PARCC Test Administrator Training PPT for SACs to Use

Administering the test
Test Administrator Training
Must include:
Test Security
Standardized Test Environment
Test Administration procedures
Basic Error Resolution
Test Session Management (if school chooses to have
TA’s do this)
 How to RESUME students
◦ Test Administrator Role vs. Teacher Role
◦ Opportunity to ask questions
Online Assessment vs Paper Pencil
Will be a shift for teachers, proctors,
students, parents, administratorscommunicate regularly
 Using Pearson Access to manage your
 Accessibility features vs Accommodations
 Technology is now involved: possible tech
issues and being tech ready
 More rigorous, higher DOK
Ethical administration and procedures and
ensuring standardized conditions
 Test security is important for valid and
reliable scores
 Active Proctoring is a must
CMAS Test Administrator
Individual at school level responsible for directly administering the
CMAS: Science and Social Studies assessments
Must be employed by the school/district
Be trained and have read the Test Administrator’s Manual
prior to any assessment administration
Be trained in any specific accommodations they are providing
Must sign security agreement before assessment administration
Read the directions to students exactly as they appear in
the Test Administrator’s Manual
Test session management
Administer sections actively
Administration Overview
PARCC English Language Arts and Mathematics (two windows)
◦ Performance Based Assessment (PBA)
◦ End-of-Year Assessment (EOY)
Content Area
English Language Arts
3-8, three high school assessments
• Integrated/Math I, Integrated/Math II,
Integrated/Math III
CMAS Science and Social Studies
◦ Elementary and Middle School (one window)
Content Area
5 and 8
Social Studies
4 and 7
Spring 2015 Assessment Calendar
PerformanceBased Assessment
3-8, High School
3/02/15 to 4/03/15
3/02/15 to
CMAS and CoAlt:
Science and
Social Studies
4 and 7 (Social
5 and 8 (Science)
4/13/15 to 5/01/15
3-8, High School
4/20/15 to
4/20/15 to 5/15/15
PARCC End-ofYear Assessment
*Elementary only: Paper based window only applies when entire grade level is taking
the paper based assessments. Paper based assessments have a two week window. 8
Administration Flowchart
Note: This diagram illustrates
grades 6-8.
Administration Flowchart
Note: This diagram illustrates grade 7 and high school.
Grades 8-11 math test assignments
Science and Social Studies
Administration Flowchart
Section 1
Science and
Social Studies
(One Window)
Section 2
Section 3
PARCC Unit testing time
6-8 and 9-12
Science and Social Studies
Section Testing Times
Science and Social Studies
For Scheduling/Testing
Unit/Section Testing Time
Science and Social
Section 1
80 minutes
Section 2
80 minutes
Section 3
80 minutes
Guidelines for Administration Time
Time to be
Allotted for an
Preparing for testing (includes reading
instructions to students and answering questions)
20 minutes (recommended)
Distributing test materials
5 minutes (recommended)
PARCC English language Arts and Mathematics Unit testing
Science and Social Studies Section testing time
Completing end-of-unit activities, including closing units,
collecting test materials, and administering a student survey
(after EOY)
60-90 minutes*
80 minutes
5–10 minutes
*For PARCC, depending on unit and subject—refer to Unit Guidelines and
Schedule table in the Test Coordinator Manual for each Unit Time.
CMAS: Structure and Timing
CMAS: Science and Social Studies Section
Administration Time for Elementary and Middle School
Time for Set Up Required Testing Additional Testing
and Transition
Time for All
(20 minutes)
55 minutes
15 minutes
New • If all students have completed the test section, the Test
Administrator may read the script to end that particular test
Time for Set up and Transition
School site log in
Start up TestNav 8
Log in
Test transfer (from proctor cache)
◦ First item may take time to load
Give directions
Review sample items
Guidelines for Administration Time
Guidelines for Administration Time
 Schedule the entire amount of Unit/Section Testing Time.
• Once the Unit/Section Testing Time has elapsed, the
Unit/Section must end.
• If all students have completed the Unit/Section, the
NEW Unit/Section may be ended (no minimum testing time). A
student may be allowed an extended time
accommodation only if listed in his or her IEP, 504 Plan,
or EL Plan.
• PARCC: time-and-a-half is not included in Unit testing
• Science and Social Studies: time-and-a-half is included in
the Section testing time
Guidelines for Breaks
(p 10 TCM)
Between Units/Sections, scheduled breaks may occur.
Example EOY (ELA/L Administration):
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Unit 1
10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Scheduled Break
10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Unit 2
During a Unit/Section, short “stand-and-stretch” breaks may
be permitted at the discretion of the Test Administrator.
