National 5

S3 Parents’ Information Evening
28th January
Levels at S3 versus Levels at S4
Choice of Course Form and deadlines
Foundation Apprenticeships.
S4- the reality and the terminology.
Learning, teaching and assessment in S4
Guidance and Year Head
SDS input
Learner Journeys
Parent Zone
CfE Levels and Nationals
CfE Levels
• Level 4
• Level 3
• Level 2
• Level 1
• Early years
SQA Levels
Advanced Higher
National 5
National 4
National 3
Choice of Course form
• Pupils in S1-S3 following the Broad General
Education (BGE) have experienced a wide
range of different subjects.
• As part of the Curriculum for Excellence pupils
then make choices for the subjects they wish
to study in S4.
• The nature of the courses has changed.
New Courses
Equivalent to
National 3
Foundation/Access 3
No final exam – graded pass or
National 4
General/Intermediate 1
No final exam – graded pass or
National 5
Credit/Intermediate 2
Final exam graded A-D
Progression S4  S5  S6
National 5 
(Graded A-C)
(Grades A - C)
National 4 
(Pass or Fail)
National 5 
(Graded A-C)
National 3 
(Pass or Fail)
National 4 
(Pass or Fail)
Courses on Offer in S4
• 3 compulsory subjects – English, Maths,
& PE (two periods per week,
compulsory non-exam course)
• Pupils choose ANY 4 plus a RESERVE
• Rank these subjects 1-4 – 1 being the
most important
• RMPS and Hospitality do not currently
allow progression to Higher Grade
Points to remember when choosing
• Is it a balanced choice?
• A language may be required for University entry
• Are career options kept open as long as possible?
• Ideas may change between S3 and leaving school
• Pupils are advised to take subjects they enjoy and are good
• Pupils should choose subjects they feel they are able to
cope with
• Is it THEIR choice?
• Ignore what friends are taking – they may not have the
same interests or aptitudes
• Is it right for me?
• There are no boys or girls subjects – all subjects are open
to all pupils
What now?
• Read reports carefully
• Make sure pupils are familiar with the new courses.
• Ask class teachers, principal teachers, Guidance Teachers,
friends or relatives
• Course information is available on the National Parent
Forum of Scotland website called NATIONALS IN A
• Follow teacher recommendations for levels in each subject.
• Return the forms no later than FRIDAY 6 FEBRUARY
Key Dates
• Return the forms no later than FRIDAY 6
• Parental signature required
• Pay attention to recommendations
• NB The formation of classes will depend on
student numbers and staff availability
• New timetable starts mid May
Why study Drama?
- Working with others regularly can help you
to communicate, co-operate and
compromise effectively.
- Through group work you may learn to
negotiate, make decisions and solve
- Through performance you can develop
confidence and presentation skills.
- As you devise your own work you can
expand your imagination and creativity
and express yourself freely
- Observing the work of others
Taking Drama doesn’t force you into a career
in performing – Drama skills lend themselves
greatly to many other professions and
What will I do?
There are two units to complete;
Drama Skills will allow you to
create your own drama work and
develop performance skills such as
Production Skills will allow you to
exploring lighting, sound, set,
costume, make up and props in a
practical way.
How will I be assessed?
Drama Skills Unit:
You will be assessed by your teacher. You will
create and perform an improvised play. You
must complete a supporting folio of evidence.
Production Skills Unit:
You will be assessed by your teacher as you
design and use Theatre Arts. You must
complete a supporting folio of evidence.
Drama Performance:
You will be assessed by a Visiting Examiner.
You will perform a published play to a live
audience or design and carry out a technical
skill. You will demonstrate your ‘Preparation for
Performance’ in a short essay.
Written Exam:
At the end of the course you will be assessed
on your Knowledge and Understanding of
S4 National
The course consists of the following units
• Cell Biology
• Multicellular Organisms
• Life on Earth
Biology is the science of life.
Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin,
evolution and distribution of living organisms.
This course has been developed in line with the ideals
of curriculum for excellence and gives learners a
solid foundation for study of biology or human
biology at higher level.
Biology is regarded as a highly desirable
qualification by employers.
S4 National Physics
Physics is the science of energy.
Physics is about energy changes and the transmission of energy.
Physics deals with how and why things behave as they do.
The fourth year National courses have been developed
in line with the ideals of curriculum for excellence and
give learners a solid foundation for further study
of the subject at higher level.
The National courses consist of the following units:
1. Waves and Radiation
2. Electricity and Energy
3. Dynamics and Space
Physics is regarded as a highly
desirable qualification by employers.
