Across boundaries panel PCA

Ethnotherapy & Art therapy:
Healing circles for recovery after
post traumatic experience of Haïti’s
PANEL, JUNE 8, 2010
Presenté par :
Pascale C. Annoual, M.A.
Art thérapeute et consultante en ethnothérapie
Directrice; Arts, Racines & Therapies (A.R.T.S.)
To present how beneficiaries, clinicians, and
counsellors were brought to reflect and express
their concerns, emotions and feelings since the
earthquake in Haiti, using art modalities, literature
review and small group discussions in a safe and
secure setting provided by ethnotherapy approach.
Present some findings: how traditional know-how,
community cultural values were integrated in
spiritual and holistic health care.
Vignettes and images to illustrate the Haitians’
response and coping mechanisms to such a
traumatic event.
The earthquake and after shocks shook Port-au-Prince on
January 12 2010, leaving nearly 300,000 people dead and
material damage evaluated in billions $. This was the unset
for unprecedented response around the globe, and not the
least amongst health practitioners.
The theoretical framework of ethnotherapy attempts to
create a space and time for dialogue on how to bridge the
various intervention knowledge from one community to the
Haitian community.
In terms of cultural competence, a critical approach to
humanitarian aid is important. It needs to be constant and
unwavering at all levels of intervention from personal
involvement, to professional interaction, to institutional
Capacity building, even with the best intention can be
ineffective or damaging if it does not adopt an
authentic intercultural approach, if it does not
constantly take into account the historical, political
and cultural context of the assistance process.
"Capacity Bridging" will help those involved in crosscultural humanitarian aid pause and examine if their
action recognizes the pre-existing human capacity and
know how. Then can their action add to that base,
validating it with respect and dignity of the people.
Ethnotherapy requires much time
devoted to learn about the historic,
sociological and cultural context
prior to intervention .
Art therapy in community
event setting:
Workshops to
Sources of individual’s distress (PSTD, acute stress,
grieving, depression, anxiety, desperation, etc.).
Help find meaning in the sadness and giving it a
constructive sense.
Recovery of the capacity to include sacred rituals and
ceremonies which are significant in these life
Rediscover individual’s coping mechanisms and
increase self esteem, self confidence and sense of
courage to face challenges.
Workshops to
address: (c o n t i nue d)
Help understand the psychological effects (cognitive
aspect) while remaining within the humanist and
holistic framework.
Work with respect to differences of one another’s
needs, rhythms, know how, knowledge pre and post
Working with confidentiality concept while
exchanging clinical information when this is judged
Develop non verbal communication/ insight/
verbalization of ideas, feelings and emotions
supported by artistic expression.
Profile of
Variations in educational and professional backgrounds, in
immigration status and socio economic bracket:
Workers, staff, volunteers and clinicians that are
themselves members of the Haitian community;
Workers, volunteers and clinicians who are not yet familiar
with the Haitian historical, political or cultural context;
Haitian-Canadians, awaiting news and hosting family
People who were in P-a-P and survived the earthquake
and have come to Canada;
Demographics to be
considered in the group
Time taken to share a meal
after clinical workshop
Multilingual groups: Francophones, Creolophones
Anglophones and illiterate.
Intergenerational groups: including all ages from
babies to children, youth, parents, pregnant women,
Interfaith groups: including various faith, spirituality
and religious practices such as: Catholics, Protestants,
Vodoun practitioners, Evangelical converts, etc.
Personally gage of how much
to share in a group.
Mother-daughter beaded
Observed or reported
symptoms and conditions:
Due to the earthquake experienced within the immigration context:
Generalized anxiety, complication of grieving process, feeling choc
at multiple and successive announcements of death, feeling utterly
helpless, deceptions regarding rejection of applications for bringing
over “extended” family.
For the survivors arriving from Haiti; the stress of adaptation to a
new country, new living conditions, new school, non recognition of
prior work experience or diploma, general cultural choc.
For survivors who directly witnessed the devastation;, retroactive
terror («I could of died on that day»), survival guilt (“I should of
died, not my mother”) and retroactive shame (“I was not able to
save them”).
Observed or reported
symptoms and conditions:
Ensuing complications due to physical trauma and
psychological choc: lost of limbs, depression, and onset
of diabetes, sudden death or suicide ideation.
Exposure to displaced person conditions: rape, physical
violence, increased alcoholism or other maladaptive
coping mechanisms.
Signs of acute stress were evident in the decrease of
appetite, lack of sleep, nervousness, difficulty focusing,
forgetfulness, difficulty working or other dysfunctions.
Observed or reported
symptoms and conditions:
Those can turn into symptoms of PSTD if they
persisted or worsened over 3 months.
Feeling that the ground is still shaking; fear of loud
noises, claustrophobia, nightmares, flash backs.
Risk of role reversal amongst parent and children who
have immigrated abruptly: children feel they should
rescue the parent who seems overwhelmed
Triggering of unresolved past grief, losses,
separations, feeling abandoned or rejected (this event
rendered more complex or unearthed anterior
mourning). This holds true for all categories.
Art materials and
selected techniques:
collective mural of
pins & buttons,
4 colour paintings,
postal cards by
mix media, etc…
Coup de coeur
a collective quilt/mural to commemorate and
honour the life & work of feminists who died
during the earthquake.