Spring 2014 FCAT 2.0 Writing Training Materials

Spring 2014
FCAT 2.0 Writing
Training Materials
• These training materials are based on the Spring 2014
Writing Test Administration Manual and are available at
• These training materials highlight important information
regarding test administration policies and procedures.
• Not all information from the test administration manual is
included in this presentation, so it is imperative that
school staff read and familiarize themselves with all
information in the manual in addition to using these
training materials.
Appendices in the Spring 2014
Writing Test Administration
Manual include:
• Appendix A—
• Appendix B—Test Security
Statute and Rule
• Appendix C—Forms, Cover
Sheets, Checklists, Signs
TAM 67-125
What’s New
Test Security Statute and Rule
• Florida Test Security Statute, Section 1008.24, F.S., and Florida
State Board of Education Test Security Rule 6A-10.042, FAC,
located in Appendix B, are now printed on perforated pages that
may be removed for review during trainings.
Student Grid Sheets
• The English Language Learner (ELL) category on student grid
sheets no longer records the length of time ELLs have been
receiving ESOL services but is now updated to record the length
of time ELLs have been enrolled in a U.S. school.
TAM IV; 8, 11-12; 83-87
Daily Administration
Day 1 – Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Grades 4, 8, 10
Writing Test
Day 2 – Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Grades 4, 8, 10
Writing Make-Up Test
The FCAT 2.0 Writing extended testing window for the Visually Impaired (VI)
and Hospital/Homebound Program students is February 25th – March 3rd.
Note: Any deviation from this schedule requires written approval from the
FLDOE prior to implementation.
See back of TAM cover page; Training Packet
Students to Be Tested
• All Grades 4, 8, and 10 students, including
retained students, are required to participate
in FCAT 2.0 Writing.
English Language Learners (ELLs)
• All ELLs are expected to participate in FCAT 2.0 Writing.
Students With Disabilities
• Students with disabilities participate in the statewide assessment
program by taking one of the following:
– FCAT 2.0 without accommodations,
– FCAT 2.0 with accommodations, or
– Florida Alternate Assessment.
TAM 3-4
Students With Disabilities
• Test administrators who will administer tests to
students using accommodations must familiarize
themselves with the information in Appendix A.
• Flexible Presentation
• Flexible Responding
• Flexible Scheduling
• Flexible Setting
• Assistive Devices and Tools
TAM Appendix A; 67-72; 75-81
Accommodations (cont.)
ESOL Levels 1- 4 Only
– Students who are currently receiving services in a
program operated in accordance with an approved
district LEP plan:
• Flexible Setting
• Flexible Scheduling
• Assistance in Heritage Language
• Approved Dictionary
TAM Appendix A; 72-73
Test Security
Per Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and Florida State Board
Rule, 6A-10.042, FAC, inappropriate actions by school or district
personnel can result in student or classroom invalidations, loss
of teaching certification, and/or involvement of law enforcement.
Examples of prohibited activities include the following:
Reading the Writing prompts before, during, or after testing
Revealing the Writing prompts
Copying the Writing prompts
Explaining or reading the Writing prompts for students
Copying or reading student responses or used planning sheets
Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses
Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported
TAM 12; Appendix B; 91
Test Irregularities/
Missing Materials
• Test administrators should report any test irregularities
(e.g., disruptive students) and possible security breaches
to the school assessment coordinator immediately.
• Schools must investigate ANY report of missing
materials and report missing secure materials to Student
Assessment & Educational Testing (SAET) immediately
at 305-995-7520.
• If a test irregularity or security breach is identified, the
school assessment coordinator must contact SAET to
discuss possible test invalidations.
TAM 15; 59
Test Irregularities/
Security Breaches
• For test irregularities requiring further investigation by the district
and for security breaches, a written report and supporting
documentation must be submitted within 7 working days after the
irregularity or security breach was identified. The report must
The nature of the situation
The time and place of the occurrence
The names of the people involved
A description of the communication between the district
assessment coordinator’s office and school personnel
– How the incident was resolved
– What steps are being taken to avoid future test irregularities or
security breaches
• Schools should submit completed reports and supporting
documentation to SAET to be forwarded to the FLDOE.
TAM 15-16
Electronic Devices
• Students may not have any electronic or
recording devices at their desks, in their pockets,
or anywhere they can reach them during testing
or break, even if they are turned off or they do
not use them.
• If a student is found to be in possession of ANY
electronic devices during testing OR during a
break, his or her test must be invalidated.
• Students and parents/guardians should be
made aware of this policy prior to testing.
TAM v; 17; 23-24; Appendix C; 107
Before Testing
TAM 20-24; 41-45
Test Administrator
Before Testing
 Read the test administration manual.
 Read the Test Administration Policies and Procedures and Appendix B, and sign the FCAT
2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement.
 Read and sign the Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement.
 Establish an appropriate setting for test administration and remove or cover any
unauthorized aids in the testing room.
 Prepare a security log and a seating chart, and ensure you have a form to collect required
administration information.
 Assemble all testing materials needed for test administration, and ensure student
demographic information is verified on PreID labels or gridded on student grid sheets.
 Ensure that students and their parents/guardians understand the testing policies (electronic
devices, leaving campus, Testing Rules Acknowledgment, discussing test content) prior to
the test.
 If you are administering the test to students who require accommodations, become familiar
with the accommodations and discuss with your school assessment coordinator how
accommodations will be provided.
Security Agreement
• Test administrators and proctors must sign and return an
FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement,
which indicates that they:
− Have received training
− Have read the Test Security Statute and State Board Rule
− Have read all applicable portions of the test administration
− Understand and agree to adhere to all test security and
administration policies and procedures
• Test administrators are required to sign a Test
Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement in addition
to a Security Agreement. Test administrators must
record their certification numbers on this document.
