CAD CAM - Food prep sheet 2011


Which of the following is CAD and CAM ?

Computer aided desk

Computer and design

Computer aided design

Computer and drawing

Computer and manufacturing

Computer aided manufacturing

Computer aided mixing

Computer and monitoring (2 marks)

To know what CAD CAM is and how it is used in the food industry.

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of CAM in food production.

To understand batch, automated, continuous flow and job production.

To be able to answer exam style questions in preparation for the exam.

Designers of food products can prepare 2 or

3D models of new food products and send it across the office or world.

Changes to the products can be made on screen.

Packaging can be designed on screen


The manufacture of products can involve the use of computers to control one or more aspect of production.

Regulate oven thermostats

Oven temperature

Weighing and measuring

The speed /rate at which an ingredient is added.

The amount of mixture/or coating

The timing of mixing/Kneading/stirring/combining.

CAM can control the moisture content or PH of a product.

The speed of a conveyer belt.

It might detect any colour change e.g over or under cooked.

Example of a thin sauce detecting light , sets off alarm.

Detect the temp of fridges/freezers

Metal detect and an alarm would stop the line.

What is CAD and CAM give 5 ways of how it can be used in industry. (5)

Get your partner to check your work and tick


1. Detects what the eye cannot see

2. Saves time.

3. Increases speed.

4. Standardises production. (Keeps it the same)

5. Increases reliability – less mistakes than by hand.

6. Increases safety of hazardous tasks.

7. Reduces labour costs.

Handles large amounts of data.

Runs all day without a tea-break.

Some jobs lost as computers take over. A highly trained operator could run a large section.

It needs programming and computer maintanace.


Need trained staff to set up computer systems.

Very expensive to set up

May reduce the work force causing job loss.

Industrial quality assurance

Legal Requirements

Quality Control sample


Due diligence

MIX AND MATCH – Look for clues.

Computerized scales

A Centrifuge (Like a spin drier separating liquid from solid in making quorn)

A Mandolin ( Slices evenly )

A boiling vat

Floor standing mixer

Date stamping

A deck oven allows batches to be could at once

Separation process in quorn making

To slice the top off cakes for flat icing.

A big container to cook soup.

Weighing accurately

For consistent mixing

To make batches of bread.

Container is filled, sealed and stamped in seconds

Computerized scales Weighing accurately

A Centrifuge (Like a spin drier separating liquid from solid in making quorn)

Separtion process in quorn making

A Mandolin ( Slices eventyl e.g cake tops for a flat surface for icing.

To slice the top off cakes for flat icing.

A boiling vat A big container to cook soup.

Floor standing mixer

Date stamping

Floor standing mixer

Container is filled, sealed and stamped in seconds

A deck oven allows batches to be could at once

To make batches of bread.

Think about the advantages and disadvantages of CAM. Explain what these are and what are the effects of CAM.

Advantages (3)

Disadvantages (3)

Effect of CAM for the industry. (2)

What do I know and understand?

I Know what CAD is with examples.

I know what CAM can do with advantages and disadvantages. I know the effects on industry.

I have understood examples of large scale equipment.

Automated Production

This is mass production and we have talked loads about this just now. Production that doesn’t stop or need tea-breaks. The effects of this you have written about. CAM is used for this


Safer for workers.

More hygienic as less handling of food

Assures final quality

Accurate measuring/weighing/cutting/shaping/critical control points are automatically tested and saves time.

BATCH – production

Bakeries on a small scale making a batch of bread a few dozen buns and not 1000’s.

The equipment can be used for more than one product e.g mixers with dough hooks kneading bread, mixing cake batters.

You need skilled workers.

This is production that goes 24 hours per day

7 days a week. Baked beans, cakes, crisps.

These are machines that have one function only.

They are sold in 1000’s and have a long shelf life.

This is just like me making a wedding cake.

A small bakery might make a special order cake.

The customer may have special requirements and needs to be very skilled.

Automated production (CAM)

Batch Production

Continuous flow production

One off production

Give me an example of each?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?


Automated flow


Continuous flow

One off production


Can produce 1000’s products safely, hygienically and to a high quality standard.

Computerized can record data and set off warning alarms.


Needs expensive programming and maintenance. Whole system may stop.

Reduced work force

Can make different variations of batches easily.

Can use the same equipment for different items.

Need trained staff

Can produce 1000’s of product accurately, safety and hygienically.

Machinery has only one function. Jobs may be lost.

Can achieve a high quality product.

Time consuming


Tell your partner what you know about CAD and CAM.

What are the 4 methods of production.

What industrial equipment can you remember?

Revision practise at home/extension

Prepare an answer for the exam on

CAD and CAM . Make sure you know the advantages/disadvantages 4 methods of production.
