Privacy-Preserving Universal Authentication Protocol for Wireless Communications Daojing He, Jiajun Bu, Sammy Chan, Chun Chen and Mingjian Yin IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS,VOL. 10, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2011 Outline Introduction Method : Priauth Scheme Conclusion Introduction Seamless roaming over wireless networks is Highly desirable to mobile users, and security such as authentication of mobile users is challenging. In this paper, we propose a privacypreserving universal authentication protocol, called “Priauth”. Introduction A typical roaming scenario involves three parties: Roaming user Visiting foreign server home server 𝐻 U V H Introduction A privacy-preserving user authentication scheme should satisfy the following requirements: 1.Server Authentication 2. Subscription Validation 3. Provision of user revocation mechanism Introduction 4. Key establishment 5. User anonymity 6. User untraceablility Outline Introduction Method : Priauth Scheme Conclusion Method : Priauth The method is the use of basic group signature. Group signature KEYGEN(N,T): a master public key 𝑚𝑝𝑘 secret keys𝑢𝑠𝑘[𝑖] The revocation token of member i at interval j is urt[i][ j]=Bij Method : Priauth REVOKE ( RLj , urt[i][ j] ) :If i is revoked at time interval j , then RLj ← RLj ∪{ Bij }. SIGN ( mpk , j , usk[i],M) = σ VERIFY ( mpk , j , RLj ,σ , M) Method : Priauth Each server manages a group of subscribers, and each subscriber could be a roaming user. Each server also has a signing/verification key pair (𝑠𝑘, 𝑝𝑘) of a conventional digital signature method Method : Priauth Outline Introduction Method : Priauth Scheme Conclusion Scheme Outline Introduction Method : Priauth Scheme Conclusion Conclusion In this paper, we have proposed a novel protocol to achieve privacy-preserving universal authentication for wireless communications.