Evaluation of Key Stage 2 Progress READING Cohort no. Wansdyke PP National PP Wansdyke PP NOT SEN Wansdyke PP SEN Level 4 or above Achieved their expected progress across KS2 WRITING Exceeded their expected progress Cohort no. Level 4 or above Achieved their expected progress across KS2 MATHS Exceeded their expected progress Cohort no. Level 4 or above Achieved their expected progress across KS2 Exceeded their expected progress Evaluation of Key stage 1 Progress From Beginning of KS1 To End Of KS1 READING Cohort no. Level 2B or above Achieved their expected progress across KS1 WRITING Exceeded their expected progress across KS1 Cohort no. Level 2B or above Achieved their expected progress across KS1 MATHS Exceeded their expected progress across KS1 Cohort no. Level 2B or above Achieved their expected progress across KS1 Exceeded their expected progress across KS1 PP NOT SEN PP SEN Impact On The Progress Of Pupil Premium Children From KS1 to KS2 Number of PP non SEN at Wansdyke Reading Writing Maths Number of PP with SEN at Wansdyke Number of PP (inc SEN) achieving expected progress or above Number of non PP non SEN at Wansdyke Number of non PP with SEN at Wansdyke % of non PP achieving expected progress at Wansdyke or above % of non PP children with SEN making expected progress Pupil Premium is allocated in the financial year from April to April and amendments may be made throughout the year. Our current allocation is £57,300 Total amount of PPG received 2014-2015 £57,300 April to April Action/Strategy Cost Evaluation (How?) Impact Small group and individual intervention for pupils at risk of £37,000 Termly pupil progress As a result of the actions implemented at underachieving, these include: RAPID Writer intervention; a data Wansdyke; multisensory phonics intervention delivered to Early Years 100% of Key Stage 1 children entitled to and Year 1 children, and numeracy interventions such as End of term SATs pupil premium funding made good Numbers Count. progress and attained at least level 2 or A specialist teacher provides 2.5 days a week targeted above in reading, writing and maths. intervention as well as a qualified teacher who provides intervention for 2 days a week. 100% of PP children in Year 6 made good T.A. intervention to support the interventions put in place by progress and attained at least level 4 or the PP Intervention teacher above in reading, writing and maths. Year 3 and 4 PP children did not make the expected progress in some subjects (see below for priority areas for 2015-2016) Sandwell Numeracy Assessment 100% of children who had Numbers Count intervention attained a Level 2 in numeracy in the Key Stage 1 SATs A three term intensive numeracy intervention delivered to a targeted group in Y2 Included in the above cost Termly pupil progress data End of Key Stage SATs 100% of Pupil Premium children achieved above national average for numeracy A three term intensive phonics intervention delivered to a targeted group in Y1 Included in the above cost Termly pupil progress Letters and Sounds phonics assessments 100% of Pupil Premium children passed the Year 1 Phonics assessment out -performing the children not in receipt of pupil premium funding Learning enrichment activities- to help to raise self-esteem, promote the importance of working together as a team, to increase concentration levels and to encourage creativity. £11,000 My bespoke attitude survey for PP children and their class teachers completed before and after enrichment activity to assess the child’s confidence and accessibility to learning and their learning behaviour. Equality of opportunity-happier and more motivated children. Greater independence in class and greater self-esteem. Enriched life skills. Individual or paired tuition delivered to targeted children in Y6 to help support their needs before KS2 SATs £500 Key Stage 2 SATs ELSA groups to enable targeted children to become more self-aware and help children to become better learners £2,500 Termly pupil progress 100% of Pupil Premium children achieved Level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths, out-performing children not in receipt of pupil premium funding Children feel more secure in the school environment and are able to access learning more readily These activities include: an opportunity to be part of The Wansdyke Steel Band; a steel drum band that was formed primarily to include as many Pupil Premium pupils as possible Forest Schools in partnership with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Jack and Maddie's Cookery School course for upper Key Stage 2 children Greatwood Farm experiences Ceramic artist program Y6 Residential Instrumental lessons Circus Skills Workshop Parent Liaison Officer £420 Purchase of ‘PROJECT X ‘ a structured reading £900 comprehension intervention which aims to accelerate struggling readers progress, so that the children reach expected reading levels Administration/ buying of IPad for individual child/ replacing £5,000 broken steel drums Priority areas for 2015-16 Year 3 PP children did not make expected progress in reading, writing or maths last year so this is a priority Year 4 PP children did not make expected progress in reading or writing last year so this is a priority Termly pupil progress Termly pupil progress data Support has been provided for the PP children who were experiencing problems within school or at home. Our PSA has been available for the children and their families providing support so that the children are able to are access learning more readily This intervention will be implemented next year Actions I will plan numeracy and literacy lessons in line with what the class teacher is covering and I will teach these children in a quiet environment with little distractions. These will be small group interventions where I can focus on each child individually. I will increase the time I will see these children per week and liaise closely with the class teacher as to their progress. I have a parent who will hear these PP children read and assess their comprehension skills. I will implement ‘PROJECT X ‘ a structured reading comprehension intervention programme which aims to accelerate struggling readers progress, so that the children reach expected reading levels I will plan numeracy and literacy lessons in line with what the class teacher is covering and I will teach these children in a quiet environment with little distractions. These will be small group interventions where I can focus on each child individually. I will increase the time I will see these children per week and liaise closely with the class teacher as to their progress. I have a parent who will hear these PP children read and assess their comprehension skills. I will teach comprehension skills to these children so that they can fully engage in the reading process and help them to explore and make sense of a range of texts The school’s evaluation of its own performance is rigorous. Tracking of progress over time for each pupil is thorough, ensuring that we quickly identify any dips and develop strategies and interventions to promote improvement. •A wide range of data is used –achievement data, pupils’ work, observations, learning walks, attitude surveys, and staff, parent and pupil voice •Assessment data is collected termly so that the impact of interventions can be monitored regularly Interventions are reviewed if they are not working •Regular feedback about performance is given to children and parents •Raise Online, LEA analysis and whole school data to evaluate impact in terms of attainment and progress •Attitude surveys from the pupil and teacher are used to evaluate the impact of pastoral interventions, such as ceramics