF) SNCF CIM Analysis Expert Opinion Authorisation for putting into servic e Test Operation Eurailtest Under Manufacturer supervision Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Can also include evidence from Manufacturer data Subsystem data Consultants Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in France Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 √ Evidence from test results from Eurailtest under manufacturer supervision. Other evidence from information from subsystem tests, suppliers and consultants. No Costs or Timescales given Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Germany NSA Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (EBA) 31_Regelung_EMV_01,02,03 and 04 Interaction EBA DB NOBO In form of flowchart detailing stages Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Germany Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 √ Evidence from test results from the RU devolved to manufacturer and Notified Bodies No Costs or Timescales given Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Greece Υπουργού Υποδομών Μεταφορών και Δικτύων (YME) Ministry of Transportation and Communication. Decision ΑΣ.4.2/οικ.26697/2422 (Official Gazette of the Hellenic Republic B’ 986/22.05.2009 Interaction All parties with YME Certification from Ministry Ministry of Transportation and Communic ation. Υð ουργού Υð οδομών Μεταφορών και Δικτύων (YME) Infrastructure Manager Tests and Simulation RU / Manufacturer External Panel Evidenc e Certific ation Tec hnic al reports Railway Undertaking or Manufacturer Evaluation Tests and Simulation YME Internal Panel of Experts Certific ation Letter of No Objec tion Certific ation Tec hnic al reports Third Party Testing Lic enc e to Operate Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL EMC Data from Equipment Suppliers Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Greece Train Detection EN Lineside Systems EN Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems √ ,Х EN 50238 Х Evidence from test results, simulations, expert opinion and third party certification from manufacturer or RU. process (excluding tests) 2 weeks no costs are given Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Hungary National Traffic Authority of Hungary (Nemzeti Közlekedési Hatóság : NKH) Implementation Procedure 28/2003 (V.8) GKM Interaction NKH with technical input from MAV/TEB National Traffic Authority of Hungary Nemzeti Közlekedési Hatóság (NKH) RU / Manufacturer Provides Test Vehicle MÁV TEB Magyar Államvasutak TEB Safety Management System Vehic le Approval (Hungarian Railways Telecom, Power Supply and Signaling Centre) Evaluation Licenc Licenc e etoto Operate Operate EMC Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Internal Tests over / alongside susc eptible Test Equipment Results Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Hungary Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems Х EN 50238 Х Evidence from test train trial running. evaluation by expert opinion Overall process takes from between 3 to 6 months No estimates of the costs available. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Ireland NSA: Railway Safety Commission (RSC) Railway safety standard 56 Technical RSC-G-009, RSC-G-015, RSC-G-020 Initial Stage Manufacturer Interaction RSC ,RST and CCS experts Safety Management System Railway Undertaking Railway Safety Commission (RSC) Independent Third Party Safety Case Includes Testing, Sim ulation, Calc ulation and Design Vehic le Approval Tec hnic al Assessment RSC -RSTand -CCS experts rolling stoc k (RSCG-015, sec tion 18) signalling systems (RSCG-020, item 2.13) Second Stage Authorisation for putting into servic e Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Can also include evidence from / dialogue with Infrastruc ture Manager Irish Railways Experts Consultants EMC is only part of overall process Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Ireland Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 √ Evidence from test results, expert opinion, certification, simulations third party measurements. The overall timescale 2.5 years No estimates were made of the cost of the process. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Italy NSA: Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza delle Ferrovie – (ANSF) Railway safety standard 56 Technical RSC-G-009, RSC-G-015, RSC-G-020 Tri-Partate Interaction Suppliers, NSA ISA/NOBO Rete Ferroviaria Italiana has technical role Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL RU/Supplier NSA Homologisation ISA/NOBO IM Network Access Probabilistic Method Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Italy Train Detection √ Lineside Systems Х Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN EN 50238 √ Other Systems Evidence from testing and technical analysis , Probabilistic process applied to analysis. No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Latvia Valsts dzelzceja tehniskā inspekcija. State Railway Technical Inspectorate Cabinet rules Nr.148, Nr.713, Nr. 483 Ministry of Transport (Satiksmes ministrijas). Interaction Manufacturer, Railway Inspectorate Third Parties Infrastructure Controller RU / Manufacturer Tests Design, Simulation Evidence in Technical Report State Railway Tec hnic al Inspectorate (Valsts dzelzc eïa tehniskâs inspekcijas ) Evaluation Panel of Experts from State Railway Inspectorate Railway Undertaking Infrastructure Controller Manufacturer Third Party Testing Certification Technical reports Letter of No Objection Infrastructure Controller Licenc e to Operate Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Latvia Train Detection √ Lineside Systems EN Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems √ EN 50238 Х Evidence from test results, calculations and simulations, expert opinion, comparison with existing trains and third party certification. No estimates of the timescales or costs available. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Lithuania Valstybinės Geležinkelio Inspekcija (VGI) Railway Directive Ministry of Transport Railway Undertaking Initial Stage Interaction Railway Inspectorate RU Laboratory Testing Project Proposal State Railway Inspectorate Valstybinës Geležinkelio Inspekcija (VGI) Approval Needed Railway Undertaking Sim ulation, Calc ulation and Design Technical File No Approval Needed Vehic le Approval Authorisation for putting into servic e Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Panel of 5 Tec hnic al Experts from within Railway Inspectorate Approved Testing Laboratory Testing Test Results Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Lithuania Train Detection √ Lineside Systems Х Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems Х√ EN 50238 √ Evidence from test results, examined by panel of experts within the Inspectorate Process timescales 60-90 days No estimates of the costs available. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Luxembourg NSA: Administration des Chemins de Fer – (ANS) IF-PE.STC-VF.01, VF.01 and VF.03 Département des transports Direction des c hemins de fer Interaction RU collates and presents to Administration Test Operation train Third Party Testing Railway Undertaking Administration des Chemins de Fer (ACF...........NSA) Technical File Certification Evidence Collation Expert Opinion Technical Checklist Expert Opinion within ACF Statem ent of Com patibility Docum entation Certification Test Data Notified Body Com petent Body Infrastruc ture manager Licenc e to operate Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Luxembourg Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 Х Evidence from test results, calculations and simulations presented in a technical file plus third party certification to EN standards. Costs and timescales variable dependent on complexity. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Netherlands NSA: Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat Toezichteenheid Rail (IVW-TER ), TSI or Dutch law for railways (RKS) (ATIV) Interaction RU Ministry of Transport , IVW ProRail NOBO VAB Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Netherlands Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 √ Evidence from testing and technical analysis supported by simulation and third party testing analysis and certification (EN) Timescale is approximately 1 year No estimate of cost could be made. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Norway NSA: Norwegian Railway Inspectorate (Statens jernbanetilsyn). NES TS02 ”Requirements on rolling stock in Norway (JD590) and Sweden (BVS 543.19300) iVeg- og baneavdelinga (VB) Department of Public Roads and Rail Transport Interaction RU and Inspectorate Technical File Certification Railway Undertaking Statens Jernbanetilsyn Evidence Collation Norwegian Railway Inspectorate Supported by Manufacturer, Infrastructure manager authorised third parties Statem ent of Com patibility Jernbaneverket (JBV). Infrastruc ture Manager Evaluation Licenc e to operate Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Docum entation Certification Test Data Test Operation train Manufacturer Third Party Testing Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Norway Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN √ Other Systems Х EN 50238 √ Evidence from testing and compatibility statements from IM and third parties No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Poland NSA: Office for Railway Transport (UTK). The Ministry of Infrastructure’s Regulations. Interaction Notified Body Office of Railway Transport Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Poland Train Detection √ Lineside Systems EN Energy Supply EN √ Radio Frequency Systems EN √ Other Systems EN EN 50238 √ Evidence from testing and compatibility statements from IM and third parties No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Portugal NSA: Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres, I.P (IMTT) The Ministry of Infrastructure’s Regulations. Interaction REFER – I M RU Manufacturer Consulatancies to support REFER IMTT – NSA APNCF – Notified Body. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Portugal Train Detection √ Lineside Systems Х Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems Х EN 50238 √ Evidence from testing and compatibility statements from IM and third parties No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Romania NSA: Autoritatea Feroviara Romana (AFER). Procedural OMT 535/2008 Technical OMTCT1193/2004 Approval Request Railway Undertaking Autoritatea Feroviara Rom ana (AFER). Rom anian Railway Authority Interaction AFER OFER-NoBo ANCOM SC Electrificare –IM National Institute ASFR Rom anian Railway Safety Authority Approved Test Laboratories OICPE.S.A. or ICMED S.A. Train Detec tion Tec hnical Check List Tec hnical File Containing Certfication ONFR Rom anian Notified Body Nominated ASFR Expert Radio Frequency and Lineside ANCOM (National Com munication Authority) Telec omunic atii CFR SA (Railway telec om munication agency) Supply Hum an Exposure SC Elec tific are CFR SA (Infrastructure Controller) Registered Certificate of the Locomotive Safety Certific ate Institutul National Cerc etare Dezvoltare Pentru Protec tia Munc ii "Alexandru Darabont" National Institute for R & D for Labour Protec tion. Third Party Testing Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Romania Train Detection Х Lineside Systems Х Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems EN EN 50238 √ Evidence is assessed by conformance to a technical check list, third party tests and expert opinion. Timescale documentation process: 30 days No estimates of costs Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Slovak Republic The Railway Regulatory Authority - Úrad pre reguláciu železničnej dopravy (URZD) Especificaciones Técnicas de Homologación.