• Not to exceed 3 minutes
• Add 3 minutes on to total unit testing time
School schedule information here
Test Administration
Test Administration Materials
Test Administrator’s Manual (TAM)
◦ BEFORE TESTING: Fill in and select options for after the test session.
◦ Practice in advance!
◦ Read script exactly as written (may clarify after read exactly).
◦ Exit Instructions.
Student Testing/Authorization Tickets
◦ Hand out and collect in the test environment.
◦ Have a master list of students including accommodations.
◦ Student Testing/Authorization Tickets are secure!
Seal Code
◦ Write on board or poster.
◦ Take down after testing starts.
Active Administration
Active Administrators:
 Ensure students have all
necessary materials for each
 Ensure a standardized testing
 Follow all scripts exactly as
 Move throughout the room
during testing
 Read directions to students when
 Use proximity to keep students
on task
 Use “continue working” script
Administrators May Not:
Provide feedback
Clarify test questions
Answer content related
Interfere with the students’
demonstration of skills
Interact with students in any way
that would impact student
Engage in other tasks during test
Read sources, items, or student
Help with TestNav navigation
Administration Steps
 Collect
all materials from SAC
 Prepare the test environment and situate students
 Start session in PearsonAccess (SAC or proctor)
 Follow directions and read script in the Test Administrator’s
Manual (TAM)
 Hand out Student Authorization Tickets when prompted to
do so in the TAM
 Assist students in logging on to TestNav 8
 Complete directions to students and start session
 Actively administer each test section
 Collect Student Authorization Tickets after login
 Resume student tests or contact SAC as needed
 Resolve basic errors by following protocols
 End test section by reading directions in TAM
 Return all materials to SAC
Helpful hints
Administrators should not hand out
authorization tickets until students are
seated in the lab
 Have students log in in waves (5 at a
 Once students are logged in, proctors
should direct them to put hands off of
keyboard while directions are read
 Directions should be that students do not
touch keyboard until proctor says so
Make-Up Testing
TA will record names of absent student
or students who were unable to test for
technical reasons and return the list to
SAC so that make up testing can be
Testing Irregularities
Fill out form online if any testing
Security breaches
Technology glitches
Emergencies/unforeseen circumstances
Proctors not using the test administrator manual
 Proctors saying or doing anything that influences a students
 Proctor does not give students accommodations they
Students uses a cell phone, calculator, electronic device
 Students moving onto next section
◦ Really only able to do if in a make up section and they have
access to the seal code to the next section
SAC: call Kim Terry if any misadministration has occurred
Test Materials Security
Student Testing/Authorization
Seal codes
Paper-based Test Booklets
Social Studies source books
Oral scripts
Used scratch paper
Any student work/responses
Mathematics Reference Sheets
prior to and after given to
Test Administrator
Manual (TAM)
 Procedures Manual
 Test Coordinator Manual
 Unused (not handed out)
scratch paper
Manuals Reminder
Keep Test Administrators Manuals
between PBA and EOY.
 Manuals are only sent with PBA
Breach of secure test materials
Discussing, reproducing, transmitting by
any means any secure test materials
 Obtaining or sharing secure test materials
 Secure test materials include:
◦ Student authorization tickets
◦ Seal codes
◦ Paper based books
Maintaining Security of CMAS
All secure test materials must be secured while in
the Test Administrator’s possession
No duplication of secure CMAS materials is
No cell phones or other communication, reproduction
or recording devices are allowed in the classroom
Test security
No cell phones in testing room
◦ Collect (baggies with names) so students do
not have them during testing
No student tablets allowed in testing
 Ipads are allowed for TEST
◦ No recording
◦ No pictures of anything in test environment
Secure Materials- Test
Collect back student authorization tickets
immediately after students login
 Put student authorization tickets into
correct envelopes
 Return envelopes to SAC’s immediately
after testing
 Sign in the number of student
authorization tickets being returned
The Test Environment
Student-to-Test Administrator Ratio
Student-to-Test Administrator ratio must not
exceed 30 to 1
◦ Test Administrator must be able to actively monitor the space within
the testing environment.
Test Administrators must:
◦ Actively proctor.
◦ Remain attentive and in the room during the entire testing section.
◦ Circulate throughout the room during the test.
 Should be able to see students working, not student work
The Test Environment
Generally, posters that do not include content specific
definitions, content related processes or solutions may
remain on the wall.
Timing Box (optional box around; other information
Unit Name: Math Unit 1
Unit Testing Time: 75 Min
Starting Time: 9:00
Stopping time: 10:15
 ELA PBA all students must have headphones
for all Units.
◦ Exception this year for grade 8 – no headphones
 To be in a testing room with other students,
headphones must be worn.
