MTSS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support at Winkler Middle School DR. MARY BETH ROTH- PRINCIPAL MICHAEL WILLIAMS, AP JENNIFER WARD- SCHOOL COUNSELOR, RTI CHAIR KAREN HOLLAR – MTSS COORDINATOR Multi-Tiered Systems of Support MTSS PBIS RTI Interventions Interventions Behavioral Academic Supports Supports MTSS Essential Questions 1. Who does MTSS target? 2. How do the MTSS tiers function? 3. What are the essential components of a successful framework? Winkler Wolves: Who are we? Current students enrolled: 995 Certified staff members: 65 4% 2013 Student Diversity: 22% White 55% 19% Black Hispanic Other Additionally, of our 995 students… •50% Economically Disadvantaged •10% LEP (Limited English Proficiency) •12% EC (Exceptional Children) •17% AIG The Beginning: MTSS & Winkler Winkler opened in 2011 as one of six secondary (3 middle, 3 high) RTI pilot schools in North Carolina. Responsiveness to Instruction is our multi-tiered framework designed to meet students’ academic and behavioral needs through the use of instruction, assessment, and intervention. Our goal is to increase achievement and growth for all students. NCDPI Definition of RtI: “NC Responsiveness to Instruction (NCRtI) is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, high quality instruction by using a team approach to guide educational practices, using a problem solving model based on data to address student needs and maximize growth for all.” Essential Components Our framework functions through the use of: •Quality, researched-based core instruction •A team-based approach •Benchmarking (school-wide) •Data-based decision making/problem solving •Researched-based interventions (academic and behavioral) •Progress/strategic monitoring Multi-Tiered Framework Tier III: Intensive Support CLC (5% of students) (academic support) Tier II: Supplemental Support & (15% of students) PBIS Tier I: Differentiated Core (behavioral support) “CORE PLUS-PLUS” (80% of students) “CORE PLUS” “CORE” Winkler’s Multi-Tiered System of Support CLC* (Content Literacy Continuum) PBIS* (Positive Behavior Intervention & Support) 3 ~TIPS (Problem Solving Team) --------------- ~Xtreme Reading Strategies State/County Initiatives ~ST Math ~Second Step Program ~Attendance Monitoring ~Check-in/Check-out ~Math Skills Plus/Corrective Reading 2 1 -------------------------------- ~Content Enhancement Routines & Embedded Strategies ~PBIS “Leveling Up” ~Reader’s-Writer’s Workshop ~Common Core State Standards ~Content Essential State Standards Data-Based Decision making Discovery Education Benchmarking MSLs EOGs Exams Informal classroom assessments Attendance PBIS Data (MIRs)/Office referrals Grades TIER 2 AND TIER 3 All Core data, plus… CORE TOSCRF (reading assessment) AIMSweb Strategic monitoring (math & reading) 6th grade and EC ESL Discovery Ed Diagnostic Tool Reading Assessments Check-in, Check-out Data Program-based assessments Tier 1: CORE Core = ALL students (EC, ESL, Low SES…ALL) Core instruction should meet the needs of approximately 80% of students All students receive quality, engaging, standards-based core instruction. Student success is evaluated through the use of formal and informal assessments. 6th Grade Piloting Standards Based Grading CLC Content Enhancement Routines to increase student understanding and content/concept organization. PBIS is used across all settings to establish and promote consistent school-wide behavioral expectations. Grade-level teams review students’ academic and behavioral data weekly MTSS Coach works with team to review data and determine core interventions for students of concern. Turn and Talk How does your school ensure that Core Instruction is Quality? Core: CLC Content Enhancement Routines Tier 2: “Core Plus” Tier 2 is designed for students who are not making adequate progress in core (approximately 15% of students) See Tier 1 and 2 process on next slide. Tier 2: “Core Plus” Winkler’s Tier 2 Interventions: Reading Strategies course (Xtreme Reading) Corrective Reading Push-in math interventions Small group math pull-out interventions ST Math Check-in, Check-out Targeted Behavior Groups Tier 3: “Core Plus-Plus” Tier 3 is the most intensive level of support designed for students with limited progress in Tier 2 1. Students not responding to Tier 2 interventions are referred back to grade level team (Team Initiated Problem Solving) Specialists are included in Tier 3 meetings. 2. Team gathers all data needed to create a “roadmap” for an individual student in order to examine deficits and needs 3. Team determines appropriate research-based intervention to target significant deficits (including who will provide the intervention) 4. Student’s response to Tier 3 intervention is monitored closely and frequently Winkler’s Tier 3 interventions are one-on-one, intensive, and extremely skill-specific Recommendations for Implementation Success District and Administrative building-level support Staff understanding (the WHY and HOW) and buy-in Continuous staff support and Professional Development RTI/PBIS Chair(s) & strong functioning teams (meet regularly) Identify, know, and utilize multiple data sources Start from the bottom and build up Where we started…2011 •New school with varying philosophies and varying knowledge of RtI •RtI Committee •Began CLC training with interested teachers •Data analysis •Quarterly data presentations to teachers •AIMS Web testing •Tier II support occurred in classsroom setting (replaced an elective) •PLC’s in place at various levels of functioning 2012-2013 Administrative change RtI Committee changes Attempt to use Early Warning System instead of AIMS Web testing Began implementation of PBIS Began implementation of Xtreme Reading Began utilizing math Tier II position as a “push in” position All teachers were trained in CLC Organizer and FRAME routines Continued data analysis PLC expectations were clearly outlined 2013-2014 Strong PBIS, RtI, and CLC Committees and subcommittees which analyze data and determine next steps Revisions to PBIS Began Check-in/Check-out (CICO) All staff were trained on RtI at the first staff meeting of the year Use RtI Implementation Roadmap to drive RtI Implementation Small committee formed to begin merging RtI and PBIS for 2014-2015 school year Continued CLC training for staff Continued Xtreme Reading Added ST Math Strong PLC implementation (overall) and support; identification of PLC’s in need of assistance School-wide beliefs activities April 2014 RtI Grading Subcommittee sued the following activity to determine “Grading Best Practices” for next year. The goal of this is to align student data (will do vs. won’t do, Level IV on EOG vs. 60 in class, Level I on EOG vs. 93 in class, etc.) What Do You Believe About Grading? Put a check mark beside those statements that you agree with and an “X” beside the statements with which you disagree. 1. Grades should reflect achievement of intended learning outcomes-whether the school is using a conventional, subject-based report card or a report card that represents these intended learning outcomes as standards. 2. The primary audiences for the message conveyed in grades are students and their parents; grading policies should aim to give them useful, timely, actionable information. Teachers, administrators and other educators are secondary audiences. 3. Grades should reflect a particular student’s individual achievement. Group and cooperative skills are important, but they should be reflected elsewhere, not in an individual’s academic grade. 4. Grading policies should be set up to support student motivation to learn. A student should never reach a place where there is no point doing any more work because failure in inevitable. Next Steps… RtI/PBIS Professional Development Committee is utilizing the Implementation Roadmap to create a Professional Development Plan for new hires and current faculty. This will most likely involve support through PLC’s. PBIS team is working on revising current practices as needed and including culturally responsiveness training RtI chairs and PBIS chairs collaborate with administration to form a “Multi-tiered System of Support.” Intervention Period on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2014-2015 Standards Based Grading Ticket Out the Door Contact Information Dr. Mary Beth Roth Principal 704-786-2000 Michael Williams Assistant Principal 704-786-2000 x5228 Jennifer Ward School Counselor, RTI Chair 704-786-2000 x5238 Karen Hollar MTSS Coordinator/Coach 704-786-2000