Dear Jogivers,
Wij have started onz scouts year well and from yearlijkse gewounte, it is in the month of October time for thé awesome takweek- end !!
So you can reath it isn't just a week-end, no it is nooot! We go up U.S.A. week-end , hell yeah! So kome as a real AMERICAN up week-end. Be creatief!!
Our week-end go door in the scoutslokalen of Wechelderzande, Kerkepad 35,
2275 Lille
You will be verwacht Vrijday 24-10-2014 at 19u30 at the localen of Wechelderzande. Yullie mommies and daddies komen yullie back oppikken
Sunday 26-10-2014 at 12u00 in Wechelderzande.
Because you know elkaar you can do some carpool . Obama also would say: yes, you can!
The kostprice of the week-end will be 25 euro .
This bedrag will be afgegeven bij arrival cash samen with the paspoort.
!!!!!! When you want to join us you have tot stuur a e-mail to:
What bring we mee?
(Warm) Kledij: pants, sweater, t-shirts, undergoed
& soks
Reserve clothes
Stevige schoes
Perfect uniform -> wear tis bij arrival
Toiletgerief: toothborstel, toothpasta, washand, borstel, ...
Bord, bestek & beker
U.S.A. verkleedclothes
Sleepclothes + teddybear
Matje, slaapbag & pillow
25 euro
Eventuele medicatie
Do not bring mee:
Food & drinks
Alarm klock
Other waardevol stuff
See you soon!!
Greetings and kisses,
The Leiding
Maarten Teresa Joren
Marjan Christof