Change - Locking Stumps Community Primary School

…and how it will affect us…
What does the future hold?
Pupil Premium
Free School Meals for all KS1 children
New National Curriculum
Maths without setting
Life without levels
New SEND Code of Practice
Need for more school places
Pupil Premium
Pupil premium: the facts:
Introduced in 2011.
Awarded to schools – not individual families or children!
Children who are looked after by the Local Authority including
for the first time children who have been adopted from care or
leave care under a special guardianship or residence order.
£1900 per year.
Children who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last
six years (also known as Ever 6 FSM). £1300 per year.
Children whose parents are currently serving in the armed
forces. £300 per year.
It is for schools to decide how the pupil premium allocated to
their school is spent.
Schools will be held accountable for their use of the additional
funding to support pupils from low-income families and the
impact this has on educational attainment.
Schools must publish their plans for their use of Pupil Premium
and the effect it has on ‘narrowing the gap’ on their website.
Ofsted 2013
“The school makes very good use of its pupil premium
Pupil Premium at Locking Stumps is used to provide:
• additional teacher and TA to deliver early intervention
with small groups
• experienced and skilled Special Educational Needs Coordinator
• additional teacher to provide 1:4 intensive preparation for
• Educational Welfare Officer
• Family Support worker
• Emotional Health worker
• financial support for residential and educational visits
• additional resources where required
Free School Meals for KS1
From September 2014 all children from YR – Y2 are entitled to a
Free School Meal.
It is vital that parents still apply for Free School Meal entitlement
as the school receives funding based on numbers.
Reception starters have received a Pupil Premium funding form
with their offer letters.
Y1/2 can complete a Pupil Premium Funding form if they have
not previously done so and they think they are entitled.
KS2 will require a Free School Meals registration form.
At Locking Stumps:
Parents will receive menus as previously
Parents may still choose to send children with a packed lunch
No option for schools to provide sandwiches – ‘The DfE has
advised that they do not believe that it is possible to meet their
expected food standards by eating the food typically
contained within a lunch box.’
National Curriculum 2014
From September 2014 we will be teaching from a new National Curriculum.
Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation and spelling
(for example, the use of commas and apostrophes will be taught in KS1)
•Handwriting – not currently assessed under the national curriculum – is expected to be
fluent, legible and speedy
•Spoken English has a greater emphasis, with children to be taught debating and
presenting skills
National Curriculum 2014
•Five-year-olds will be expected to learn to count up to 100 (compared to 20 under
the current curriculum) and learn number bonds to 20 (currently up to 10)
•Simple fractions (1/4 and 1/2) will be taught from KS1, and by the end of primary
school, children should be able to convert decimal fractions to simple fractions (e.g.
0.375 = 3/8)
•By the age of nine, children will be expected to know times tables up to 12x12
(currently 10x10 by the end of primary school)
•Calculators will not be introduced until near the end of KS2, to encourage mental
From next half term we will be removing Maths sets.
• Age 5 – very early given the drastically differing rate of
development of children
• Restrictions on curriculum and timetable
• Loss of confidence
• Children have strengths within the subject
• Provide challenge for all our children – no ‘ceiling’ on learning.
• Parents’ evening concerns
• Opportunities to provide support and challenge throughout
the day
National Curriculum 2014
••Strong focus on scientific knowledge and language, rather than understanding the
nature and methods of science in abstract terms
•Evolution will be taught in primary schools for the first time
•Non-core subjects like caring for animals will be replaced by topics like the human
circulatory system
National Curriculum 2014
•Computing replaces Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with a
greater focus on programming rather than on operating programs
•From age five, children will learn to write and test simple programs, and to organise,
store and retrieve data
•From seven, they will be taught to understand computer networks, including the
•Internet safety – currently only taught from 11-16 – will be taught in primary schools
National Curriculum 2014
••Currently not statutory, a modern foreign language or ancient language (Latin or
Greek) will be mandatory in KS2
•Children will be expected to master basic grammar and accurate pronunciation and
to converse, present, read and write in the language
Other subjects
Changes to Foundation Subjects are mainly in content. However we are bound by age
related expectations. Children will be following the Programme of Study for their year
groups. Those children requiring challenge will be developing a wider and deeper
understanding of the subjects taught – not just more!
Just work your way through....
