Studiefiche Vanaf academiejaar 2014-2015 Summer Course (E901177) Cursusomvang (nominale waarden; effectieve waarden kunnen verschillen per opleiding) Studiepunten 3.0 Studietijd 90.0 u Contacturen 15.0 u Aanbodsessies in academiejaar 2015-2016 A (semester 2) Lesgevers in academiejaar 2015-2016 Ottevaere, Heidi VUB Verantwoordelijk lesgever Aangeboden in onderstaande opleidingen in 2015-2016 European Master of Science in Photonics Master of Science in de ingenieurswetenschappen: fotonica Master of Science in Photonics Engineering stptn 3 3 3 aanbodsessie A A A Onderwijstalen Engels Trefwoorden Photonics Summer Course. Situering Objectives are to train transferrable skills such as writing and presentation skills and to learn about hot topics in Photonics. Inhoud • Lectures on photonics by invited experts. • Presentations of master thesis of 2nd year students. • Solution of practical problems, assigned during the summer school. • Reporting (oral and written) on a project assigned during the academic year. Begincompetenties Eindcompetenties Subject Mastery To provide training in innovation, and commercialisation.. To provide skills in the presentation and communication of information.. To provide operation of industry R&D in Photonics Personal Abilities 1. Ability to undertake critical review of the development of various topics in Photonics 2. Advanced written and communication skill 3. Ability to work in a group Creditcontractvoorwaarde Dit opleidingsonderdeel kan niet via creditcontract gevolgd worden Examencontractvoorwaarde Dit opleidingsonderdeel kan niet via examencontract gevolgd worden Didactische werkvormen Werkcollege Leermateriaal Course literature will be determined together with the topics. (Goedgekeurd) 1 Participation to the summer course is free of charge for all students. Students registered for the European Master of Science in Photonics will have accomodation and meals provided (through their tuition fee); all other students do have to pay their own meals, transport and housing. Referenties Vakinhoudelijke studiebegeleiding Evaluatiemomenten niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Evaluatievormen bij periodegebonden evaluatie in de eerste examenperiode Evaluatievormen bij periodegebonden evaluatie in de tweede examenperiode Evaluatievormen bij niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Mondeling examen Tweede examenkans in geval van niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Examen in de tweede examenperiode is enkel mogelijk in gewijzigde vorm Toelichtingen bij de evaluatievormen Attendance to all lectures is compulsory to pass the summer course. In case of a resit, an oral examination identical to the one of the summer school will be organised. If a student is absent with a valid reason (legal medical or equivalent), a collection of all presentations and recordings will be given to the student so that he/she can study those at home and an oral exam will be organized during the resit period (identical to the one at the summer school). Eindscoreberekening (Goedgekeurd) 2