PPT-Online Fee Collection-By DC(KVS)

Rajesh Yadav
Indian Cost Accounts Service
CA, CS & PGPPM from IIM Bangalore
Deputy Commissioner (Finance)
Challenges make life interesting and
With faith, discipline and selfless
devotion to duty, there is nothing
worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
Total no
no of
of KVs
KVs (Delhi
Total student
student in
in five
five KVs
Student exempted
exempted from
from fee
on account
account of
Fee due
due from
from student
Deposit of
of fee
fee –Online
(including Mobile
Mobile banking)
Deposit of
of fee-Off
fee-Off line
Total students deposited
fee online/offline(including
In second phase:Five KVs each Region will collect fee for the
quarter January- March, 2015.
In third phase:Approx 800 KVs of all Regions (within proximity
of UBI Branches) will collect fee for the quarter
April- June,2015.
In fourth phase:It is proposed to cover all KVs for the quarter
July-Sep,2015 subject to feasibility of banking
The matter of online and off line fee
collection through Union bank of India and
transfer of surplus into deposit by opening of
Saving Flexi account with Union Bank of India
has been approved by the Finance Committee
in its meeting held on 28th November, 2014.
The above proposal of KVS was approved by
Board of Governors in its meeting held on
10th December, 2014.
The illiterate of the 21st
century will not be those
who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn,
Alvin Toffler.
Productive time of teaching/ non teaching
staff may not be wasted in collection of fee.
Effective utilization of spare funds.
Effective monitoring for release of funds.
Reconciliation/accounting issue to resolved.
Availability of Academic information on real
time basis.
Ease in deposit of fee to Parents.
Students more tech savvy.
EOI floated on 30th January, 14.
Eight public sector banks
BOB,Allahabad,Vijaya and BOI).
U.B.I. and S.B.I. technically qualified.
U.B.I. emerged as L-1 in financial bid.
U.B.I. conveyed its acceptance in May,14.
Pilot project launched to collect fee from five
KV of Delhi Region for quarter Oct-Dec, 14.
No single paisa investment on part of KVS.
No recurring charges payable by KVS.
Development of complete IT solution by UBI.
Server and hardware by UBI(POS).
Bills desk and SMS charges borne by UBI.
No fee collection charges (except credit card).
Interlinking of bank account facilitate position
of funds and transfer of funds.
Spare funds to generate interest.
Suitable training/guidance to KVS staff.
A 15 digit UID to each student.
UID generated by the system
Same UID cannot be generated.
UID remain valid till student remain in same
UID to be deleted subsequent to issue of TC.
New UID to be allotted by new KV/shift.
System has check and balance.
UID crucial for collection of fee
Authentic student data to be fed online.
Authenticity of data is crucial for MIS.
Data to be utilized for different purposes
including reply to Parliament question.
Incorrect data can be altered at first/second
The complete data needs to be cross checked
by class teacher before 1st verification .
Each class teacher to sign data sheet and
same to be kept in record by Principal.
Fee will be computed by system
Fee structure detail available under ‘Academic” on
KVS Hqr website.
Exemption is given under Fee structure.
Sibling exemption not mentioned under Fee
structure but same is admissible in terms of
Education/Accounts Code.
Applicability of Computer Fund and CS/I.P feeclarification dated 28.8.2014 may be seen under
‘Circular’ head under sub head ‘Accounts’.
Lib fine, Other (S.F) & VVN are optional columns.
In case of fee reimbursement is admissible
to parents then complete fee is applicable.
The complete information of all students of a
school to be uploaded by respective school on
the UBI Portal latest by 30th of preceding month
for which quarterly fee to be collected.
Class wise copy of fee challan generated through
UBI web portal to be printed by respective class
teacher and to be distributed to student.
After establishing of system, student will be
asked to take out print directly from UBI portal.
A message will be sent on the mobile no. of
student/parent about fee due for the next qtr.
Fee to be collected by bank from 1-15th of fee
collection month in terms of Education Code
without fine.
Late payment fine will be applicable from 16th
onwards(Rs 10/5 as the case may be).
Only quarterly fee will be collected.
No advance/monthly fee to be collected.