(ETH) and PD CLC/TR50507:2007 Úrad pre Regulác iu Železnicnej Dopravy (URZD) Approval Request Railway Undertaking Railway Regulatory Authority Interaction URZD Technical Institutes WUZ,VUD,VUKV, VUZ ZSR - IM NoBo Expert Panel Výskumný a vývojový ústav Železníc VVÚŽ Výskumný ústav dopravný VÚD Railways Transport Researc h Inc Statem ent of Com patibility Výzkumný ústav kolejových vozidel VÚKV Rolling stock/developer/tester Výskumný ústav zváracský (VÚŽ) Slovakian Welding Researc h Institute Expert Opinion NoBo Person/ organisation approved by the m inistry of Transport LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Železnice Slovenskej Republiky (ŽSR) Slovakian infrastructure Manager R & D Institute for Railways Approval of Rolling Stock Approvals :Conformance Testing Technical File Certification Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Slovak Republic Train Detection Х Lineside Systems Х Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems Х Other Systems √Х EN 50238 √ Evidence from vehicle type tests by IM is assessed by panel of Technical Experts from Railway institutes Timescale documentation process: 5 days Documentation cost €9500 Other costs borne by RU/ manufacturer Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Slovenia NSA: AŽP Javna agencija za železniški promet RS – (Public Agency for Rail Transport of RS) No Information Received and No information available from other research sources Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Spain NSA: Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Public Works) Especificaciones Técnicas de Homologación.(ETH) and PD CLC/TR50507:2007 Approval Request Interaction NSA ADIF - IM Manufacturer Third Parties Railway Undertaking Ministerio de Fomento (NSA) Ministry of Public Works NoBO Test results Design Sim ulation EC Verification Administrador de Infraestruc turas Ferroviarias (ADIF) Manufacturer Equipm ent Supply Infrastruc ture Manager Certification Third Party Testing Authorisation for putting into servic e Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Authorization of compatibility with the network Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Spain Train Detection EN Lineside Systems Х Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems √Х EN 50238 √ Evidence from test results, calculations/simulation, comparison with existing trains and certification from third parties. Assessment by external panel of certification bodies and Notified Bodies. Timescale documentation process: 5 days Documentation cost €9500 Other costs borne by RU/ manufacturer Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Spain NSA: Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Public Works) Especificaciones Técnicas de Homologación.(ETH) and PD CLC/TR50507:2007 Approval Request Interaction NSA ADIF - IM Manufacturer Third Parties Railway Undertaking Ministerio de Fomento (NSA) Ministry of Public Works NoBO Test results Design Sim ulation EC Verification Administrador de Infraestruc turas Ferroviarias (ADIF) Manufacturer Equipm ent Supply Infrastruc ture Manager Certification Third Party Testing Authorisation for putting into servic e Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Authorization of compatibility with the network Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Spain Train Detection EN Lineside Systems Х Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems √Х EN 50238 √ Evidence from test results, calculations/simulation, comparison with existing trains and certification from third parties. Assessment by external panel of certification bodies and Notified Bodies. Timescale documentation process: 5 days Documentation cost €9500 Other costs borne by RU/ manufacturer Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Sweden NSA: Transportstyrelsen (Swedish Transport Agency) ”Requirements on rolling stock” BVS 543.19300: JVSFS2006:1 Transportstyrelsen Interaction Transportstyrelsen Banverket Manufacturer Swedish Transport Agenc y. Individuals appointed by Transportstyrelsen Test Results Sim ulation Certific ation Design Data LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Manufacturer Tec hnic al File Certific ation Evaluation Statem ent of Com patibility Approvals :Conformance Third Party Testing Expert Opinion Banverket Swedish Rail Administration Test Operation train Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Sweden Train Detection √ EN Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems EN √ Other Systems Х EN 50238 Х Evidence from test results, calculations and simulations, expert opinion, comparison with existing trains and third party certification No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Switzerland No NSA as Switzerland not in EU: Département fédéral de l'Environnement, des Transports, de l'Energie et de la Communication (the Swiss Federal Office for Transport agency DETEC) RTI : common