 Students may be tested separately, if they are
not able to wear headphones.
Posted Materials guidelines
The testing environment must be free of any content
related posters or aids that suggest possible answers to
◦ Word walls
◦ Steps for solving math equations
◦ Any content related materials
◦ Any resource that defines, explains, or
illustrates terminology or concepts
◦ Graphic organizers
◦ 100s charts
◦ Definitions
◦ Math manipulatives
Test Environment
No food or drink on desks
 Put up “Do Not Disturb” sign
 No music
 Same rules as TCAP
 Bathroom-don’t log students out or pause
their tests just put something (blank) in
front of screen so no one can see it
During Testing
• Only three seal codes will be used in each section
• Cross off the last six seal codes to avoid confusion
Student Authorization
Test Code:
PARCC ELA and Math Seal codes
Authorization/Testing tickets
Signing in to TestNav
If a Student is Using Text-toSpeech …
• Remember to test the audio before signing in
• After student signs in, audio cannot be adjusted
Test Administrator: Direct Students
through Section Entry
<SAY> The Assessment is divided into three sections. You are only to
work on
Section 1. You should see a screen that says Section 1. If you do
not, raise
your hand.
Display only the first seal code on the blackboard, whiteboard, chalkboard, or
other surface. Point to the seal code.
<SAY> Enter the four-digit seal code in the “Enter Seal Code” field.
Select the blue
“Start Section button and wait for further directions.
Section Timing: Two School Decisions
#1: Determine whether students will test
sections consecutively or if they will
break between test sections
#2: Select Timing Option (1, 2, 3, or 4)
◦ If Option 1 or 2 is selected, indicate where
students should go when finished
Timing Options
Test Administrators may assist individual students by re-reading scripted
directions from the manual or by reading the direction text that appears in the
blue banner on a student’s screen.
<SAY> I cannot help you answer any test questions. I will only be able to
help you with questions about the directions highlighted in blue banners. You
may or may not know the answers to all of the questions. Answer the best
you can.
Student becomes ill
◦ Log that student out-directions on next
◦ Record amount of time left in section
◦ Record onto the absent student list that the
student left and the amount of testing time
Technology issues
TA error code resolution steps
1. Check to see all cords and cables are firmly
plugged in
 2. Have student log out
 3. TA or SAC resume the student test
 4. Have student log back in
If that doesn’t work, repeat steps 2-4 and have
student try to login on a different computer
 If that doesn’t work contact your SAC for help
(SAC will then either pull student and put on
make up testing roster, call Pearson, etc)
School communication plan
Contact Pearson directly
If a technology issue arises during an
actual live test session test administrators
should contact Pearson directly-after
informing SAC of the issue
 This is the only time test administrators
need to/should contact Pearson directly
 Tell them you are in a live testing situation
and they will bump you to the front of the
◦ Pearson: 1-888-687-4759
Technology Tip
If students are testing on iPads or
Chromebooks, note the specific device on
which each student is testing. Ideally, each
student should use the same device for all
units/sections to aid in response data
recovery if needed.
Practice Tests
Test preparation for online
Tutorials/practice tests
 ePATs
 ePat guides for proctors are so helpful
 Familiarize students with tools, give
opportunity to use
 Practice with scrolling, drag and drop
items, simulations
Student practice prior to testing
 Practice Tests
ePats: Practice Tests
 www.pearsonaccess.
What the student sees
Students Log In to
Once the test session is started by SAC or
proctor in PearsonAccess, students launch
a browser and enter the TestNav address
provided in the Student Authorization
Ticket (or click on the shortcut on your
desktops or possibly your school will
already be showing this screen)
When TestNav loads students enter the
Username and Test Code provided on the
Student Authorization/Testing Ticket
Test Code
TestNav Testing Engine
TestNav Welcome page
TestNav Testing Engine
Section 1 Seal Code Entry
Test Administrator will provide the seal code
Student will enter the seal code and then select “Start
TestNav Screens and
Text to Speech
Exhibits will contain the Periodic Table for the Science Test
TestNav Testing Engine
Section 1 Sample Questions
After entering the seal code, students will see three
sample questions that allow them to practice
answering different item types.
Sample questions are available only for Section 1.
Students will see a STOP screen after the last sample
TestNav Testing Engine
STOP page
This is the screen students will see after entering seal
codes for Units/Sections without practice items
The Test Administrator will continue with the “SAY”
directions. When all instructions have been read to the
students, they will click the blue forward arrow button to
start the test.
Student directions are also in the Test Admin. Manual
Exiting from TestNav
Select the gray “Review” button at the top left corner of your tests.
Select the blue “End Section” button in the middle right of your
Select the green “Continue” button .