Foundation Apprenticeships
• A two year course throughout S4 and S5 involving
1 day a week at UHI
• Those attending will receive a Performing
Engineering Operations SVQ
Applicants must:
• Have excellent attendance and be recommended
by the school
• Complete an application and attend for interview
• By the end of S5 have a National 5 in English,
Maths, Technology and/or a Science
What is S4?
A year that delivers,
It is about much more
than assessment.
A year in miniature
Courses start at the change of timetable with an
emphasis on building skills, developing knowledge
and relationships.
Same 5 subjects
every day.
A year in miniature
Summer Term Learning and Teaching continues
Target Setting - What is it ?
It is a professional judgement shared with the pupil about what they should aim for
at the end of their course. It should be ambitious, and reflect the youngsters
potential to achieve.
It purpose is to: encourage pupils to maximize their performance in exams and
improve their life chances.
It allows us to: track progress against shared high expectations of attainment and
It allow us to: intervene on behalf of youngsters if progress is not being maintained.
It is reviewed at regular intervals and the results will be shared with the pupils.
A year in miniature
Autumn Term Learning and Teaching continues
October - December
Significant bulk of learning and teaching delivered.
Some Units completed.
Levels of presentation settle.
Nab Fail letters
Progress Concern Forms
Xmas Dance
A year in miniature
Winter Term
Prelims - What are they ?
They are for National 5 Courses only
A prelim examination provides the opportunity for a candidate to demonstrate how well
they can apply the knowledge and skills they’ve gathered, and to give experience of
the sitting a formal exam
Prelims replicate the style, level of demand and mark allocation of SQA examinations.
They are used to form the basis for estimates grades to the SQA
As a result of exceptional circumstances, such as bereavement or illness, ‘alternative
evidence’ will take the form of coursework, class assessments or prelims.
The results may require a change of level.
A year in miniature
Winter Term
February to April
Assignments and Added value Units
These course assessments give the pupils the
opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they
have learned while studying the units.
These Course Assessments can take different
Assignments, Case Studies, Practical Activities,
Performances Portfolios Question Paper / Tests
A year in miniature
Winter Term
February – April
The final few weeks in all subjects are significant as pupils and
teachers work towards completing courses and meeting
Attendance matters, now more than ever.
Pupils will be working like never before and will be under
significant pressure.
Ensure they are supported in their studies.
They also look ahead and make choices for the year to come.
A year in miniature
Spring Term
April - June
Staff work with pupils to ensure that all the
assessment evidence is complete.
There should be time for revision.
Courses completion with sighs of relief, all round.
Final Exams for National 5 pupils.
What can family and friends do to
Everyone approaching exams needs the support of family and friends.
It's important that others should be sensitive to the extra strain they may
be under, and allow them the space and time to study.
Regular meals, take opportunities for relaxation, avoid distraction and
emotional support are all going to help.
Friends and family should keep distractions to a minimum and do as much
as possible to ease any additional pressures.
Learn to recognise when you're stressing out.
A break or a chat with someone who knows the pressure you're under
will get things into perspective.
Remember it isn't for long.
And when it is all over ….
Ultimately, your child shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that there
life after exams.
Keep things in perspective.
Be realistic about what you have achieved so far.
Remember we are all different, achieve at different levels, and have
different qualities and skills.
Exam success isn't a valuation of you as a whole person.
Be positive about what makes you the individual you are.
And finally
As a result of all this experience your
youngster should have a much
clearer idea of what they want to do
in life
as a result of their hard work and
effort have some of the
qualifications they need
You will very likely have a more
mature, young adult in your life.
National Courses
Nationals are a one year course
There is a lot of content to get through and skills to develop, with an emphasis on the skills
Three units each of which has an assessment at the end but not like the previous exams
where pupils were given a mark. Each question has certain Learning outcomes that the
pupils need to meet. These learning outcomes provide a success criteria for pupils to
follow to pass these questions.
If the pupils do not meet these learning outcomes then they can, after feedback from the
teacher, do a similar question with the same learning outcomes which they will hopefully
meet all the out comes for. If the pupil does not meet the Learning Outcomes a second
time then there will be a discussion as to the appropriate level for the pupil.
The marking is verified by the SQA who take a sample of pupils marked work to assess the
standard of marking.
If the pupils are doing National 5 then they will complete an exam set by the SQA in May.
