A. Write down what STPA stand for, provide with an example in Chinese character. Subject S ___________ Time Place Action (VO) T____________ P____________ A______________ For example: I Tuesday 9:48am @ Rm 313 我 星期二上午九点四十八分 在313教室 take Chinese class. 上中文课。 B. Matching. Pinyin Character D N 1) Gym room ______ ______ A. 教室 E J 2) Library ______ ______ B. 学校 I B 3) School ______ ______ C. 洗手间 F H 4) Home ______ ______ D. 体育馆 C K 5) Washroom ______ ______ E. 图书馆 G ______ L 6) Cafeteria ______ F. 家 A M 7) Classroom ______ ______ G. 餐厅 H. xué xiào I. jiā J. tú shū guăn K. xĭ shŏu jiān L. cān tīng M. jiào shì N. tĭ yù guăn In you GKBJB, do this: 1. Write the char, pinyin and meaning for the question and answer. Fill in VO with your choice. Q: 你在哪儿VO? A: 我在place VO。 把你的school schedule 作业拿出来 Take out your school schedule assignment Speaking Assessment 1. 老师will put you into a group of 4 or 5 students. 2. You will grade the students of your group with a rubric provided. – Grade on vocabulary and sentence structure, pronunciation and tones, and delivery and fluidity. Don’t forget to write a constructive comment! Turn in your school schedule assignment when you finish speaking assessment. Answer teacher’s questions Q: 你第___节是什么? A: 我第___节是 (subject/lunch)。 我 (time) 在 (place) (VO)。 听 读 dú 说 写 xiě 作业 (zuò yè) homework 功课 (gōng kè) assignment Q: 今天有没有作业? A: 今天有作业。 A: 今天没有作业。 Q: 今天的作业是什么? A: 今天的作业是………。 考试 (kǎo shì; VO/N) assessment 大考 (dà kǎo) test 小考 (xiăo kǎo) quiz 常常vs 不常 我们____有作业。 我们____有考试。 我们____有小考。 我们____有大考。 Q: 明天有没有考试? A: 明天有考试。 小考 大考 A: 明天没有考试。 分 fēn; point 一分 one point Q:你考试考几分? 一百分 a hundred A:我考试考___分。 point 我每天练习中文 我每天复习中文 练习liàn xí to practice/exercise 复习fù xí to review 准备 zhŭn bèi to prepare 帮 bāng to help Grammar point 一、V 得怎么样? is a way to ask how does someone do something. Ex: Q:你中文说得怎么样? How do you speak Chinese? A: 我中文说得很好。 I speak Chinese very well. How do you sing? Q1:你唱歌唱得怎么样? _______________________________________ I sing not well. A1:我唱歌唱得不好。_________________________________________ How does she dance? Q2:她跳舞跳得怎么样?_________________ She dances okay. A2:她跳舞跳得马马虎虎。________________ How did you test? Q3:你考试考得怎么样?________________________________________ I tested so so. Q4:我考试考得还可以。________________ Now, follow the pattern to create 3 questions in Chinese to ask your partner and write down his/her answers accordingly. Q1: 你__________ ____得怎么样? A1: 我___ ___得____________。 Q2: 你__________ ____得怎么样? A2: 我___ ___得____________。 Q3: 你__________ ____得怎么样? A3: 我___ ___得____________。 二、A 帮 B verb + object. (A helps B do something) Ex.老师帮我准备中文功课. Teacher helps me to prepare for Chinese homework. 同学帮我复习小考 Classmate helps me to review the quiz. Now, create one sentence on your own. Stroke Order Principle and Practice 餐 厅 楼 Stroke Order Principle and Practice 图 馆 洗 间 Unit 2B assessment : My life at school For this unit’s speaking assessment you will be randomly paired with a partner on the assessment day to have a spontaneous conversation. Presentation Day: Friday, March 1st Unit 2B assessment : My life at school Information that both people need to cover (in any order): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Greeting and exchanging names Where you go to school and what grade you are in How you get to school and home What time and where you attend a class How often you have tests and/or homework How well or often you do something What is your most favorite/least favorite class and why? At least 1 classroom expression Eg. 请说慢一点儿。请再说一次。不好意思。大声一点儿。