Digital Video Recorders ‘ 05 Market Analysis U.S CCTV Market Size US$M 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2001 60 2002 2003 2004 2005 24% US$ 246M 50 40 12% 30 7% 2001 2005 3% 10% 6% 20 15% 10 0 Camera Monitor VCR DVR Controller Network Factory Sales to Distributors (J.P. Freeman, US Market) ‘ 05 Market Analysis Market Trend Annual market growth rate : 15~20% Rapid transition to cutting edge technology Effective Compression : MPEG4 Simple data copy : USB 2.0 Memory Built In CD-RW Built-In CD-RW Max. 480Mbps Line Up Strategy Full Line Up SHR-4000 Series for High end Market (PC Base DVR) SHR-2000 Series for Mid end Market SHR-1010 for Low end Market Various Options for User’s Preferences CD-RW Options (SHR-2000 Series) HDD Options (120G, 250G, 500G, 750G, 1T) Cost Effective DVR to make high volume The most Powerful Specification Sales Points SHR-2040N / 2042N SHR-2040N SHR-2042N CD-RW W/O W HDD Capacity 500 GB 750 GB Half Rack Size (SHR-2040N : User-friendly Design) Triplex, Min. file size (2.5KB) 4Ch Audio Record, 2 x USB 2.0 Resolution setup is global Optional CD-RW D1 support in one channel mode 120 ips Space Saving 0.5 TB USB … Sales Points SHR-2160N / 2162N SHR-2160N SHR-2162N CD-RW W/O W HDD Capacity 1 TB 750 GB Various Archiving by 2 x USB 2.0 (USB memory/HDD) Triplex, Min. file size (2.5KB) 4Ch Audio Record, Optional CD-RW 120 ips 1 TB CD - RW USB … Notes in backup • • • • • External HDD back up task uses Samsung proprietary file format. PCs don’t have a codec to decode or even recognize these files. Remote software can’t be used to playback backup files. An external USB HD can only use the DVR to play files back. Once all the content has been archived to a HDD, here is how it be pla yed back using the Same DVR: – By using backup search. (Search -> Backup -> USB HDD -> Play Back) • SHR DVRs support two kind of backup data format. – – • • • 1) internal format : This content only can be played with DVR set. 2) avi format : This file only can be played with PC (various multimedia pla yers). Thus, with external HDD backup support only internal format backup, A VI format is not supported. AVI format file can be backed up with both ,USB memory and CD-RW. Using a CD-RW AVI box can’t now be unchecked. Sales Points 4160 support 720x480 SHR-4080N High Resolution Real Time Recording (240 ips) 8Ch Audio Record, SCSI & IEEE1394 Back up 8Ch Real Time Recording Resolution 720 X 240 Other brands (360 x 240) Samsung (720 x 240) Sales Points SHR-4160N High Resolution Recording rate (360 ips) 30 ips for Odd Ch. & 15 ips for Even Ch. Various Backup (2 x USB 2.0, IEEE1394) External HDD connectivity thru IEEE1394 (Max.1.5TB) 8Ch Audio Record 2.5 TB 1 TB 1.25 TB 1.50 TB 1.75 TB 2.0 TB 2.25 TB Sales Point Powerful Network Efficiency Moving Picture Group Still Picture Group SHR-2000N SHR-4000N By its nature the MPEG-4 does nt aim at standardizing one po tential product but covers a br oad range of Sub-Standards, w hich Product Providers can cho ose from to follow, according t o what they need for their pro After 10 Hr. JPEG 16 Gbyte duct 4 Gbyte MPEG-4 Sales Point Compression Item JPEG MPEG2 STD MPEG4 Improved MPEG4 Purpose Still Picture DVD, STB Internet Broadcasting Mobil Communication File Size (Min.) 15K Byte 10K 4~5K Byte 2.5K Byte Picture Quality Good Good Good Enough Good Enough Target Environment P.C DVD, STB P.C Mobil Phone Company DM, GE, Everfocus Ademco(PC), Panasonic Sanyo, 3R GE Samsung Electronics Hidden Keys • SHR-4080/4160/4081 • Press and hold the following buttons for 5 seconds and you will see right panel button LED blinking. – Reset to Factory Default: -> "Mode" + "5” – HDD Format and Reset to Factory Default: -> "Mode" + "9“ – Switch between VGA and Composite Monitor outputs (Composite <-> VGA): -> "Mode" + "10/0“ Hidden Keys • SHR-2040/2041/2042 • Press and hold the following buttons for more than 5 seconds and you'll hear an alarm tone (beep). – HDD Format and Reset to Factory Default -> “Mode” + “4” + “ZOOM” – Reset to Factory Default -> “Mode” + “2” – Switch between VGA and Composite Monitor outputs (Composite <-> VGA) -> “Mode” + “1” Hidden Keys • SHR-2160/2162/2080/2082 • Press and hold the following buttons for more than 5 seconds and you'll hear alarm-tone (beep). – HDD Format and Reset to Factory Default -> “Mode”+“FREEZE”+ MENU” – Reset to Factory Default -> “Mode”+ "PTZ” – Switch between VGA and Composite Monitor outputs(Composite <-> VGA) -> “Mode”+ ZOOM Thank You !