Scottish – The Era of the Great War 1910 – 1928
Outcome 1: Evaluate a range of historical sources by:
Evaluating the usefulness of one source in terms of its origin, purpose, content and/or
Interpreting the content of one source and placing it in context
Comparing two sources, describing their similarities and/or differences
Outcome 2: Draw on and apply knowledge and understanding of Scottish historical events and themes by:
Describing, in detail, and mostly accurately, a Scottish historical event or theme
Explaining, in detail, a Scottish historical event or theme
Analysing a Scottish historical event or theme
British – The Atlantic Slave Trade 1770 – 1807
Outcome 1: Evaluate the impact of historical developments by:
1.1 Interpreting detailed historical information
Presenting information in a structure manner
Outcome 2: Draw on and apply knowledge and understanding of European and world historical events and themes by:
2.1 Describing, in detail, and most accurately, a British historical event of theme
Explaining, in detail, a British historical event or theme
Analysing a British historical event or theme
European and the World – USA 1850 -1880
Outcome 1: Evaluate the factors contributing to historical developments by:
1.1 Interpreting detailed information about a historical development
Drawing a reasoned conclusion on the factors which contributed to a historical development
Using evidence to support a conclusion
Outcome 2: Draw on and apply knowledge and understanding of European and world historical events and themes by:
2.1 Describing, in detail, and mostly accurately, a European and world historical event or theme
2.2 Explaining, in detail, a European and world historical event or theme
Analysing a European and world historical event or theme
National Courses
If the pupils are sitting National 4 they will be required to do an Added Value Unit which is
similar to a project which has to meet a SQA success criteria, which is marked internally
but the SQA will take a sample to verify that the marking of these AVU’s are to the
accepted standard.
This is done along with the end of unit assessments recorded in the same way as seen in
the previous slides with National 5.
Role of Guidance and Year Head
Miss Lomas S3 Year Head
What is happening now…
• PTG are interviewing pupils
– individually or in small groups.
– Discussing career ideas.
– Current favourite subjects.
– Strengths and pressures
– Research around possible career requirements.
– Homework being set.
– Follow up the next PSE lesson.
What is happening now…
• Course choice booklets have been used in
– These have been discussed with pupils.
– Pupils asked to consider making a balanced course
– Choosing what suits them, not their friends.
– Consider carefully which 4 subjects would be their
best choice.
– Consider carefully what their reserve is.
What is happening now…
• Consider college courses/university
– What the entry requirements are for courses.
– Do their choices match any future aspirations.
• Use planitplus website
– Looks at advice for school, further and higher
education, apprenticeships and careers advice
• Careers guidance from Skills Development
Scotland – Fionna Dowell
Next week…
• Parents’ Evening
– Discuss options and recommended levels with subject
– Guidance staff available to make appointments with.
ASN link staff also available for appointments.
– I am available at start and end of the evening.
– Alternatively contact via telephone or email at
• Completed forms due in Friday 6 February to
Looking ahead…
• Forms get passed to Mr MacDonald who will
check them all
• Passed to Mr Taylor
• Any issues for pupils whose choices are full
will be contacted by Mr MacDonald
– He will speak to pupil and parent to resolve the
Throughout S4…
• PTG and Year Head available to resolve issues and
liaise with departments.
• Changes in level – PTG will contact you to discuss
• Any concerns we will contact you or please
contact us.
• Opportunity for Work Experience
• At point in your child’s school career exam
arrangements become important, if additional
support is needed, raise that early so evidence
can be gathered.
Looking forward…
• Ongoing careers advice.
• Always available to young person and
• Lots of outside agencies involved as
opportunities are more diverse.
• Similar process approaching S5.
• Lots of information and support available to
both the young person and parents/carers.
Skills Development Scotland
S5, 6 and beyond
• Qualifications and experiences which allow
our young people to move on to positive and
sustained destinations.
