How the Equality principle is incorporated in EU Structural

How the Equality principle is
incorporated in EU Structural Funds
Equality Training Workshop
Dublin 17th February 2011
Legal Basis
(Art. 16 of Structural Fund Regulations)
• The Member States and the Commission shall
ensure that equality between men and women and
the integration of the gender perspective is
• ....shall take appropriate steps to prevent
discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic
origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual
• ...accessibility shall be one of the criteria to be
Programme Focus 2007-13
• The ERDF co-financed Regional Operational Programmes
2007-13 focus on:
– Research, Innovation, ICT and Entrepreneurship
– Environmental Protection and Renewable Energy
– Urban Development and Secondary Transport
• The EU co-funded programmes represent less than 2% of
planned public investment as set out in the NDP 2007-13
Putting Equality Principles into Practice
Operational Programme texts include a chapter on equality
and environmental sustainability – setting out existing
policy approaches and legislation
Horizontal interests consulted during programme
preparation in accordance with partnership principle
Meetings held with specialist units to agree overall
approach to integration of horizontal principles
Four ‘horizontal’ principles identified in Regional OPs:
Environmental sustainability
Gender Equality
Social Inclusion
Broad Equality/Non-discrimination
Putting Equality Principles into Practice
Implementation Plans
• Separate section in each Implementation plan on
prioritised horizontal principles – subject to approval
of the Monitoring Committee
• Guidance documents prepared by specialist units,
e.g., Equality Authority, Combat Poverty Agency.
Guidance on integration, monitoring, project
selection, indicators
• Inclusion of appropriate horizontal principle
indicators in performance indicator tables, e.g.,
gender data on participants
Implementation Plans
This text could specify commitments in relation to:
inclusion of the principle as a specific objective of the intervention/theme;
inclusion of the principle in project selection criteria
capturing of horizontal impacts via performance indicators
undertaking impact assessments to ensure that the needs of different groups (e.g.,
men/women) will be met
engaging with specialist units to develop best practise
consultation with client groups
ring-fencing of specific budgets to support pro-active measures
inclusion of the principle in evaluations and reviews
inclusion of horizontal representatives on selection/advisory committees on a
partnership basis
enhancement of expertise within the Intermediary/Beneficiary body in relation to the
promoting equality of access and removing barriers to participation (gender,
equality, social inclusion)
steps that will be taken to ensure that the proposed intervention complies with EU and
national legislation and public policy in relation to the principle e.g., access for people
with disabilities
Putting Equality Principles into Practice
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring Committee includes representatives of the 4 horizontal
Progress Reports for all measures include report on prioritised
horizontal principles
Review of horizontal principle reports by Managing Authority staff
and specialist units
Separate item on the Monitoring Committee meeting agenda
Overall mid-term evaluation included an evaluation of horizontal
principle integration and reporting
Checklist for certifying EU-eligible expenditures includes a check on
compliance with equality and environmental legislation
Administrative Agreement in place with each Department includes
obligation to comply with reporting requirements
Putting Equality Principles into Practice
EU-level Reporting and Review
• Treatment of horizontal principles included in Annual
Implementation Report to EU Commission
• Reviewed at Annual Review Meeting (Brussels)
• Ireland selected as case study for EU-wide study into
integration of equality principles (2009)
• Ireland selected for case study on accessibility for
disabled persons (2011)
Mid-Term Evaluation - overall comments of
•Level of reporting is mixed ranging from poor to comprehensive
•Not always a clear and logical link between the intervention and its
potential impact on the principle
•Reporting template not always followed
•Many reports are clear on what is being done, but less clear on the
outcome/contribution to promoting the principle
•Repetition of material from the progress reports in some cases
•Limited physical progress in some themes
The Evaluation reflects the views
of the Horizontal Units
• Overall poor reporting
• Incomplete templates
• Lack of understanding of the principle and
what is required
• Absence of indicators
• Further assistance needed
• Managing Authority to provide training and/or
have greater involvement
• Steps should be taken by the Regional Assembly as Managing Authority in
consultation with relevant Departments to specify more clearly what is
expected in Horizontal Principle Reports.
• Departments and agencies responsible for the implementation of themes
should ensure that the content of their horizontal report is focused on the
contribution the theme is making to the relevant horizontal principle.
Repetition of the progress report does not make for good horizontal
principle reporting.
• Performance Indicators for horizontal principles are the exception and
need to be developed.
Putting Equality Principles into Practice
Micro-enterprise (CEBs)
All initiatives must comply with equality legislation
Latent entrepreneurial potential among minority groups
to be explored e.g. Ethnic entrepreneurship programmes
Pro-actively enhance female entrepreneurship levels and
track this within each board (gender disaggregated data)
Positive interventions such as women in business
networks and tailored training
Equality principles explicit in objectives and in project
selection processes
Gender disaggregated reporting
Contact Details
BMW Regional Assembly
The Square
Co. Roscommon
Tel. (353) 094 9862970
Fax. (353) 094 9862973