Fee will be collected by bank during the month of
April, July, October and January.
Foot notes on fee challan facilitates different
mode of fee payment.
Fee Receipt will be given on UBI Portal/E mail.
Mode of Deposit:-Online as well as off line.
1. The fee can be deposited offline by the
student/Parent at any 4000 (approx) bank branch
of Union Bank of India.
Fee can be deposited online by the student
through following modes:2 Any bank Internet banking,
3 Any bank Debit card,
4 Any Credit card,
5 Any bank’s mobile banking.
Cheque has been debarred as mode of payment
due to reconciliation issues.
 No
additional charge/fee
except credit card@1.5%.
 No additional charge/fee
payable by KVS.
Teacher Domain.
Student Detail, Fee Challan, Fee Receipt report,
Fee not receipt report & fee Exemption report.
School Domain:Admission category, Category, RTE, SG,PH,
Boy/Girl, Minority, quarterly fee collection report,
annual fee collection report, fee exemption
report, VVN and Computer fund collection report.
Region level report:
No of KV, shift wise detail, type of kv, Annual/
quarterly fee collection, VVN collection and
bifurcation, computer fund, transfer to VVN share
to RO, Hqr etc.
Feeding of correct data into system.
Feeding of data is only a one time affair.
Verification of data at 1st stage.
Generation of fee challan & distribution to students.
Convincing parents and students about new system.
Deleting of unwarranted records on issuance of TC.
Student data to be entered at the time of admission.
Previous data to be carried forward suo moto.
Data to be changed only if some facts of student go
change i.e Section, Exemption etc.
Password to be guarded.
A training program for all class teachers.
Monitoring feeding of data by class teacher from time to time.
Allotment and Re allotment of password to class teachers.
Deletion of unwarranted record.
Undertaking cross verification of sample student data.
Collection of data sheet class wise.
2nd verification of data.
On line feeding of student data to be completed by 28th February,15.
1st verification/2nd verification to be over by 10th March & by 15th
Distribution of fee challan on direction by KVS Hqr.
Correction if any in fee challan to be over by 25th March.
Issuance of circular and convincing parents regarding switch over to
new system to Parents from time to time.
Coordinate with all Kendriya Vidyalayas.
Allocation of Master trainer to KVs
Monitoring KV wise feeding of data.
Resolve issue at Kv level:Technical aspects to be referred to UBI
Bombay & Fee structure/Policy clarification if
any may please be forward to undersigned.
To attend PTM and convince the parents
about new system.
Every school as well as R.O. has to open two
Saving bank Flexi account with UBI.
Funds are at disposal of Principal/RO.
Funds can be withdrawn on requirement.
Spare funds to be converted into deposit.
All bank accounts to be interlinked.
RO will have access right for KV bank accounts.
Hqrs will have the access right for school as
well RO account.
Interlinking will facilitate timely release of
money as per requirement of KV.
Minimum balance of Rs 50000/- and it will
generate rate of saving bank interest.
Surplus money above Rs 50000/-will be
converted into deposits of Rs 50000/-.
Deposit will earn interest as in force from time to
time as mentioned on UBI site and directly linked
to period under which fund remain with bank.
No pre mature penalty.
LIFO to be followed for with drawl of deposit
Deposit will be for a period of one year.
Deposit to be renewed automatically.
No TDS to be deducted by bank being KVS co-op
society .
Teacher productive time will be saved and they will
be able to concentrate on studies.
No addition fee/charge payable by students/ KVS.
Same fee as applicable earlier was payable.
Risk prevailing in collection of fee will be eliminated.
Spare Funds will generate interest
Fee can be deposited through five modes.
Fee can be deposited till 15th of fee collection month
instead of 10th .
Fee can be deposited in any of 4000 branches of UBI.
Fee challan convey complete detail for online/offline.
Fee challan/fee receipt can be retrieved from system.
 Is
it is a pace setting exercise?
 Are we ready to accept this
 If yes, then never say “no” to
any type of cooperation/
 guidance/work
sought by
your colleague/parents and
supervising official.
 Mission
is achievable with
your value able suggestion
and Co-operation.
 It will enable us to build a
robust system in the overall
interest of Organization.