
November 19
Notes: 22.3- Hoover Responds
Video Clip: Hoover Presidency
22.3 Guided Reading Q’s
22.3 Vocabulary
***Ch. 22 Quiz Thursday***
Hoover Responds
Chapter 22
Section 3
Hoover’s Response
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Gave public speeches about optimism.
Lowered taxes
Public Works Projects: Government financed building projects.
Helped some but are expensive.
Can’t raise taxes during depression or borrow money from banks- both
would hurt private sector.
Hoover asked wealthy to donate to charities.
Created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Government
loans money to banks & businesses ($238 million)
Mainly, Hoover believed in state and city relief (money directly to
poor) instead of from federal government.
In an Angry Mood
Hunger Marches: Organized by American Communist Party to take
advantage of struggles to change government.
Dec., 1932: 1,200 gathered in D.C. chanting “feed the hungry, tax the rich.”
Farmers Revolt: Many farmers began destroying their crops to raise prices by
reducing supply.
Bonus Army
1924: Congress promises veterans of WWI a $1,000
bonus paid in 1945.
Veterans protested in 1931 saying they need early
Congress passed a bill to provide early payment but
Hoover vetoed.
The “Bonus Army” marched on Washington to
protest (20,000.)