GENDER ISSUES GENDER ISSUES ENDURING UNDERSTANDING #1 Historically, there has been much gender discrimination against women 1. Why does gender discrimination exist? 2. Who fought for gender equality, how and why? ENDURING UNDERSTANDING #2 Efforts have been made to correct this and to bring greater gender equality to women 3. What are some of the milestones achieved? ENDURING UNDERSTANDING #3 Yet, inequality still exists as cultural bias is difficult to eliminate completely 4. What are some of the limitations and challenges faced? 5. Are there costs to having gender equality? Past year questions (Direct) Paper 1 1. ‘Women will never enjoy the same rights as men.’ Do you agree? (2006) 2. History records male acts, written by males, and holds little interest for females as a result.’ Is this a fair comment? (2009) 3. ‘The world would be a better place if more political leaders were women.’ What is your view? (2013) Paper 2 (2007) ‘The Gender Revolution’ by Chan Wai Leong Past year questions (Indirect) 1. Many developed countries are paying increasing attention to the needs of the disadvantaged. How far is this true of Singapore? (2008) 2. Is the elimination of global poverty a realistic aim? (2009) 3. Consider the view that most work these days could, and should, be done from home. (2010) Past year questions? (Indirect) 4. Can prejudice ever be eliminated? (2011) 5. Should people be allowed to have children by artificial means? (2012) 6. Is violence ever justified? (2012) 7. In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (2012) Why does gender discrimination exist? 1. Nature / Biology 2. Nurture or social conditioning 3. Gender roles & responsibilities 4. Religious beliefs & teachings 5. Patriarchal culture 6. Primogeniture 7. Political / organizational structure 8. Education 9. Work 10. Money Who fought for gender equality, how and why? • Both men & women. Some fought first to abolish slavery. • Feminism- Ideology & organized movement of campaigns & advocacy for political, economic and social equality for women. • Feminist- Advocate / supporter of rights & equality.