approach in a task force for interoperability). And PD CLC/TR50507:2007. Interaction RU interacts directly with several IM Railway Undertaking Request for Network Access licenc e Request for Safety Certification Federal Offic e of Transport Federal Offic e of Transport Safety Certificate Network ac cess lic ense Network Access Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Interview and Negotiation with Infrastruc ture m anager Network ac cess agreem ent Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Switzerland Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems EN Other Systems Х EN 50238 Х Evidence from test results, evaluated by individual Infrastructure Managers No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the UK NSA : Office of Rail Regulation NR/L2/SIG/30040 “EMC Strategy for Network Rail” : Series of NR technical documentation NR/SP/SIG/50002 to NR/SP/SIG/50018 Interaction ORR documentation From RU NoBo Third Party Certification IM letter of no objection Notified Body Offic e of Rail Regulation ORR Technical Checklist LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Railway Undertaking Safety Management System Com patibility forum Certificate of Com patibility Test Permissions Network Rail Infrastruc ture Manager Licenc e to Operate Approvals :Conformance Certification Approval Request Test results Design Sim ulation Manufacturer Certification Third Party Testing (RFI) Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the UK Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √ Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems EN √ Other Systems √ EN 50238 √ Evidence from test results, evaluated by Third Parties and certificate of no objection from IM. No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Results General consensus on EN standards Majority (67%) questionnaire respondents agree on TS50507 Significant devolvement to Manufacturer, NOBO and Infrastructure Manager although directive mandates Railway Undertaking Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Discussion of Similarities and Differences Large range and diverse involvement from many parties. Range of standards from local to EN: often both Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Interactions Generic Process EMC is only part of overall assessment Ministerial Body Application in involvement. NSAs have wide differences Ranging from a simple documentation check to fundamental involvement in, and final assessment of, the technical analysis Railway Undertaking of Compatibility Statement Safety Certificate Tec hnic al File Third Party Certific ation Test Operation Evidenc e Infrastructure Compatibility All Licence processes have some degree of dissociation to Expert Opinion operate from the issuer of the final certification Manufacturer Analysis Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Design and Test Overview Train Detection Two Methods Test Emissions and compare with Limits Operate a prototype/type test train over the infrastructure in question and detect any problems Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Train Detection For Method 1 :- Local standards differ even for the same type or variety of Infrastructure However Most Countries agree to technical standards (and methodologies) for Train Detection given in Technical Appendices to EN 50238 Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Lineside No common methodology or limits given May be impossible to prescribe due to complexity and differences in the railway infrastructure Some authorities consider that Lineside compatibility Is not within the remit of rolling stock compatibility. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Energy Some commonality between systems to EN standard Differences in supply configuration and layout make local compatibility vary hence individual requirements. Most Trains designed to the infrastructure capability. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Radio Frequency Systems Almost all countries embrace EN standard EN 50121 Local standards apply to individual communications equipment but these are designed to generic international standards for compatibility radio systems Radio Frequency systems are continuously evolving and developing hence the standards will need continuous updating Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Other Systems Despite the requirements of other Directives which must apply to rolling stock only about 50% of countries use the available synergy between them. However testing methodologies pose problems in translating results from generic directives to Rolling stock.. Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview EN 50238 Technical appendices to this document are now published: preferred equipment an consensus limits. Includes Testing Methodology: Important when moving to a common standard. However only applies to Interoperable Railways Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL Overview Evidence Break up of National Railway means No one body can supply all the evidence. Will continue to be a technically complex process Approvals :Conformance LLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL For more information, please contact: Lloyd’s Register Rail Preston Technology Centre Unit G09 Marsh Lane Preston Lancashire PR1 8UQ T +44 (0)1772 272 716 F +44 (0)1772 888 673 E john.molyneux@lr.org CHANGE TITLE IN SLIDE MASTER LLOYD’S REGISTER (amend as req.) The Lloyd’s Register Group works to enhance safety and approve assets and systems at sea, on land and in the air – because life matters.