• Job
• University
• Apprenticeship
• College
• Not offending
SQA qualifications
UHI qualifications
Open University qualifications
The Awards Network awards (Amazing Things)
School recognition
Industry qualifications
Personal success in a wide range of areas
Work Experience
New Horizons
Working with others
Enterprising attitudes
Dealing with adversity
Learner Journey 1 – Male Pupil – who
doesn't know what to do after school
End of S3
End of S4
End of S5
Level 3 French, Social
Subjects, Technical, Biology
National 4 Modern Studies
National 5 Modern Studies
Level 4 English, Maths, Art,
Music and French
National 5 in English,
Maths, Art, Music and
Higher English, Music, Art
and French
S3 Football Team
Work Experience in local
School Prefect
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Participates in School Show
Captain of Senior Football
Enjoys Home Economics
Football Team
Participates in School Show
Regional Athletics squad
Individual model 2- sound engineering
at University
End of S3:
Level 4 in Music
Level 3 in English, Maths,
Social Subjects, PE, Gaelic,
Technology and Drama
Junior Sports Leader Award
D o E Bronze
Grade 4 Piano
End of S4:
National 5 in Music
National 4 in English,
Geography, Maths, PE, and
Saltire Bronze
D.o.E Silver
School show ‘Tech Crew’
Grade 5 Piano
Saturday job in Music
End of S6:
AH Performing Music Unit
Higher English, PE, Music
and Maths
National 5 Geography and
UHI credits
Saltire Platinum
Music Prefect
School show ‘Tech Crew’
Grade 6 Piano
Saturday job
Construction / Engineering
By the end of S3
By the end of S4
By the end of S5
Level 4 Technology
N5 Practical Woodwork
N5 Design and Manufacture
Level 4 Social Subjects
N4 Maths
N5 Maths
Level 3 Maths
N4 English
N5 English
Level 3 English
N4 / 5 History
N5 Construction Skills
Level 3 PE
N4 / 5 PE
1 Day College course Construction / Engineering
Dynamic Youth Award
Employability Skills
Saltire Bronze Award
Interview Techniques
Red Cross Award
1 week Work experience
Modern Apprenticeship
To become a fully qualified beauty therapist
you would normally complete a beauty therapy qualification at level 3. However, you can
start working in a salon or spa as an assistant and study for qualifications on the job (See
Training and development).
Alternatively, you could do a full-time or part-time college course while looking for work, to
help you gain some of the knowledge and skills needed in this job.
To become a beauty therapist you would need:
•a friendly and welcoming manner
•the ability to make clients feel relaxed
•tact, diplomacy and the ability to listen and communicate well
•the ability to explain procedures clearly to clients
•business awareness and the ability to sell products and earn commission
•some knowledge of chemistry, anatomy and human biology
•a talent for applying nail art and make-up.
Individual Model 4: Beauty Therapist
End of S3:
End of S4:
End of S6:
• Level 3 in English,
Maths, Science,
• Level 4 social
science, modern
languages, Art, PE
and IT
• Sports Leader –
• Drama Club
• Art Club
• Hockey Club
• Basketball Team
• Athletics
• Dance
• Nat 5 English, History,
• Nat 4 Biology, Spanish, IT
• Saltire Award Bronze
• D of E bronze
• Work Experience in
Beauty Salon
• Drama Club
• Art Club
• Hockey Club
• Basketball Team
• Athletics
• Dance
• Higher Art, History
• Nat 5 English, Spanish,
IT, Biology
• SQA National 5 AwardVolunteering Skills.
Work Experience
• Passed Vocational
Pathways course
• ASDAN employability
• Drama Club
• Art Club
• Hockey Club
• Basketball Team
• Athletics
• Dance
To become a fully qualified dentist:
Standard academic entry requirements: AAAAB by the end of S6 with a minimum of AABB
by the end of S5.
Other mandatory requirements: Applicants are not considered for entry to Dentistry from
S5. Higher subjects must include Biology/Human Biology and Chemistry (both at Grade A),
English/ESOL and either Maths or Physics. Resits are not accepted.
Successful entry to University course is judged by a series of MMI’s (Multiple Mini
Qualities required
• Honesty and trustworthiness
• A caring nature, empathetic and respectful of the views of others and able to put people
at ease
• Good communication skills
• Able to work in a team and have the capacity to act as leader
• Self critical and self motivating
• Capable of independent thinking
• Able to plan and think on the spot, enjoy problem solving and analysing information
• Able to show strong evidence of manual dexterity, creativity and spatial awareness
Individual Model 5- Dentist
• By End of S3:
• Level 4 All curricular •
• Junior Sports Leader
• Red Cross Award•
Citizen award
• Saltire Silver
• Wind Band member
By End of S4:
National 5 English, •
Maths, Chemistry,
Physics, Biology,
Saltire Gold
D. o. E Bronze
Work placement at •
Wind Band member •
Athletics Team
‘Exploring Careers in •
Health Day’
By End of S6:
AH Chemistry,
Physics, Biology
Higher English,
OU Health and
Social Care
Senior Library
D. o. E. Gold
SQA Leadership unit
Wind Band member
S5/6 work
placements at NHS
Parent Zone
Parent Zone resources