Early Britons and settlers, including:
• the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages
• Celtic culture and patterns of settlement
•the Crusades
Plantagenet rule in the 12th and 13th centuries,
•key developments in the reign of Henry II,
including the murder of Thomas Becket
•Magna Carta
•de Montfort's Parliament
Roman conquest and rule, including:
•Caesar, Augustus, and Claudius
• Britain as part of the Roman Empire
• the decline and fall of the Western Roman
Relations between England, Wales, Scotland
and France, including:
Anglo-Saxon and Viking settlement, including:•William Wallace
•the Heptarchy
•Robert the Bruce
• the spread of Christianity
•Llywelyn and Dafydd ap Gruffydd
• key developments in the reigns of Alfred,
•the Hundred Years War
Athelstan, Cnut and Edward the Confessor
Life in 14th-century England, including:
Norman Conquest and Norman rule, including:
• the Domesday Book
•the Black Death
• feudalism
•the Peasants’ Revolt
• Norman culture
... all of this in four years!
The later Middle Ages and the early
modern period, including:
•Chaucer and the revival of learning
•Wycliffe’s Bible
•Caxton and the printing press
•the Wars of the Roses
•Warwick the Kingmaker
The Tudor period, including:
•religious strife and Reformation
•the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, and
Elizabeth I's reign and English
expansion, including:
•colonisation of the New World
•plantation of Ireland
•conflict with Spain
The Renaissance in England, including:
•the lives and works of individuals such as
Shakespeare and Marlowe
The Stuart period, including:
•the Union of the Crowns
• King versus Parliament
•Cromwell's commonwealth, the Levellers
and the Diggers
• the restoration of the monarchy
• the Great Plague and the Great Fire of
• Samuel Pepys and the establishment of
the Royal Navy
• the Glorious Revolution, constitutional
monarchy and the Union of the
We will be
maintaining all that is
good about our
New National Curriculum
Maths, English,
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
No change –
national tests
and reporting
will reflect ‘old’
New National Curriculum
Maths, English,
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
All National tests
will reflect the
new National
Life without levels
‘Assessment levels have now been removed and will not be replaced. Schools
have the freedom to develop their own means of assessing pupils’ progress
towards end of key stage expectations.’ DfE January 2014.
Formal assessments will be as follows:
a short reception baseline that will sit within the assessments that
teachers make of children during reception
a phonics check near the end of year 1
a teacher assessment at the end of key stage 1 in mathematics;
reading; and, writing, informed by pupils’ scores in externally-set but
internally-marked tests (writing will be partly informed by the
grammar, punctuation and spelling test); and teacher assessment of
speaking and listening and science
national tests at the end of key stage 2 in: mathematics; reading;
grammar, punctuation and spelling; and a teacher assessment of
mathematics, reading, writing, and science.
We are currently working with our cluster schools to adapt our
current assessment system so that it meets the needs of our
children and parents and enables us to track children’s
‘Schools need to be able to demonstrate how well their
students have learned and what progress they are making,
ensuring that they are on track to meet expectations and
taking action if individual pupils are falling behind.’
New National Curriculum has specific age related
expectations – From 2015 parents will be informed whether
their children meet these expectations; are above or below.
New SEND Code of Practice
• Focusing on young people from 0 – 25
• Clearer focus on views of parents, children and young people
and their participation in decision making
• Guidance on joint planning between education, health
services and social care
• Education Health and Care plans to replace statements
• Focus on providing support so that young people with special
needs have a successful transition to adulthood.
• Local Authorities must provide a ‘Local Offer’ setting out, in
one place, all available services and provision
At Locking Stumps we:
Provide quality teaching first!
Regular assessment identifies inadequate progress
Appropriate intervention
• Assess
• Plan (may involve specialist and other agencies)
• Do
• Review
• Education, Health and Care Plans
School Places:
• Rising birth-rate in the area means not enough school places
for children between the 3 schools in the area.
• Current admission number is 45
• Due to demand, Locking Stumps will be taking in 60 children
in September 2014. Local Authority increasing our admission
number to 60.
• Impact – extension to school – to be completed July 2015 for
opening in September 2015 when new classrooms will be
• Rolling programme but school will eventually return to single
age group classes.
“The LA intends to support expansion of the school to two
forms of entry with the appropriate level of capital
investment. That staff, pupils and other partners will be
involved in the design development process to ensure that
the school has the benefit of facilities that will enhance the
learning experience of all the children at the school.
Although an architect has not been appointed yet this will
be happening very soon as the intention is to have new
facilities available for September 2015.”
Challenging yet exciting times
However, please be assured that we are extremely confident
that the education of children at Locking Stumps will continue
to go from strength to strength.
Our talented staff and dedicated team of Governors are
certainly committed to making this happen.
We firmly believe that this is a superb school and will continue
to be so!