TAM 44; 91; 93
Test Administrator
Before Testing
Prepare the Room for Testing
The test should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating,
good lighting, and sufficient workspace.
There must be at least three feet between students.
Make sure that students are not facing each other when seated at tables
and are not in seating (stadium or staggered) that allows them to easily
view other students’ test materials.
Post the sign that reads TESTING—Please Do Not Disturb on all entrances
to the testing room and display starting and stopping times for students as
soon as testing begins.
Students must not have access to any unauthorized aids, including visual
aids on classroom walls or desktops (e.g., word lists, punctuation charts).
Security Log
A Security Log
must be maintained
for each testing
Anyone who enters
a room for the
purpose of
monitoring a test
MUST sign the log
for that testing
TAM 22; Appendix C; 97
Test Group Codes
• A test group code is a unique four-digit number used as a security
measure to identify a group of students tested together.
• School assessment coordinators will distribute test group codes to test
• Each testing room MUST use a different test group code.
• If students are absent for a test session, a different unique code must be
used for each make-up session.
• Note: Writing folders do not contain a field for a test group code;
however, test group codes must still be used to identify groups of
students tested together.
• Test group codes must be recorded with required administration
information and on seating charts.
TAM 23; 42
Seating Charts
• An accurate seating chart must be maintained for each testing room.
Seating charts must record the following information:
– Room name/number
– Student names and their location in the room during testing
– Direction students are facing
– Date
– Test starting and stopping times
– Test administrator name
– Names of proctors (if applicable)
– Test group code
• All seating charts must indicate the front and back of the room.
• If the seating configuration changes during testing, a new seating
chart must be created.
TAM 21; 43; Training Packet
Required Administration
• Test Administrators must record
and maintain the following
required administration
Students assigned to the room
Attendance information
Accommodations provided
Accommodations used
Test group code
Grade level
Unique security number of
secure documents assigned to
each student
– Signatures of test administrator
and school assessment
– Dates for when Writing folders
are received and returned
TAM 42; Appendix C; 99
Test Administrator
Before Testing
Assemble Materials
• The Test Administration Manual is needed on the day of testing
to read scripts to students, to ensure accurate timing for test
sessions, and as a reference to avoid testing irregularities.
• A Test Group Code will be provided by your school assessment
coordinator; a unique code must be recorded on your required
administration information and seating chart.
• Test Administrator Checklist (located in Appendix C).
Test Administrator
Before Testing
Assemble Materials (cont’d)
• Signs (located in Appendix C)
− Do Not Disturb (posted on entrances to the testing room)
− Electronic Devices (displayed for students)
• Security Log (located in Appendix C)
• Seating Chart
• Record of Required Administration Information
• Pencils for students, if needed
• Watch or Clock to keep accurate time during testing
Test Administrator
Before Testing
Special Documents
• Ensure that the correct procedures are followed for administering tests to
students using special documents.
• Student responses must be recorded properly in all special documents
before they are submitted for scoring.
• Refer to the Special Document sections of the manual to ensure the
proper handling of these materials.
Test Administrator
Before Testing
Test administrators who will administer tests to students using
accommodations must familiarize themselves with the information in
Appendix A, including
• Allowable accommodations
• Test configurations and materials needed for testing
• Scripts/instructions for administering tests to students using
special documents (large print, braille)
• Instructions for return of special documents
During Testing
TAM 25-38; 46
Test Administrator
During Testing
 Maintain your seating chart and record of required administration
 Ensure that proctors and anyone who enters your room for the purpose
of monitoring the test sign the Security Log for your testing room.
 Administer the test according to the directions in the test administration
script and read the SAY boxes verbatim to students.
Supervise Test
• Students are using No. 2 pencils
• Students do not have books, notes, scratch paper (other than
their planning sheets), or electronic devices of any kind
• Students are using the correct assigned Writing folder and
planning sheet
• Students have signed below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment
• Students do not talk or make any disturbance
• Students are working independently
• Students who use their planning sheets allow themselves
enough time to write complete responses in their Writing folders
• Students are recording their responses in the appropriate area
TAM 26-27
Supervise Test
Administration (cont.)
It is not appropriate to use cell or classroom phones, grade papers, or work
on the computer during testing.
Students may be encouraged to continue working, but do NOT talk with
them about the prompt or help them with their responses.
If students finish the test before the allotted time for the session has elapsed,
they may be encouraged to go back and check their work.
Test materials may NOT be collected prior to the end of the 60-minute
FCAT 2.0 Writing is administered in one 60-minute session – failure to
provide the correct amount of time will likely result in test invalidation.
Keep accurate time and display times for students as instructed in the script.
Security number(s) of the folder(s) assigned to and returned by each student
MUST be recorded and verified at the completion of testing.
TAM 26-27
After Testing
TAM 39-40;47-58
Test Administrator
After Testing
 Verify that you have collected all required administration information, including
accommodations provided and accommodations used by each student, and
make copies for your files.
 Verify that your seating chart and Security Log have been completed correctly,
and make copies for your files.
 Inspect students’ Writing folders for stray marks on the student grid sheet, verify
that each student has completed the required information in the upper left corner
of the grid sheet, and remove any stray planning sheets. Do NOT open Writing
folders or review student responses.
 Check to make sure DNS bubbles have not been gridded by mistake and that
DNS bubbles are gridded on invalidated test documents.
 Organize test materials and return them to your school assessment coordinator
(see pages 39-40 in the manual).
Comment Forms
• After testing, test administrators and school
assessment coordinators are encouraged to
complete a Writing comment form located at
• FLDOE and Pearson appreciate valuable feedback
from district and school personnel.
TAM 40; 58
Thank you for ensuring a secure and
successful FCAT 2.0 Writing