Module 2 A Good Life Cam’ Can – Support Worker Training Welcome To Cam Can’ Exploring A Good Life Exploring A Good Life In this module we are going to explore “A Good Life” What does a Good Life look like? About Valued Roles What Makes life worth living? So Let’s think about what “A Good life Looks Like for you” What are the things that you value in your life? Ok What have you got! GUESS WHAT… People with a disability want the same things!!!!! Natural and freely given relationships – more than just paid support in their life. Good health and wellbeing A place called “Home” Finances Opportunities for personal growth Real Choice Dignity Safety and security So A Good Life is? It’s about Relationships with friends, family, loved ones; getting out and about, having fun; and plenty of opportunities to try new things are all part of a good life. A good life means something different to everyone but whether you have a disability or not we are all striving for the same things. Social Role Valorisation Social Role Valorisation (SRV) theory speaks about the importance of developing positive roles for people who have been devalued by the community in order to build “a good life”. Social Role Valorisation Social Role Valorisation (SRV) is a set of approaches designed to enable devalued people in society to experience the Good Life. There is strong connection between people being seen in community in valued roles and enjoying the good things that come from a typical life. What society values What does our SOCIETY value? That is: worthy of emulation, intrinsically good? (QUICK BRAINSTORM) Certain people in society hold certain roles. Roles are the characteristics of certain people in relation to their position within society, within family, within community. Socially Valued Roles The more roles a person has, and the more valued are those roles, The more chance a person (or class) has of experiencing the ‘Good Things in Life’. There are two major ways of accomplishing this: 1) to enhance the competencies of people, and 2) to enhance the social image of people. What Australians don’t value! People who are not seen to have something to contribute to society “BLUDGERS” “THUGS” “HOONS” So…..Image is really important! People with disability must not be need to be seen as a devalued, of poor status in community But in Positive and Valued Roles Think about a person that you work alongside… What are some of the valued roles that they currently have? Think of some other roles that they may be able to have in their life. Discuss with your partner So in your role as a support person Don’t Just look for activities……. LOOK FOR ROLES LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO CONTRIBUTE LOOK FOR THE PERSON’S GIFTS LOOK FOR THE PASSION AND REMEMBER POSITIVE IMAGE IS ONE OF THE KEYS TO HAVING A GOOD LIFE! You have a valued role as a team member of the Cam Can’ Family Cam Can is about supporting people to live a good life You… the support people of Cam Can and their families are the enablers to people living a Good Life Cam’ Can supports people to have a Good Life CAM’ CAN assists with holistic individualised planning that is anchored in family, friends and community. It helps people to imagine better, implement their plan and maintain supports that are enduring. This is Cameron’s Story Cameron Lives A Good Life