A Section Exit Warning screen will pop up. Select “Yes” to confirm
that you want to leave this Unit/Section.
Logging out of TestNav
Sections 1 and 2
• Students must navigate to the Review screen using the Review
button in the toolbar:
• In the top-left corner of the screen, students will select the blue
“Return to End Section” button.
Logging out of TestNav
Sections 1 and 2
•Students logging out of Sections 1 and 2 will then see:
•They will select the green “Continue” button.
Logging out of TestNav
Sections 1 and 2
Students click “Yes” on the Section Exit Warning dialog.
Log Out of TestNav
(to return)
In the top right hand corner of your screen,
select the gray button next to your name
and choose the option “Logout of TestNav.”
 This message appears, “I want to exit this
test and finish later.”
 Select the blue “Save and Return Later”
Log Out of TestNav
(Submit Answers)
After the final Unit/Section:
 From the review screen, select the green
“Submit Final Answers” button.
 Select the green “Yes, Submit Final
Answers” to the message “Are you sure
you want to submit final answers?”
 Then, you will see a message: “Logout
complete. Thank you for using TestNav.”
Submit Final Answers After the
Completion of the Assessment
Use the next 4 slides only if
students are testing
If Students Test Consecutively
Access the Review Screen.
Scroll down to the last item and select the View button.
Select the forward arrow button on the upper left corner of your
Select the green Continue button next to “Go to the next section.”
A Section Exit Warning screen will pop up. Select “Yes” to confirm
that you want to leave this section.
If Students Test Consecutively …
If Students Test Consecutively …
Submit Final Answers After
Section 3
Use the next three slides if you
are NOT testing consecutively
Logging out of TestNav
The seal code screen for the next section will load.
Once on this screen, students must complete steps below
to log out of TestNav if they are not testing consecutively
Students will select the User icon
in the top-right
portion of the screen and select “Logout of TestNav.”
Logging out of TestNav
The student will select the blue “Save and Return Later”
TestNav Testing Engine
Once successfully logged out of TestNav, students will see:
After last unit/section
Logging out of TestNav
Students must navigate to the Review screen using the Review
button in the toolbar:
• In the top-left corner of the screen, students will select the blue
“Return to End Section” button.
After last unit/section
Logging out of TestNav
Students must navigate to the Review screen using the
Review button in the toolbar:
In the top-left corner of the screen, students will select the
blue “Return to End Test” button.
After last unit/section
Logging out of TestNav
Students logging out of last unit/section will see:
They will select the green “Submit Final Answers” button.
After last unit/section
Logging out of TestNav
Students have now submitted their final answers and they will
see the following screen.
NOTE: Selecting the “Submit Final Answers” button submits
student answers and automatically logs students out of
TestNav. Students do not need to perform the extra steps of
logging out of TestNav, as they must do at the completion of
all except the last unit/section.
Who to contact with questions
Test administration
◦ Proctor to SAC—Enter SAC name and
extension or other directions for how they
should reach you during live testing
◦ Tech questions
 Building tech to district IT-inform SAC of any tech
issues so they are aware
 During live testing: Pearson 1-888-687-4759
Only go on if you are creating
accounts for all proctors and
expect them to monitor their
sessions/resume students within
Colorado PearsonAccess Landing Page
PearsonAccess – Home
The Home tab in PearsonAccess displays links to the all the
functions available to your user account.
Starting a PearsonAccess
Test Session
To start a session click Start
Test sessions status shows as either Started or Not
Monitoring Test Sessions
Monitor the status of students in the session.
To refresh a student’s testing status:
Click the Refresh icon in the Status column of the
student list on the Session Details screen to refresh
the student’s status.
PearsonAccess Test Session
Test sessions have multiple levels of security controls
Session level security allows you to start/stop the entire
test session to control access-recommend not stopping
until end of window or all students (incl make ups) in
that grade level have completed all sections of the test
Student level security allows you to control access on a
student level when the session is started
Resuming a Student
If a student has exited a test they must be Resumed before
they can log back into the test
• The student status is Exited
• Select the checkbox next to the student’s name
• Click Resume Test, Confirm you want to resume the test
Pearsonaccess Next manage
Choose Testing, Students
in sessions
Choose sessions
Begin typing a
word (teacher’s
name) in the
session name
 All sessions for
your school with
that name in
them will show
 Click the
correct one (s)
Choose either combined view, to control all
chosen sessions at once or choose one session at
a time
Combined View
One session at a time view
Check the box next to the student’s
name to resume
Then under tasks choose “resume
student tests” and click start
Then a new screen opens, click the
blue RESUME button
Resuming all students if
NOT testing sections
consecutively in same
SAC’s or proctors must do this if not
consecutively testing sections